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ExFOB features gadgets of the future

Story by Cpl. Michelle Brinn | Camp Pendleton Public Affairs | Date: 09.21.2012

A demonstration of gear, gadgets and gizmos here, Sept. 17-21, gave Marines and sailors a first glimpse at potential energy solutions for the Corps' operating forces. Read More

New equipment showcased at ExFOB

Story by Lance Cpl. Scott Whiting | Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune | Date: 05.04.2012

Recently, the Marine Corps surveyed service members of all ranks who had been deployed to find out what could be improved while in-country. The top two responses from these service members were the need for... Read More

Experimental Forward Operating Base to host industry demonstration at Camp Lejeune

Courtesy Story | Headquarters Marine Corps | Date: 05.02.2012

The Marine Corps’ Experimental Forward Operating Base process is designed to identify and evaluate commercial technologies that can increase the self-sufficiency of expeditionary forces. ExFOB will host... Read More

Camp Tombstone keeps lights on with GREENS

Story by Sgt. Laura Bonano | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 03.14.2012

Marines with the 5th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company were hesitant to start using the Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network System when they first heard about it. The name itself is a mouthful, and... Read More

Marines get greener in Afghanistan

Story by Cpl. Bryan Nygaard | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 10.17.2011

Marines consume in excess of 200,000 gallons of fuel per day in Afghanistan. Each of the more than 100 forward operating bases requires a daily minimum of 300 gallons of diesel fuel. About 60 percent of the... Read More