Phone Call Help

Instructions on how to call phone numbers in Korea


Base to Base: Dial the 7 digit DSN # (Korea, Japan, Hawaii)

Commercial CONUS: Dial 99-0011-area code-7 digit #

Cellular: Dial 99- then 10 or 11 digit #

CONUS DSN: Dial 312- 7 digit DSN #

Operator Assistance: Dial 0

Directory Assistance: Dial 113


From a cell phone to U.S: 00700-1-(AREA CODE)-XXX-XXXX

From a cell phone to Okinawa DSN: 00700-81-611-7XX-XXXX

From a cell phone to Japan: 00700-81-XX-XXXX-XXXX

From Japan Cell phone to Korea DSN: 99-0061-82-11-XXX-XXXX (For Japanese cell phone numbers, drop leading zero.)

From a DSN phone to a cell phone dial: 99-CELL PHONE #

From a cell phone to a cell phone dial: THE CELL PHONE #

From a cell phone to Seoul DSN dial: 02-791X-XXXX or 0505-XXX-XXXX.

From a cell phone to Seoul Commercial: 02-XXXX-XXXX

From a cell phone to Osan DSN # dial: 031-661-XXXX

From the U.S. to DSN in SEOUL dial: 011-822-791X-XXXX

From the U.S. to commercial Seoul #: 011-822-XXX-XXXX

From the U.S. to a cell phone dial: 011-82-XX-XXXX-XXXX (drop leading zero from cell phone number)

Example: To dial from the US to a cell phone in Korea where the Korean cell phone number is “010-6383-5302”: 011-82-10-6383-5302


  • American mobile phones do not work in Korea. There are some cell phones that may be converted to use back in the US. Buy a used cell phone from someone who is leaving or at one of the many stores outside the walk-through gate. New cell phones may be purchased at the shops in the PX, USO or off-post. Make sure the model you purchase has an English display option.
  • Cell phone belong to their own network (011, 016, 019, etc), so you must always us the prefix or area code when calling to or from a cell phone.
  • To use the phone, buy pre-paid calling cards at phone purchase locations, minimum 10,000₩, which is good for 30 days. Any amount remaining at the end of that period will expire unless more time is purchased for the phone. The remaining balace will then roll over and be added to the new purchase. If the phone is not reprogrammed with call time within 30 days the phone number will expire and it will have to be sent in to be refitted with a new number.

 ABOUT VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)

  • VOIP services like Vonage, Broadvoice, MagicJack and Skype will not work with the local ISP provider on post (post housing).
  • These services did work off post depending on the quality of service and broadband speeds.
Total pageloads: 18/289 (41/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 4/4/2011 10:11:37 AM
Date last updated: 5/21/2012 9:17:32 AM