December 6, 2012

Collaboration and Integrated Planning is Empowering People and Inspiring Change in Jacksonville

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The economic and physical health statistical realities in Jacksonville, Florida’s Health Zone 1 resemble those of third-world developing nations and stand in sharp contrast to the vibrant city adjacent to it. The area has a 26 percent poverty rate; median incomes are 50% below the county’s average and adverse significant health disparities abound. All of [...]

October 23, 2012

20th Anniversary of Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 – Title X

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Title X is an important piece of modern history, however many are unaware of the breadth of its significance.  Title X has nothing to do with mutant superheroes, Cartesian coordinate planes, or world-famous, televised music competitions. It is considerably more important than these other X-associations because it has everything to do with your health and [...]

February 27, 2012

Council on Environmental Quality Releases Federal Agencies Environmental Justice Plans

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Today, HUD and all federal agencies, under the leadership of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released environmental justice strategies, implementation plans and progress reports, outlining steps agencies will take to protect communities facing greater health and environmental risks. The release of the environmental justice strategies is part [...]

June 24, 2011

Revitalizing America’s Waterways

Our rivers and watersheds are wellsprings for our nations’ urban centers – fountainheads from which we draw nourishment, entertainment, and beauty. That’s why Deputy Secretary Ron Sims and HUD have teamed with 11 federal agencies in the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP), whose goal is to revitalize city waterways across the nation. Beginning with pilot [...]

May 12, 2011

A Strategic Investment: Getting Americans to their Jobs

Cross posted from Two years ago, President Obama asked us to form a Partnership for Sustainable Communities, an interagency effort led by the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency.  He challenged us to find ways to help build stronger, more economically resilient and competitive communities – and [...]
