U.S. Department of Justice

Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement During Fiscal Year 1999

Publication year: 2000 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement During Fiscal Year 1999

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Contents include: introduction; background; status of correctional job training and placement programs in the United States -- Federal Bureau of Prisons, state, and local efforts; national forum; focus groups; office coordination; interagency coordination; cooperative agreements such as job retention literature review and software development for program replication; training efforts such as the development of a curriculum for Offender Workforce Development Specialists, Offender Employment Specialist training, workshops at conferences, and workshops through technical assistance; and clearinghouse/information services such as an updated annotated bibliography, information requests, and program focus documents. Appendixes include focus group and survey results and training participants' self-reported increase in skills.

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