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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

About FDA

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FDA Basics Video: Ensuring That Cosmetics Used in the United States Are Safe


Dr. Linda Katz is the Director for the Office of Cosmetics and Colors (OCAC), in FDA’s Center of Foods and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). Her office ensures that cosmetics used in the United States are safe. Taking information from consumers, industry, and others, Katz explains that her office researches ingredients contained in the many different products being marketed. "In some cases we'll go out and buy certain products or go to the drugstore or to a food store where they sell cosmetics, [and] look at the ingredient lists." Katz wants consumers to understand that while FDA does not approve cosmetics, "...we do go through and look, and if something isn't safe, we will go through the legal aspects that we can to get that ingredient or that product off the market."


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