Equal Employment Opportunity

Vision:  To operate a premier EEO Office with a model EEO Program where customers can succeed in an environment free from harassment, discrimination and retaliation.

Mission:  The USAG Yongsan EEO Officer serves as the command advisor for all EEO matters; recommends policy, vision, and priorities; coordinates for and allocates resources; and conducts staff management of the EEO program.

Compliance and Program Evaluation: EEO is responsible to review and interpret applicable laws and regulations; conduct surveys; develop policies; command inspection programs; assessments; staff assistance visits; collect ISR data; manage EEO committee; personnel recruitment action review; and comply with accommodations guidelines.  EEO is also responsible for advising all levels of management by providing EEO guidance and recommendations through participation in strategic planning; meetings (labor relations, community outreach, briefings); program overview, and administering sensing sessions.

Affirmative Employment Program:  Management Directive (MD) 715 Report is required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  The MD715 serves as a road map for the EEO program.  MD715 is developed annually at all installations and higher levels within components and defense agencies.

Training:  EEO and Anti-Harassment Training is conducted in compliance of AR 690-12, EEO and Affirmative Action.  All employees are required to receive four hours of initial training and a minimum of two hours of refresher training each year. See the FY 2012 EEO TRAINING SCHEDULE.(*The training scheduled for March 27 is canceled)

Complaint Processing:  AR 690-600, EEO Discrimination Complaints, dated Feb. 9, 2004, applies to all DA appropriated or non-appropriated fund activities employees, former employees, applicants for employment and certain contract employees.

Special Emphasis Programs:  SEPs are a vital asset and integral resource in identifying problems and recommending solutions that eliminate discrimination and under-representation of women, minorities and individuals with disabilities in the Federal workplace.  The SEP manager's role and responsibilities include reviewing statistics and trends; advising managers concerning barriers to employment and advancement; and understanding the statutes, laws and directives governing the programs.

Contact Info




Office Hour(BLDG S-4309)

Anna M. Revere/EEO Director

DSN: 738–2980




EEO Assistant

DSN: 738 – 4214


Total pageloads: 11/84 (12/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 3/28/2011 1:27:02 PM
Date last updated: 7/23/2012 1:42:21 PM