Previous IO Highlights - 2

U.S. Strategy To Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally
Date: 08/14/2012 Description: Card signed by 650 women and girls from the United States and around the world thanking the U.S. Government for prioritizing the response and prevention of gender-based violence globally. - State Dept Image
Ambassador-at-Large Melanne Verveer (Aug. 14): President Obama and Secretary Clinton's commitment to advancing the rights of women and girls and improving their status around the world is embodied in the U.S Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence, and the Executive Order that will set it into motion. The strategy lays out concrete objectives and actions to marshal the United States' expertise and capacity to address gender-based violence, and represents a multi-sector and whole of government approach -- one that includes the justice, legal, security, health, education, economic, social services, humanitarian, and development sectors. DipNote Blog»

Multilateral Engagement and Its Benefits for Americans
DAS Nerissa Cook Speaks at Reception hosted by the Better World Campaign and the U.S. Council for International Business

Deputy Assistant Secretary Cook (July 26): "While many Americans are unfamiliar with the “alphabet soup” of UN specialized and technical agencies, the truth is every American citizen and business receives very real benefits from these agencies. We depend on these global systems for the communication and transportation that is the underpinning for our contemporary, interconnected world. Without these global institutions, we would resort to a piecemeal web of hundreds or thousands of bilateral and regional treaties, agreements, or other solutions – and it still wouldn’t be as comprehensive or as strong a system for cooperation." Full Text»

Ustream Fireside Chat with US Representative to the UN Human Rights Council
Date: 07/18/2012 Description: Join Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe for a live Fireside chat via Ustream on Thursday, July 19 from 4 to 4:30 p.m. PST.   © UN Image
Join Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe for a live Fireside chat via Ustream on Thursday, July 19 from 4 to 4:30 p.m. PST. Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe is the U.S. representative to Human Rights Council, the UN body responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. Tweet Your Questions in advance or during the chat to #AskECD:. Visit to listen and participate in the chat.

IO Deputy Assistant Secretary Paula Schriefer Participates In Brookings Institution Panel Discussion
Translating Human Rights Into Practice: A Conversation on the United Nations Human Rights Council

Deputy Assistant Secretary Schriefer (July 11): "I’m going to start by highlighting some of the main priorities and achievements at the 20th Session of the Human Rights Council, which I think both underscore the broadening scope and efficacy of the Council, and highlight the instrumental role of United States engagement with a diverse range of countries from all regions of the world to address urgent human rights concerns. U.S. leadership kept the Council at the forefront of international efforts to promote and protect human rights in Syria, Belarus and Eritrea and led to the passing of historic resolutions on Internet freedom and women’s equal right to nationality." Full Text» More About This Event» Audio»

Destruction of Muslim Shrines in Timbuktu
Spokesperson Nuland (July 11):
The United States strongly condemns the destruction of Muslim shrines and other religious and historic sites in Timbuktu by Islamic militants, including Ansar al-Dine. We are outraged by the continued destruction of these World Heritage Sites and the ongoing intimidation of local populations. We join UNESCO in urging an immediate end to these destructive and irreversible acts and call for all parties to protect this invaluable cultural heritage for future generations. This is an assault not just on Mali but on the heritage of all Africans, and those responsible for these acts should be brought to justice.

We remain deeply concerned about the situation of the Malian people. Mali has been a strong partner of the United States in the areas of democracy and governance, economic development, and peace and security. We support the on-going efforts of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union to bring about a return to civilian rule in Mali and to mediate a solution to the rebellion in the north. In addition, we appeal to all parties to ensure impartial and unhindered humanitarian access to any and all populations in northern Mali. Full Text»

The 20th Session of the UN Human Rights Council is ongoing until July 6, 2012

Here are some of the most recent highlights from the council’s meetings:

More: Us Mission To The United Nations In Geneva (HRC20)

U.S. Continues to Engage with Bahrain on Human Rights Issues
Ambassador Donahoe (June 28): "
The United States continues to engage in candid bilateral discussions with the Government of Bahrain and a cross-section of Bahrainis, and these discussions include human rights. We believe that this process is the most productive way for us to engage on human rights issues, and so we did not join the recent Item 4 joint statement in the Human Rights Council… We continue to call on all parties in Bahrain to help each other move toward a comprehensive political dialogue that includes the diverse views of Bahraini society in a genuine negotiation. And we continue to stand ready to support Bahrain in this process." Full Text»

U.S., Georgia Meet on Multilateral Issues
On June 25, Assistant Secretary of State Esther Brimmer welcomed Georgia Deputy Foreign Minister Sergi Kapanadze to the State Department for consultations on multilateral issues. During the consultations, U.S. and Georgian officials discussed how to strengthen cooperation in international organizations, the future of economic development and security cooperation in Afghanistan, etc. Assistant Secretary Brimmer and Deputy Foreign Minister Kapanadze agreed to look for ways to enhance coordination between U.S. and Georgian missions to the UN in New York and Geneva, as well as in other international and regional organizations.

2012 Internet Freedom Fellows Program
The United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva announced the names of the participants in the 2012 Internet Freedom Fellows Program. The fellows have just arrived in Geneva for a three day program, and will travel to Washington and Silicon Valley from June 24 through 28. These dynamic individuals from Syria, India, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Venezuela and Azerbaijan are using social media, mobile communications and digital networks to promote human rights at the grass roots level. From Geneva to Silicon Valley, they will share their experiences, from the front lines of internet freedom, with fellow activists, U.S. and international government leaders, and members of civil society and the private sector engaged in technology and human rights. Read More»  2012 Internet Freedom Fellows»

20th Session of the UN Human Rights Council Convenes
Action on Syria, Belarus Among Top U.S. Priorities

Ambassador Donahoe (June 18): “The United States is gravely concerned about the deterioration of the human rights situation in Belarus since the last presidential election, particularly the continued suppression of the rights to freedoms of association, assembly, and expression; the right to a fair trial; and continued politically-motivated detentions.

The Council recently held a fourth Special Session on the human rights situation in Syria, with a particular focus on the tragic massacre in Al Houleh. We welcome the recent report of the Independent Commission of Inquiry for Syria, and look forward to its focused report on the events in Al Houleh. Once again we call on the government of Syria to allow full and unfettered access to the COI.” Full Text» Follow HRC20»

Economic Statecraft Day, June 14, 2012
To honor economic statecraft day, the Bureau of International Organizational Affairs offers these fast facts on how the United States works in the multilateral arena to promote economic issues.

Protected Intellectual Property
Did you know that even music legend Beyonce Knowles turned to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva when she discovered that somebody was cybersquatting on her trademark? WIPO heard her case and found in her favor. When it comes to Intellectual property, patents and trademarks this little known international organization plays a key role on the world’s economic stage. This specialized agency adds value to the global economy in the 21st century by promoting innovation, creativity, and investment. American participation and leadership in WIPO is economic statecraft in action. Read More» Remarks by Secretary Clinton» Fact Sheet»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Delivers Closing Keynote Remarks at UN Association Annual Conference

Assistant Secretary Brimmer (June 11): "I’ve mentioned today, a number of foreign policy challenges where the Obama Administration has employed a multilateral engagement to advance U.S. interests. That approach for achieving our immediate foreign policy goals increases our influence and ability to achieve future goals down the line. The U.S. emphasis on engagement, on seeking shared solutions to common challenges, has been one of the key means by which we have restored confidence in America’s global leadership, and with it increased our ability to advance U.S. foreign policy goals on difficult and complex issues." Full Text»


U.S. Humanitarian Aid Reaching Syria and Neighboring Countries
Fact Sheet (June 8):
The United States is pursuing every avenue to provide humanitarian relief to those affected by the violence in Syria and is engaged in focused diplomatic efforts to secure full and unfettered access for humanitarian organizations to reach those in need. The United States is providing an additional $12.8 million in humanitarian assistance to support the people of Syria, bringing the total amount of U.S. emergency aid to just over $52 million during the current fiscal year for this crisis. Our assistance continues to reach those affected by the violence through our contributions to international and non-governmental humanitarian partners, including… Read More»

International Day of UN Peacekeepers
Secretary Clinton (May 29): “I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the men and women who serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations around the world and to honor the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace. I would also like to recognize the many American personnel who have participated in UN peacekeeping operations, including most recently, U.S. Army Brigadier General Hugh Van Roosen who will be the new Chief of Staff of the UN Mission in Liberia.

Since the first UN peacekeeping mission which was created on this day sixty-four years ago, civilian and military personnel have served under the UN flag in 67 operations around the world. Because of their work, the world is safer and more secure. The United States is committed to UN peacekeeping operations, and to a more peaceful world.” Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Remarks at Pacific Day Seminar
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (May 23):
"Over the past few months, President Obama – our first Pacific President – and Secretary Clinton have sought to reinforce the enduring American commitment to advance security, prosperity, and human dignity across the Pacific region. There should be no doubt that the United States is itself a Pacific nation. Starting in its earliest days, this Administration has prioritized U.S. relations with the Pacific, from the President’s personal commitment to strong engagement with the Asia-Pacific region to the Secretary’s decision to break precedent and make her first foreign trip to Asia. And U.S. engagement with the Pacific region only has grown over the past three years, as I’ll highlight in a moment." Full Text»

Paula Schriefer Joins Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Date: 05/23/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: Paula Schriefer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of International Organization Affairs
 - State Dept Image
The Bureau of International Organization Affairs is pleased to welcome Paula Schriefer, who joined the Bureau on May 7 as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. Prior to assuming this position, Ms Schriefer was vice president for global programs at Freedom House, where she oversaw Freedom House's global activities on freedom of expression, internet freedom, religious freedom, and advocacy efforts at the United Nations. Full Biography»

Universal Periodic Review – 13th Session
The 13th Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Session is occurring from May 21 – 31 and is the beginning of the second cycle of reviews. The United States believes the UPR has the potential to effect real change in countries throughout the world. The UPR is not just something that occurs in Geneva every four and half years. It is an ongoing, daily tool to advance human rights. Our interventions to other countries are crafted with the goal of providing useful, targeted recommendations that, when implemented, will create positive change for society. Please click here for the United States’ interventions to the 14 countries participating in Session 13.

U.S. Government Donates $30 Million to WFP's Emergency Operation in South Sudan
The U.S. Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has announced it will provide emergency relief to assist conflict-affected and food-insecure people in South Sudan. The $30 million contribution will be delivered through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The assistance is in response to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in South Sudan, where an estimated one million people are severely food-insecure due to a cereal deficit, high food prices and intercommunal conflict. Full Text»

 Assistant Secretary Brimmer Meets With UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
Date: 05/16/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: 
Today, Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs met with Mr. Herve Ladsous, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations at the U.S. Department of State.   - State Dept Image
May 16: Today, Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs met with Mr. Hervé Ladsous, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations at the U.S. Department of State. 




Secretary Clinton’s Video Message for World Press Freedom Day
Secretary Clinton (May 3): “…the United States joins its global partners in calling for the release of all imprisoned journalists in every country across the globe and for the end to intimidation. Let us honor the many brave men and women who risk their lives every day to keep the rest of us informed, to keep governments accountable and societies more democratic, prosperous and successful. And let us continue to champion those who stand for media freedom as a powerful force for progress.” Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Addresses 2012 World Press Freedom Day Conference in Tunisia
Date: 05/03/2012 Location: Tunis, Tunisia Description: Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer Addresses 2012 World Press Freedom Day Conference in Tunisia.
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Assistant Secretary Brimmer (May 3): "…last year’s events focused particular attention on the rapid expansion of internet and other social media, and the role of those technologies in empowering civil society. We see evidence of that empowerment every day, and even in the most difficult of environments, such as in Syria, those connective technologies ensure that the world witnesses the truth of what is happening on the ground." Full Text» More»

Americans Abroad Video Profile
Rolando Gomez, Information Officer for the OHCHR

Date: 05/02/2012 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Rolando Gómez, Public Information Officer for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations. © USUN ImageRolando Gomez, Public Information Officer for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations explains his work in media and public relations at the Human Rights Council as a part of the U.S. Mission to the UN in Geneva’s video profile series, Americans Abroad: Getting Things Done in Geneva. The video series highlights the important work Americans do at the UN and other international organizations in Geneva. View This Video» See More Videos in This Series»

Celebrating International Jazz Day
U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO Blogs About Jazz Day

Date: 01/28/1961 Description: Louis Armstron, atop camel, enchants the ancient sphinx near Cairo, Egypt. © AP Image

Amb Killion (Apr 30): “Back in the United States my colleagues at the State Department have long recognized the power of jazz as a means of connecting people. More than 50 years ago, the Department launched a landmark jazz diplomacy effort featuring American musical legend Dizzy Gillespie. Ever since then, jazz has been a continuing feature of U.S. cultural engagement programs. Well, I am very proud to announce the latest chapter in the State Department's "jazz diplomacy" program kicks off this Friday here in Paris, where we get an early start on UNESCO's inaugural International Jazz Day, which will be officially celebrated around the world on April 30, 2012.” Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer Travel to Miami, Florida 
Date: 04/23/2012 Location: Miami, Florida Description: Assistant Secretary Brimmer traveled to Miami, Florida, April 24 to 25 to meet with civil society organizations, media, and students.  - State Dept Image
(Apr 23): Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer traveled to Miami, Florida, April 24 to 25 to meet with civil society organizations, media, and students. She engaged the community through a roundtable discussion hosted by SAVE Dade, a leading regional organization dedicated to advancing the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, a meeting with students and faculty of Miami-Dade College, remarks to the Miami chapter of the Council of Foreign Relations, and a roundtable event with the Greater Miami Broward Chapter of the American Jewish Committee. Follow Assistant Secretary Brimmer on twitter @State_IO. As Prepared Remarks»

Embassy Jazz Day: Crossing Borders, Bridging Cultures
The State Department and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History (NHAH) are collaborating during this April’s Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM) to co-host “Embassy Jazz Day: Crossing Borders, Bridging Cultures” in the lead up to UNESCO’s first International Jazz Day (April 30). Smithsonian and the Department will host the Embassy Jazz Day event on Sunday, April, 22, 2012, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm to showcase next generation jazz artists and jazz educators who will introduce Washington’s top diplomats from across the globe to the power of jazz as a cultural diplomacy tool. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer will deliver opening remarks, followed by remarks from Smithsonian Institution leaders and a panel discussion. More Information»

UN Peacekeeping Mission Remains Critical to Cote d’Ivoire’s Future
Date: 01/04/2011 Location: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire Description: An aerial view of the Central plateau neighborhood of Abidjan. © AP File Photo
IO Deputy Assistant Secretary Holt (April 7): Flying into Abidjan, you see that Cote d'Ivoire is back in business. Streets are lit, cars are new, and the downtown has the vibrancy and neon signs of a busy capitol. Plans for development -- such as a new bridge to link the city across its lagoons -- are the government's focus. Little of this was imaginable a year ago, when the country faced a dramatic crisis of leadership -- and a questionable future -- after its November 2010 elections. For months, the UN peacekeepers, backed by the international community and French Licorne forces, held the line against a defiant former leader who refused to step down despite losing the Presidential elections to his rival. Yet today, with former President Gbagbo in the Hague for war crimes, President Ouattara is moving forward to put the past behind and build a united nation. Full Text»

Counter Piracy: Global Community Gathers to Take Action
Date: 12/06/2009 Location: Mogadishu, Somalia Description: Somali government coast guards patrol the coast of Mogadishu, Somalia to keep watch for pirates who hijack ships off the coast. © AP File Photo
DipNote (April 6): In March, the United States turned over to the Republic of Seychelles 15 suspected Somali pirates for prosecution in connection with an attempted January 5 attack on the M/V Sunshine in the northern Arabian Sea and the abduction of 13 Iranian mariners rescued by the U.S. Navy aboard their captured fishing vessel Al Molai. The successful resolution of this incident marks another step forward in working with our international partners to see that pirates are brought to justice and underscores our ongoing commitment to promoting freedom of navigation worldwide. Full Text»

U.S. Civilian Police Officer Plays Key Role in UN Peacekeeping Mission to Liberia
Date: 03/14/2012 Location: Liberia Description: Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Tori Holt speaks with U.S. civilian police officer Jack Nielson on board an airplane in Liberia. - State Dept Image
DipNote (April 4): Meet Jack Nielsen, former Police Chief of Albany New York. These days, as Deputy Police Commissioner for the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) he oversees over 1,300 police advisers and officers serving as peacekeepers, from over 40 countries. Jack is from Albany, New York, where he had a law enforcement career that spanned over 30 years. He had seen and done it all. A specialist in both community policing and the administrative functions of a major police department, Jack is one of those great public servants who have taken their skills overseas. After retiring he offered his talent to UN missions and U.S. assistance projects in Haiti and in Liberia, where he has toiled since 2007. Full Text»

U.S. Takes the Reins of the UN Security Council Presidency
Date: 01/31/2012 Location: UN Headquarters Description: The United Nations Security Council holds a meeting on the situation in Syria, January 31, 2012. © AP File Photo
DipNote (April 4): When Ambassador Susan Rice assumed the rotating monthly Presidency of the UN Security Council from the United Kingdom this week, she began by taking a question on Twitter. "The world is shrinking," Ambassador Rice said recently. In a world of freely moving information, we also face rapidly evolving threats that can just as easily cross borders. As President, Ambassador Rice is using her agenda-setting power to focus the Council's attention on such 21st century challenges, from the proliferation of nuclear materials to illicit arms flows to humanitarian crises. Full Text»

Piracy Off the Horn of Africa
Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs Discusses Piracy, Multilateral Approach in Addressing the Issue

Date: 02/13/2010 Description: This image taken on Feb. 13, 2010 shows a crew of U.S. sailors and Nigerian special forces fighters prepares to board the NNS Burutu for a training exercise off the Nigerian coast.  © AP ImageAssistant Secretary Shapiro (March 27): From the beginning, the United States has adopted a multilateral approach focused on addressing this issue as a shared challenge. Piracy affects the international community as a whole and can only be effectively addressed through broad, coordinated, and comprehensive international efforts. In January 2009, the United States helped establish the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia to both prompt action and coordinate the efforts to suppress Somali piracy. The Contact Group is based on a voluntary membership and was established concurrent with the UN Security Council’s passage of Resolution 1851. It now includes over 70 nations as well as international and maritime industry organizations, to help coordinate national and international counter-piracy policies and actions. Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Delivers Remarks at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, March 26, 2012 
Date: 03/26/2012 Location: Ankara, Turkey Description: Photo: Assistant Secretary Brimmer delivered remarks at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, on March 26, 2012.

 - State Dept Image
"Good morning, and thank you for hosting me today at Bilkent University. It’s a real pleasure to be here. In less than thirty years, Bilkent already is known around the world as Turkey’s premier university. I couldn’t think of a better place for a conversation with a group that, I’m quite sure, includes a number of women and men who will be part of the next generation of Turkish leaders. So I’m eager to engage with you on any questions you have about U.S. foreign policy, and maybe I have a few questions for you as well. But first, I’d like to take just a few moments to point out how President Obama has approached U.S. foreign policy. I’d also like to point out a few characteristics of our 21st century world that support the United States’ emphasis on multilateral engagement, as well as the many opportunities for ongoing partnership between the United States and our close ally Turkey. And I’ll close by highlighting some of the ongoing challenges we face together." Full text» Photos»

Syria Resolution Highlights Growing Unity of International Community, Isolation of Three Who Voted Against
Ambassador Donahoe (March 23):
Today, on the session’s final day, Council members came together in their strongest show of unity yet to demand end to the violence by the Assad regime. The resolution on Syria we have just adopted highlights the growing unity of the international community and the increasing isolation of the three countries which stood alone to oppose the text. Today’s resolution is important. It renews and significantly strengthens the work of the Commission of Inquiry (COI), the team of investigators tasked by the HRC with documenting the situation inside Syria with a view to ensuring that those who are responsible are held to account.  Full Statement» Resolution Text»

Statement by Secretary Clinton on the UN Human Rights Council Vote on Sri Lanka Reconciliation
“Today’s action by the UN Human Rights Council encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to continue on the path toward reconciliation following 27 years of civil war. The United States, together with the international community, sent a strong signal that Sri Lanka will only achieve lasting peace through real reconciliation and accountability, and the international community stands ready to help. The next steps are clear. We look to the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the constructive recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and take the necessary measures to address accountability.” Full Text»

Launch of the University of Pennsylvania UNESCO Chair for Literacy
Date: 03/15/2012 Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Description: UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova (left) with IO Deputy Assistant Secretary Nerissa Cook (right) speaking to students at the University of Pennsylvania.  - State Dept Image
Deputy Assistant Secretary Cook (Mar. 15): "We are very encouraged by UNESCO’s expanding partnerships with our institutions of higher learning, such as the University of Pennsylvania. Our universities are engaged in some of the most innovative and fascinating learning and research on a wide range of topics, and the United States has a long and proud tradition of employing that research for the benefit humankind. Today, nearly 20 U.S. universities share their knowledge globally through the UNESCO Chairs network. It has proven to be a very effective vehicle for these universities to forge strong connections with the developing world. These connections benefit not only their partner institutions abroad, but also provide an enriching experience for our students here in the United States." Full Text»

The United Nations and Commitment to Democracy in the Middle East
Secretary Clinton Remarks on Libya, Syria, Yemen, at the UN Security Council

Secretary Clinton (March 12): ”Now I approach these conversations with a healthy dose of humility, because we know that these revolutions are not ours. They are not by us, for us, or against us. But we also know that, as an international community, we do have the resources and capabilities to support those who seek peaceful, meaningful, democratic change. We must also have the will. Now of course, change is unfolding in different ways in different places, and in each unique case, our tools have to be matched with the circumstances. Here at the UN Security Council, three cases in particular demand our attention today.” Full Text»

Ambassador David Killion Explains Vote for Agenda Item 24, Response of UNESCO to the Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic
March 8:
The United States is profoundly disappointed that this resolution does not call for the outright removal of Syria from the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations – something for which we have repeatedly called for. We agree with Director-General Bokova that, given the actions of the Assad regime, it is not clear how Syria can contribute to the work of the committee. We hope that UNESCO will revisit Syria’s membership following the UNESCO's Director General’s report on Syria. Full Text»

Protecting Rights of LGBT People Part of Unfinished Work of Making Human Rights a Reality
Statement by the United States on the Panel on Discrimination and Violence based on Sexual Orientation 19thth Session of Human Rights Council Delivered by Daniel B. Baer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Geneva, March 7, 2012

Date: 03/07/2012 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Statement by the United States on the Panel on Discrimination and Violence based on Sexual Orientation, 19thth Session of Human Rights Council, Delivered by Daniel B. Baer
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

 © USUN Image

"In December, Secretary of State Clinton spoke here in Geneva about how protecting the human rights of all people, including LGBT people, remains part of the urgent unfinished work for those committed to making human rights a human reality. She came in a spirit of humility. She spoke about our own country’s ongoing work -- including the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” which took effect last year and allows gay men and lesbians to serve openly in our armed forces. And she acknowledged that, for many, accepting that sexual orientation and gender identity do not affect a person’s human rights is hard. But she also explained why it is both necessary and right." Full Text»

Under Secretary for Civilian Security Democracy, Human Rights Addresses the UN Human Rights Council
Assistant Secretary Brimmer accompanied Under Secretary Maria Otero for the Under Secretary’s Intervention at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland

Date: 03/02/2012 Location: Geneva, Switzerland  Description: Maria Otero, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights and Esther Brimmer, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs at the HRC. © U.S. Mission Photo by Eric Bridiers

Under Secretary Otero (March 2): "The United States has worked through this Council to assist countries in transition with their human rights challenges. We have supported human rights protection and promotion in Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Haiti and Cote d’ Ívoire, among others. In our UPR presentation, we addressed our own incomplete journey toward universal human rights, and we admire those countries that speak about their shortcomings as well as their strengths. We stand ready to help countries ready to address their human rights challenges, and during this session we hope to reach agreement to provide additional assistance to Yemen and Libya. With the support of this Council, these countries can consolidate democracy and become new beacons of leadership on human rights." Full Text»  Photo Gallery»

Presidential Proclamation -- Women’s History Month, 2012
President Obama (March 1):
"Because the peace and security of nations around the globe depend upon the education and advancement of women and girls, my Administration has placed their perspectives and needs at the heart of our foreign policy. Last December, I released the first United States National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security to help ensure women play an equal role in peace-building worldwide. By fully integrating women's voices into peace processes and our work to prevent conflict, protect civilians, and deliver humanitarian assistance, the United States is bringing effective support to women in areas of conflict and improving the chances for lasting peace. In the months ahead, my Administration will continue to collaborate with domestic and international partners on new initiatives to bring economic and political opportunity to women at home and abroad." Full Text»

Date: 03/01/2012 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer meets with World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Margaret Chan, at the WHO headquarters, in Geneva, Switzerland. March 1, 2012. USUN Photo.

 © World Health Organization
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer meets with World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Margaret Chan, at the WHO headquarters, in Geneva, Switzerland, March 1, 2012. 

Remarks by Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls, at a "Strengthening Women's Political Participation" Event
Valerie Jarrett (Feb 28):
“USAID has launched a women’s leadership fund, and the State Department has created an initiative for women in public service. And last year, here at the UN, Secretary Clinton signed a new Declaration on Women’s Participation. These are just a few of the many steps that we are taking, and we’re absolutely committed to do more. During President Obama’s address to the 2011 UN General Assembly, he reaffirmed his commitment to increasing women’s participation, and called upon member states to announce, within the next year, the steps that they are taking to break down economic and political barriers for women and girls. As a part of our contribution to this effort, the United States introduced the UNGA Third Committee resolution on “Women and Political Participation,” which calls on all states to end discriminatory laws and actively promote and protect human rights for women to take a part in public life.” Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Addresses the UN Human Rights Council on Syria

Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 28): The way forward is clear. The Syrian government must immediately halt its attacks on civilians, withdraw its military and security forces to their barracks, and release the many civilians, including journalists, whom it has detained arbitrarily. The government must grant humanitarian access to the country without delay, allowing much-needed food, water, and medical assistance to be delivered to the Syrian people. Full Text» Transcript: Brimmer, Donahoe Speak With Press During HRC Urgent Debate on Syria»

Forum on African American Leadership in Foreign Affairs
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 17): "If there’s one thing I would like you to remember from my comments today, it is this: our nation’s diversity is not just unique, it is also a powerful symbol and a tremendous asset to our global diplomacy." Full Text»

Third Ministerial of the Paris Pact Initiative
Deputy Secretary Burns (Feb. 16): "While the Afghan drug trade begins in Afghanistan, its causes and consequences extend far beyond its borders. So must our responsibility for solving it. This is a global problem that demands a common response, rooted firmly in the full implementation of the three UN drug conventions." Full Text»

The Role and Relevance of Multilateral Engagement
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 16): "I’m very pleased to be in Atlanta for a brief visit, and when I have occasion to travel around the country, I make every effort to meet with the chapters of the World Affairs Council....I do so not just because you are a community deeply engaged on foreign policy issues, but because we share an obligation to explain to the larger American public the crucial importance of robust U.S. engagement on the international stage." Full Text»

Supporting the Empowerment of Women and Girls Globally
Date: 2012 Description: Logo: Spelman College. © Spelman College ImageAssistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 15): "It is truly an honor for me to be in Atlanta at America's oldest historically black college for women, particularly during Black History Month, to discuss some of the many ways the President and Secretary of State are supporting the empowerment of women and girls globally....As Secretary Clinton and officials across this Administration have stated repeatedly, the major security, governance, environmental, and economic challenges of the 21st Century cannot be solved without the participation of women and girls at all levels of society." Full Text»

Secretary Clinton Addresses UN Security Council on Syria

Secretary Clinton (Jan. 31): “So why is the Arab League here before this Security Council? Because they are seeking the support of the international community for a negotiated, peaceful political solution to this crisis and a responsible, democratic transition in Syria. And we all have a choice: Stand with the people of Syria and the region or become complicit in the continuing violence there.” Full Text» More»


Regime Violence in Syria
Date: 01/30/2012 Location: Homs province, Syria Description: Anti-Syrian regime protesters wave Syrian revolution flags and chant slogans during a demonstration against Syrian President Bashar Assad in the Deir Baghlaba area in Homs province, central Syria, on Friday, Jan. 27, 2012.  © AP Image/Bashar Assad
Secretary Clinton (Jan. 30): "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the escalation of the Syrian regime’s violent and brutal attacks on its own people. In the past few days we have seen intensified Syrian security operations all around the country which have killed hundreds of civilians. The government has shelled civilian areas with mortars and tank fire and brought down whole buildings on top of their occupants." Full Text»


2012 State of the Union Address
President Obama (Jan. 24): "We will safeguard America’s own security against those who threaten our citizens, our friends, and our interests. Look at Iran. Through the power of our diplomacy, a world that was once divided about how to deal with Iran’s nuclear program now stands as one. The regime is more isolated than ever before; its leaders are faced with crippling sanctions, and as long as they shirk their responsibilities, this pressure will not relent." Full Text»


Leading Reform at the United Nations
Date: 01/20/2012 Description: Ambassador Joseph Torsella's remarks at Council of Foreign Relations © USUN ImageAmbassador Torsella (Jan. 20): "Today, we’re outlining a broad-based reform agenda for the UN with four pillars: economy, accountability, integrity, and excellence. In the months ahead, we’ll continue to push hard for a United Nations that is leaner, cleaner, respected, and effective." Full Text»



Teaching Respect for All
U.S., Brazil, UNESCO Launch Educational Curriculum Aimed at Strengthening the Foundations of Respect, Tolerance, Reducing Discrimination and Violence

 Date: 01/18/2012 Description: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer, Director General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, and U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO David Killion at UNESCO headquarters in Paris for the launch of the Teaching Respect for All Initiative.  - State Dept Image
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer, Director General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, and U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO David Killion at UNESCO headquarters in Paris for the launch of the Teaching Respect for All Initiative.

UNESCO Launches Teaching Respect for All Initiative
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Jan. 18): "All forms of intolerance are an affront to human dignity. And we must respond: as members of a global community and as members of our local communities. As we challenge our youth to respond to these problems and make a difference, we need to offer them every bit of support that we can. Teaching Respect for All is about providing that support." Full Text» Media Note» More Information»



Appointment of Ambassador Ertharin Cousin as Executive Director of the World Food Programme
Secretary Clinton (Jan. 17): "I am delighted to congratulate Ambassador Ertharin Cousin on her appointment by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Food and Agriculture Organization Director General Jose Graziano da Silva to serve as the next Executive Director of the World Food Programme. For over 50 years, the World Food Programme has played a vital role in reducing global hunger, poverty and undernutrition worldwide, providing assistance to millions of men, women, and children in desperate need." Full Text»

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