Wind Profiler Demo Network (WPDN)

Information updated on August 21, 2006, 3:35 pm GMT

General Data Description

NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) Demonstration Division provides data from an array of wind profilers. These data include wind profiles, spectral moments, RASS temperature profiles, and surface observations. More information about these data can be found at the profiler web site .

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Data Stream Names

Measurement Description

Temporal Coverage

Data StreamStart DateEnd Date
sgp06fslwpdnmetX1.b1March 19, 2002
sgp06fslwpdnrassX1.b1March 19, 2002
sgp06wpdnmmtsX1.a1February 5, 1994February 26, 2002
sgp60fslwpdnmetX1.b1March 19, 2002
sgp60fslwpdnrassX1.b1March 19, 2002
sgp60wpdnrassX1.b1February 2, 1995February 26, 2002
sgp60wpdnsurfX1.b1January 21, 1994February 26, 2002
sgp60wpdnwndsX1.b1January 21, 1994February 26, 2002

Current data are available at the ARM Archive approximately three days after they are generated.

Area Covered

sgp06wpdnmmtsX1.a1 covers the seven WPDN stations surrounding the SGP Site

LOCATION                LAT     LON
Haviland        KS      37.65   99.09 
Hillsboro       KS      38.31   97.30  
Lamont          OK      36.69   97.48 
Morris (Haskell)OK      35.68   95.86
Neodesha        KS      37.38   95.63 
Purcell         OK      34.98   97.52   
Vici            OK      36.07   99.22
The other data streams contain all the stations available.

A list of available stations can be found at
profiler site location information

Data Stream Inputs



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Data Source

  • Institution
  • Data are provided by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Data User Notes


The following is the data provider's response to a question about correcting for vertical velocity in the temperature estimates:

To this date, we have not corrected our RASS temperature estimates for the vertical motion of the atmosphere. It is true that we should, at least some of the time, but not during periods of precipitation.

Ideally, we would apply the vertical velocity correction anytime the profiler would be measuring the true clear-air motion of the atmosphere. But when precipitation begins, the vertical velocity correction should not be applied because the wind profiler would then be measuring the fall speed of the hydrometeors and not the true air motion that the RASS is working with.

The question becomes when is it precipitating? Our profilers are sensitive to clouds and easily measure the fall velocity of snowflakes. We are looking at the magnitude of the errors in RASS temperatures versus the measured vertical velocities. We no doubt should correct for larger fall velocities, say > 1-3 m/s, but we see these often here in the lee of the Rockies, both clear-air and during precipitation. Surface obs. don't work well to detect precipitation because of our dry atmosphere (virga). Maybe it's a combination of thresholds (velocity and signal power) that must be known to tell when to apply the correction.

Consensus Algorithms

A reference for consensus algorithms is available at the XDC Web site (

The global attribute, Platform Description, is incorrect after Oct. 1, 1997 through the end of coverage (Feb. 26, 2002). The global attribute only lists the first 14 stations. The complete station information can be found at the XDC Web site.

Check for Data Quality Reports about these data at the DQR Browse Web Page


FSLForecast Systems Laboratory
NCDCNational Climatic Data Center
RASSRadio Acoustic Sounding System
SGPSouthern Great Plains
WPDNWind Profiler Demonstration Network

Citable References

Barth, M. F., R. B. Chadwick, and D. W. van de Kamp, 1994. Data processing algorithms used by NOAA's Wind Profiler Demonstration Network, Annales Geophysicae, 12, 512-528.

Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), May 1996, FSL in Review- Fiscal Year 1995, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 102 pp.

National Weather Service and the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, August 1994, Wind Profiler Assessment Report and Recommendations for Future Use 1987-1994, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Silver Spring, Maryland, 141 pp.