International Postal Policy

Under 2006 legislation, the Department of State was assigned responsibility for formulation, coordination, and oversight of foreign policy related to international postal services and other international delivery services.


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Submits Formal Letter of Nomination for Dennis Delehanty’s Candidacy at the Universal Postal Union
Date: 02/12/2009 Description: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton © State Dept PhotoOn June 13, 2012, Secretary of State Clinton informed the Director General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), Mr. Edouard Dayan, of her nomination of Dennis Delehanty for the position of UPU Deputy Director General in the election to be held at forthcoming UPU Congress in Doha. In the letter, Secretary Clinton emphasizes that the nomination of Mr. Delehanty, who currently serves as Director for Postal Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, demonstrates the commitment of the United States to the goals and aspirations of the UPU and its 192 member countries. Through this nomination, the Secretary stressed Mr. Delehanty’s long service to the international postal affairs which make him “highly qualified to continue the UPU’s excellence and leadership in promoting high quality, secure, affordable, and efficient postal services worldwide.” Letter of Support» (Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish

Remarks by Ambassador Michael A. Battle to the July 2012 Administrative Council of the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU)
Date: 07/16/2012 Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Description: Ambassador Michael Battle. Sr., U.S. Ambassador, U.S. Mission to the African Union.
 - State Dept Image
At the 31st Administrative Council of the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on July 10, 2012, Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador to the African Union, delivered a speech in support of the candidacy of Dennis Delehanty for Deputy Director General of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). Ambassador Battle arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on September 21, 2009 to serve as Ambassador to the African Union. In June, 2011, Secretary of State Clinton expanded his responsibilities to encompass U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Economic Commission in Africa. In his remarks, Ambassador Battle announced that Mr. Delehanty has strong support from the U.S. government and highlighted Secretary Clinton’s formal letter of nomination for his candidacy. Discussing the candidate’s many contributions to the UPU over the past three decades, Ambassador Battle stressed to delegates that Mr. Delehanty was the driving force behind the creation of the EMS (Express Mail Service) Cooperative, that he worked at the UPU International Bureau in Bern for seven years as the coordinator for Express Mail, that he served on the Board of Trustees of the UPU Quality of Service Fund for five years, and that he has chaired several working groups with the UPU. Remarks»

Chairman of the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission Supports Dennis Delehanty’s Candidacy at the Universal Postal Union
Date: 05/25/2012 Description: Ruth Goldway, Chairman of the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission  - State Dept Image
Ruth Goldway, Chairman of the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, sent a letter on October 14, 2011 to her counterparts worldwide in support of the candidacy of Dennis Delehanty for Deputy Director General at the Universal Postal Union (UPU). Ms. Goldway stressed Mr. Delehanty’s lifelong experience with postal affairs and his more than thirty years of involvement with the UPU, which she believes uniquely qualify him for the position of Deputy Director General. Ms. Goldway also emphasized Mr. Delehanty’s “inclusive approach to finding ways forward that balance the interests of all stakeholders, particularly to the needs of both developing and developed countries,” an approach that has earned him the respect of his colleagues within the UPU and beyond. This letter, which contains Mr. Delehanty’s resume, has been translated into the working languages of the UPU. Letter of Support» (Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish)

Video Message as a Candidate for the Position of Deputy Director General of the Universal Postal Union

Director Delehanty (Feb. 9): "Hello. I am Dennis Delehanty and the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has endorsed me for the position of Deputy Director General of the Universal Postal Union....The international postal system faces so many challenges in the 21st century. Declining letter mail, global economic tensions and growing security threats, to name just a few." Full Text»

United States Nominates Candidate for Deputy Director General Post at the Universal Postal Union
In October 2010, the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved the nomination of Mr. Dennis Delehanty, Director for Postal Affairs in the IO Bureau, as candidate for Deputy Director General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The UPU is a UN specialized agency responsible for coordinating a universal postal network among its 192 member countries. The election for Deputy Director General will be held in Doha at the next UPU Congress in October 2012 by a majority of the members present and eligible to vote.

Mr. Delehanty has a long track record of effective work within the UPU. From his role in the creation of the EMS (Express Mail Service) Cooperative – one of the UPU’s great success stories – to his six years of service on the Board of Trustees of the Quality of Service Fund (a type of development resource for the posts of developing countries), to his leadership on UPU results-based management and, more recently, his work on UPU financial and human resources policies, Mr. Delehanty has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to serve as Deputy Director General. Besides his seven years in Bern at the UPU’s International Bureau, Mr. Delehanty has served in key positions at the U.S. Postal Service and the Department of State. Biography»

U.S. Postmaster General Supports Dennis Delehanty’s Candidacy at the Universal Postal Union
Date: 05/01/2012 Description: Patrick R. Donahoe, U.S. Postmaster General. - State Dept Image
On April 13, 2011 U.S. Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe addressed letters to countries around the world expressing his support for the candidacy of Dennis Delehanty for Deputy Director General at the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and encouraging them to vote for the U.S. candidate. In his letter, Mr. Donahoe noted that “The Universal Postal Union is at a crossroads as it works to ensure the future of universal postal services at a time of declining mail volumes and expanding electronic alternatives. Postal operators in developed and developing countries will need to face these challenges together...”. He also highlighted Mr. Delehanty’s well-rounded experience as a significant asset to the UPU if elected. These letters, which contain Mr. Delehanty’s resume, were translated into the working languages of the UPU. Letter of Support»

The Universal Postal Union

What is the Universal Postal Union?
Established in 1874, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), with its headquarters in the Swiss capital Bern, is the second oldest international organization.

The UPU coordinates international postal policies and procedures, including standards, remuneration, technical assistance, and collaboration with key stakeholders. All member countries are signatories of the UPU Convention, an intergovernmental treaty, making the UPU itself the primary forum for cooperation between designated postal operators worldwide.

Why is it Important?
Without the UPU, postal operators would have to negotiate separate bilateral agreements with every other operator with which it wanted to exchange international mail. More importantly, without the UPU, countries could not be guaranteed mail service to and from nearly every other nation around the globe.

History – World Post Day
The Treaty of Bern, establishing what is now the Universal Postal Union, was signed on October 9, 1874. We continue to celebrate the global postal network on October 9 each year as World Post Day.

The 1874 Treaty of Bern succeeded in unifying an international maze of postal services and regulations into a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of letters. The barriers and frontiers that had impeded the free flow and growth of international mail were finally pulled down. More History»


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