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NEFSC Reference Document Series


CRDs are listed in reverse chronological order. Bold-faced titles are available online and linked. To obtain a copy of a CRD not available online, contact the Woods Hole Laboratory Library. For lab reference publications prior to 1989, see the series information page.

If you are a NEFSC employee interested in submitting a document for publication in the CRD series, click here for guidelines or contact Jarita Davis (508 495-2228)

2012 Center Reference Documents
CRD 13-01 55th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (55th SAW) Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 2013.
CRD 12-30 Final Report on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2011-April 2012), by Tammy Murphy, Andrew Kitts, David Records, Chad Demarest, Matthew McPherson, John Walden, Daniel Caless, Evan Bing-Sawyer, Scott Steinback, and Julia Olson. December 2012.
CRD 12-29 Cetacean Abundance Estimates in US Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Waters from Summer 2011 Line Transect Survey, by Debra Palka. December 2012.
CRD 12-28 13th Flatfish Biology Conference 2012 Program and Abstracts, by Conference Steering Committee. November 2012.
CRD 12-27 Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology 3-year Review Report 2011 - Part 2, by SE Wigley, J Blaylock, PJ Rago, KT Murray, TA Nies, RJ Seagraves, D Potts, and K Drew. December 2012.
CRD 12-26 Estimating Observer Sea Day Requirements in the Mid-Atlantic Region to Monitor Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Interactions, by Kimberly T. Murray. November 2012.
CRD 12-25 Stock Assessment of Scup (Stenotomus chrysops) for 2012, by Mark Terceiro. October 2012.
CRD 12-24 The International Sampling Program, Continent of Origin and Biological Characteristics of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Collected at West Greenland in 2011, by Timothy F. Sheehan, Marta G. L. Assunção, Nick Chisholm, Denise Deschamps, Heather Dixon, Mark Renkawitz, Ger Rogan, Rasmus Nygaard,Timothy L. King, Martha J. Robertson, Niall O’ Maoiléidigh. October 2012.
CRD 12-23 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2011, by Laura Garner. October 2012.
CRD 12-22 Update on Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan Monitoring Initiatives: Compliance and Consequential Bycatch Rates from June 2009 through May 2010, by Christopher D. Orphanides. October 2012.
CRD 12-21 Stock Assessment of Summer Flounder for 2012, by Mark Terceiro. October 2012.
CRD 12-20 Description of the 2011 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf, by Paula S. Fratantoni, Tamara Holzwarth-Davis, Cristina Bascuñán, and Maureen H. Taylor. September 2012.
CRD 12-19 New England Harbor Porpoise Bycatch Rates During 2010-2012 Associated with Consequence Closure Areas, by Christopher D. Orphanides. September 2012.
CRD 12-18 54th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop(54th SAW) Assessment Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. August 2012.
CRD 12-17 2012 Discard Estimation, Precision, and Sample Size Analyses for 14 Federally Managed Species Groups in the Northeast Region, by Susan Wigley, Jessica Blaylock, Paul Rago, and Gina Shield. September 2012.
CRD 12-16 Description of the 2010 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf, by Paula S. Fratantoni, Tamara Holzwarth-Davis, Cristina Bascuñán, and Maureen H. Taylor. September 2012.
CRD 12-15 Food Web and Community Dynamics of the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem, by J.S. Link, R.J. Bell, P.J. Auster, B.E. Smith, W.J.Overholtz, E.T. Methratta, F. Pranovi, W.T. Stockhausen. September 2012.
CRD 12-14 54th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop(54th SAW) Assessment Summary Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. August 2012.
CRD 12-13 Description of the Historic US Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Tagging Programs and Subsequent Databases, by Alicia S Miller, Timothy F Sheehan, Randall C Spencer, Mark D Renkawitz, Kevin D Friedland, and Alfred L Meister. June 2012.
CRD 12-12 Programs and Abstracts of the Maine Atlantic Salmon Forums, by Sharon A. MacLean. August 2012.
CRD 12-11 Mortality and Serious Injury Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East Coast and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2006-2010, by Allison G. Henry, Timothy V.N. Cole, Mendy Garron, Lanni Hall, Wayne Ledwell, andAndrew Reid. June 2012.
CRD 12-10 Commercial Fishery Species Guide: a photo guide to commercially encountered marine fishes of the Northwest Atlantic, compiled by Michael Ball and edited by Nicholas Buchan, Ian Conboy, Brian Gervelis, Kevin Jackson, Sandra Mataronas, and Christopher Sarro. June 2012.
CRD 12-09 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2011 Results Summary, by Christin Khan, Timothy Cole, Peter Duley, Allison Henry, Jennifer Gatzke, Peter Corkeron. May 2012.
CRD 12-08 2010-2011 HPTRP Consequential Bycatch and Compliance Rates, by Christopher D. Orphanides and Debra Palka. April 2012.
CRD 12-07 Ecosystem Status Report for the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem - 2011, by the Ecosystem Assessment Program. April 2012.
CRD 12-06 Assessment or Data Updates of 13 Northeast Groundfish Stocks through 2010, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. March 2012.
CRD 12-05 53rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (53rd SAW) Assessment Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. March 2012.
CRD 12-04 Albatross-Bigelow Survey Data Calibration for American Lobsters, by Larry D. Jacobson and Timothy J. Miller. April 2012.
CRD 12-03 53rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (53rd SAW) Assessment Summary Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 2012.
CRD 12-02 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2010, by Anne O'Brien and Laura Garner. January 2012.
CRD 12-01 The Cost-effectiveness of Gear Research Relative to a Closure: Pound Nets and Sea Turtles as an Example, by Gisele M. Magnusson, Kathryn D. Bisack, and Henry O. Milliken. January 2012.
2011 Center Reference Documents
CRD 11-23 An Overview of the NEFSC's Ecosystem Modeling Enterprise for the Northeast US Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem: Towards Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management, by Jason S Link, Robert J Gamble, and Michael J Fogarty. December 2011.
CRD 11-22 Summary of Findings by the Center for Independent Experts Regarding Setting Excessive Share Limits for ITQ Fisheries, by John Walden. October 2011.
CRD 11-21 Stock Assessment of Scup for 2011, by Mark Terceiro. October 2011.
CRD 11-20 Stock Assessment of Summer Flounder for 2011, by Mark Terceiro. October 2011.
CRD 11-19 2010 Final Report on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2010 – April 2011), by Andrew Kitts, Evan Bing-Sawyer, John Walden, Chad Demarest, Matthew McPherson, Peter Christman, Scott Steinback, Julia Olson, and Patricia Clay. October 2011.
CRD 11-18 Mortality and Serious Injury Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States, and Canadian Eastern Seaboards, 2005-2009, by Allison G. Henry, Timothy VN Cole, Mendy Garron, and Lanni Hall. October 2011.
CRD 11-17 52nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (52nd SAW) Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2011.
CRD 11-16 Proceedings of the Pollock Ageing Workshop 13 - 14 July 2010, Boothbay Harbor, Maine by WJ Duffy, WE Gross, C Nelson, and S Emery. September 2011.
CRD 11-15 Frequency of Whale and Vessel Collisions on the US Eastern Seaboard: Ten Years Prior and Two Years Post Ship Strike Rule by RM Pace. September 2011.
CRD 11-14 AstroCalc4R: Software to Calculate Solar Zenith Angle; Time at Sunrise, Local Noon, and Sunset; and Photosynthetically Available Radiation Based on Date, Time, and Location by Larry Jacobson, Alan Seaver, and Jiashen Tang. October 2011
CRD 11-13 Description of the 2009 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf, by PS Fratantoni, T Holzwarth-Davis, C Bascuñán, and MH Taylor. September 2011.
CRD 11-12 Report for Fishing Year 2010 on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2010 - April 2011) by A Kitts, Bing-Sawyer E, McPherson M, Olson J, Walden J. September 2011.
CRD 11-11 52nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (52nd SAW): Assessment Summary Report by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2011.
CRD 11-10 Evaluating Sea Turtle Injuries in Northeast Fishing Gear by C Upite. July 2011.
CRD 11-09 Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology 3-year Review Report 2011 - Part 1 by SE Wigley, J Blaylock, PJ Rago, J Tang, HL Haas, and G Shield. June 2011.
CRD 11-08 Estimates of Cetacean and Pinniped Bycatch in the 2009 New England Sink Gillnet and Mid-Atlantic Gillnet Fisheries, by Christopher D. Orphanides. May 2011.
CRD 11-07 Interim Report for Fishing Year 2010 on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2010 – January 2011), by Andrew Kitts, Evan Bing-Sawyer, Matthew McPherson, Julia Olson, and John Walden. May 2011
CRD 11-06 NOAA NEFSC Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Program 2009 Aerial Survey Results Summary, by J Gatzke, C Khan, T Cole, P Duley, A Henry, S Van Parijs, and D Wiley . May 2011.
CRD 11-05 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2010 Results Summary, by C Khan, T Cole, P Duley, A Henry, J Gatzke. April 2011.
CRD 11-04 Proration of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Interactions in US Mid-Atlantic Bottom Otter Trawls for Fish and Scallops, 2005–2008, by Managed Species Landed, by ML Warden. April 2011.
CRD 11-03 Preliminary Summer 2010 Regional Abundance Estimate of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) in Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Continental Shelf Waters, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center and the Southeast Fisheries Science Center. April 2011.
CRD 11-02 51st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (51st SAW): Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. March 2011.
CRD 11-01 51st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (51st SAW): Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 2011.
2010 Center Reference Documents
CRD 10-22 Update on Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan Monitoring Initiatives: Compliance and Consequential Bycatch Rates from June 2008 through May 2009, by CD Orphanides. November 2010.
CRD 10-21 12th Flatfish Biology Conference 2010 Program and Abstracts, by Conference Steering Committee. October 2010.
CRD 10-20 Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, abstracts, and web documents for calendar year 2009, by A Toran. September 2010.
CRD 10-19 International Workshop on Bioextractive Technologies for Nutrient Remediation Summary Report, by JM Rose, M Tedesco, GH Wikfors, C Yarish. August 2010.
CRD 10-18 An Updated Spatial Pattern Analysis for the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Atlantic Herring Complex During 1963-2009, by JJ Deroba. August 2010.
CRD 10-17 50th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (50th SAW): Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. August 2010.
CRD 10-16 Stock assessment of scup for 2010, by M Terceiro. July 2010.
CRD 10-15 Bluefish 2010 stock assessment update, by GR Shepherd and J Nieland. July 2010.
CRD 10-14 Stock assessment of summer flounder for 2010, by M Terceiro. July 2010.
CRD 10-13 Black sea bass 2010 stock assessment update, by GR Shepherd and J Nieland. July 2010.
CRD 10-12 A survey of social capital and attitudes toward management in the New England groundfish fishery, by DS Holland, P Pinto da Silva, and J Wiersma. July 2010.
CRD 10-11 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Cetacean Biopsy Training Manual, by F Wenzel, J Nicolas, F Larsen, and RM Pace, III. July 2010.
CRD 10-10 Estimates of Cetacean and Pinniped Bycatch in the 2007 and 2008 Northeast Sink Gillnet and Mid-Atlantic Gillnet Fisheries, by CD Orphanides. June 2010
CRD 10-09 50th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (50th SAW): Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center July 2010.
CRD 10-08 Withdrawn from series.
CRD 10-07 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2009 Results Summary, by C Khan, T Cole, P Duley, A Glass, J Gatzke. May 2010.
CRD 10-06 Biological Reference Points for Spiny Dogfish, by PJ Rago and KA Sosebee. May 2010.
CRD 10-05 Estimation of Albatross IV to Henry B. Bigelow calibration factors, by Miller TJ, Das C, Politis PJ, Miller AS, Lucey SM, Legault CM, Brown RW, Rago PJ. May 2010.
CRD 10-04 Brodeur's Guide to Otoliths of Some Northwest Atlantic Fishes, edited by R.S. McBride, J.W. Hauser, and S.J. Sutherland. May 2010.
CRD 10-03 49th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (49th SAW) Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. February 2010.
CRD 10-02 A Standard Method to Apportion Groundfish Catch to Stock Area for the Purpose of Real Time Quota Monitoring under Amendment 16, by Michael C. Palmer. January 2010.
CRD 10-01 49th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (49th SAW) Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 2010.
2009 Center Reference Documents
CRD 09-20 River Herring Discard Estimation, Precision, and Sample Size Analysis, by SE Wigley, J Blaylock, and PJ Rago. December 2009.
CRD 09-19 Proration of estimated bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles in U.S. mid-Atlantic sink gillnet gear to vessel trip report landed catch, 2002-2006, by KT Murray. November 2009.
CRD 09-18 Stock assessment of scup for 2009, by M Terceiro. October 2009.
CRD 09-17 Stock assessment of summer flounder for 2009, by M Terceiro. October 2009.
CRD 09-16 Black sea bass 2009 stock assessment update, by GR Shepherd. October 2009.
CRD 09-15 48th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (48th SAW) Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. October 2009.
CRD 09-14 Update on Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan Monitoring Initiatives: Compliance and Consequential Bycatch Rates from June 2007 through May 2008, Pinger Tester Development and Enforcement from January 2008 through July of 2009, by CD Orphanides, S Wetmore, and A Johnson. September 2009.
CRD 09-13 Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, abstracts, and web documents for calendar year 2008, compiled by A Toran. August 2009.
CRD 09-12 Description of the 2008 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf, by MH Taylor, T Holzwarth-Davis, C Bascuñán, and JP Manning. August 2009.
CRD 09-11 Ecosystem Assessment Report for the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem, by Ecosystem Status Program. July 2009.
CRD 09-10 48th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (48th SAW) assessment summary report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2009.
CRD 09-09 Proceedings from a workshop to identify future research priorities for cod tagging in the Gulf of Maine, 12 February, 2009, by S Tallack, Compiler/Editor. June 2009.
CRD 09-08 The 2008 Assessment of Atlantic Halibut in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Region, by LA Col and CM Legault. May 2009.
CRD 09-07 Determination of Conversion Factors for Vessel Comparison Studies, by HO Milliken and MJ Fogarty. April 2009.
CRD 09-06 A Bibliography of the Long-Finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala melas, and the Short-Finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus, in the North Atlantic Ocean, compiled by FW Wenzel, JR Nicolas, A Abend, and B Hayward. May 2009.
CRD 09-05 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2008 Results Summary, by C Khan, TVN Cole, P Duley, AH Glass, M Niemeyer, and C Christman. March 2009.
CRD 09-04 Mortality and serious injury determinations for baleen whale stocks along the United States eastern seaboard and adjacent Canadian Maritimes, 2003-2007 (2nd Edition), by AH Glass, TVN Cole, and M Garron. May 2009.
CRD 09-03 The 2008 assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stock, by RK Mayo, G Shepherd, L O’Brien, LA Col, and M Traver. February 2009.
CRD 09-02 The Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group Report, December 8-12, 2008 Meeting, by Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group. January 2009.
CRD 09-01 Report of the Retrospective Working Group, January 14-16, 2008, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, by CM Legault. January 2009.
2008 Center Reference Documents
CRD 08-20 Estimated average annual bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in US Mid-Atlantic bottom otter trawl gear, 1996-2004 (2nd edition), by KT Murray. November 2008.
CRD 08-19 11th Flatfish Biology Conference Program and Abstracts, Dec. 3-4, 2008, Water’s Edge Resort and Spa, Westbrook, Connecticut, by Conference Steering Committee: R Mercaldo-Allen (Chair), A Calabrese, D Danila, M Dixon, A Jearld, T Munroe, Deborah Pacileo, C Powell, and S Sutherland. November 2008.
CRD 08-18 A description of the allocation procedure applied to the 1994 to 2007 commercial landings data, by SE Wigley, P Hersey, and JE Palmer. September 2008.
CRD 08-17 Preparation of the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program gillnet data for use in bycatch analyses of protected species, by ML Warden and CD Orphanides. August 2008.
CRD 08-16 Appendix to the Report of the 3rd Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (GARM III): Assessment of 19 Northeast Groundfish Stocks through 2007, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 4-8, 2008, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2008.
CRD 08-15 Assessment of 19 Northeast Groundfish Stocks through 2007: Report of the 3rd Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (GARM III), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 4-8, 2008, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. August 2008.
CRD 08-14 Predicted bycatch of harbor porpoises under various alternatives to reduce bycatch in the US Northeast and Mid-Atlantic gillnet fisheries, by DL Palka and CD Orphanides. August 2008.
CRD 08-13 Predicted harbor porpoise bycatch under potential mitigation measure scenarios, by DL Palka. July 2008.
CRD 08-12 47th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (47th SAW) Assessment Report & Appendixes, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2008.
CRD 08-11 47th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (47th SAW) Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2008.
CRD 08-10 Harbor porpoise bycatch rates that indicate compliance with pinger regulations for the Northeast gillnet fishery, by DL Palka and CD Orphanides. July 2008.
CRD 08-09 Bycatch of harbor porpoises in three U.S. gillnet management areas: Southern Mid-Atlantic, Offshore, and Western Gulf of Maine, by CD Orphanides and DL Palka. July 2008.
CRD 08-08 Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, abstracts, and web documents for calendar year 2007, compiled by LS Garner. July 2008.
CRD 08-07 Northwest Atlantic Ocean Habitats Important to the Conservation of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis), by RM Pace III and RL Merrick. April 2008.
CRD 08-06 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) 2007 results summary, by M Niemeyer, TVN Cole, CL Christman, P Duley, and AH Glass. March 2008.
CRD 08-05 Collected Programs & Abstracts of the Northeast Fishery Science Center’s Flatfish Biology Conferences, 1986-2002, by R Mercaldo-Allen and A Calabrese, Editors. February 2008.
CRD 08-04 Mortality and Serious Injury Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks Along the United States Eastern Seaboard and Adjacent Canadian Maritimes, 2002-2006, by AH Glass, TVN Cole, M Garron, RL Merrick, and RM Pace III. February 2008.
CRD 08-03 46th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (46th SAW) Assessment Report & Appendixes. February 2008.
CRD 08-02 A brief description of the discard estimation for the National Bycatch Report, by SE Wigley, MC Palmer, J Blaylock, PJ Rago. January 2008.
CRD 08-01 46th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (46th SAW) 46th SAW assessment summary report. January 2008.
2007 Center Reference Documents
CRD 07-22 Validating the Stock Apportionment of Commercial Fisheries Landings Using Positional Data from Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS), by MC Palmer and SE Wigley. December 2007.
CRD 07-21 Monkfish Assessment Report for 2007, by the Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group. December 2007.
CRD 07-20 Estimates of Cetacean and Pinniped Bycatch in the 2006 Northeast Sink Gillnet and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet Fisheries, by D Belden and CD Orphanides. December 2007.
CRD 07-19 Allocating Observer Sea Days to Bottom Trawl and Gillnet Fisheries in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions to Monitor and Estimate Incidental Bycatch of Marine Mammals, by MC Rossman. November 2007.
CRD 07-18 North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (RWSAS) Results Summaries for the Years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, & 2006, compiled by M Niemeyer. November 2007.
CRD 07-17 Demographic and economic trends in the Northeastern United States lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery, 1970–2005, by EM Thunberg. October 2007.
CRD 07-16 45th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (45th SAW): 45th SAW assessment report. September 2007.
CRD 07-15 Characterization of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Bottom and Mid-water Trawl Fisheries Based on Vessel Trip Report (VTR) Data, by CD Orphanides and GM Magnusson. September 2007.
CRD 07-14 NEFSC Publications, Reports, Abstracts, and Web Pages/Documents for Calendar Year 2006, compiled by LS Garner. August 2007.
CRD 07-13 Monkfish Assessment Summary for 2007, by Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group. August 2007.
CRD 07-12 Proposed Vessel Calibration Studies for NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow, by NEFSC Vessel Calibration Working Group. August 2007.
CRD 07-11 45th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (45th SAW). 45th SAW Assessment Summary Report. July 2007.
CRD 07-10 44th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (44th SAW): 44th SAW Assessment Report. May 2007.
CRD 07-09 The Analytic Component to the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment: Sampling Design, and Estimation of Precision and Accuracy (2nd Edition), by SE Wigley, PJ Rago, KA Sosebee, and DL Palka. May 2007.
CRD 07-08 Estimates of Cetacean and Pinniped Bycatch in the 2005 Northeast Sink Gillnet and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet Fisheries, by D Belden. May 2007.
CRD 07-07 Evaluation of a Modified Scallop Dredge’s Ability to Reduce the Likelihood of Damage to Loggerhead Sea Turtle Carcasses, by HO Milliken, L Belskis, W DuPaul, J Gearhart, H Haas, J Mitchell, R Smolowitz, W Teas. April 2007
CRD 07-06 The 2005 Assessment of Acadian Redfish, Sebastes fasciatus Storer, in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank region, by RK Mayo, JKT Brodziak, JM Burnett, ML Traver, and LA Col. April 2007.
CRD 07-05 Mortality and Serious Injury Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks Along the United States Eastern Seaboard and Adjacent Canadian Maritimes, 2001-2005, by M Nelson, M Garron, RL Merrick, RM Pace III, and TVN Cole. February 2007.
CRD 07-04 Estimated bycatch of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in U.S. Mid-Atlantic scallop trawl gear, 2004-2005, and in sea scallop dredge gear, 2005, by KT Murray. February 2007.
CRD 07-03 44th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (44th SAW). 44th SAW Assessment Summary Report. January 2007. 
CRD 07-02 Methodologies of the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Aerial Survey Program for Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in the Northeast U.S., 1998-2006, by TVN Cole, P Gerrior, and RL Merrick. January 2007.
CRD 07-01 Accuracy and Precision Exercises Associated with 2006 TRAC Production Aging, by SJ Sutherland, NL Shepherd, SE Pregracke, and JM Burnett. January 2007.
2006 Center Reference Documents
CRD 06-28 Precision Exercises with SARC 42 Production Aging, by SJ Sutherland, NL Shepherd, and SE Pregracke. November 2006.
CRD 06-27 Accuracy and Precision Exercises Associated with 2005 TRAC Production Aging, by SJ Sutherland, NJ Munroe, V Silva, SE Pregracke, and JM Burnett. November 2006.
CRD 06-26 Protection against Electric Shock in Laboratory Sea-Water Systems, by JM Crossen, PS Galtsoff, and JA Gibson (ed.). Prepared 1966; issued November 2006.
CRD 06-25 43rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (43rd SAW) 43rd SAW Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. November 2006.
CRD 06-24 Analysis of Virginia Fisheries Effort as a Component in the Development of a Fisheries Sampling plan to investigate the Causes of Sea Turtle Strandings, by CD Orphanides and KD Bisack. November 2006.
CRD 06-23 Tenth Flatfish Biology Conference, November 29-30, 2006, Water’s Edge Resort, Westbrook, Connecticut, by R Mercaldo-Allen, A Calabrese, DJ Danila, MS Dixon, A Jearld, TA Munroe, DJ Pacileo, C Powell, and SJ Sutherland. October 2006.
CRD 06-22 The Analytic Component to the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment: Sampling Design, and Estimation of Precision and Accuracy, by SE Wigley, PJ Rago, KA Sosebee, and DL Palka. October 2006.
CRD 06-21 A Laboratory Guide to the Identification of Marine Fish Eggs Collected on the Northeast Coast of the United States, 1977-1994, by PL Berrien and JD Sibunka. September 2006.
CRD 06-20 Sea Scallop Stock Assessment Update for 2005, by DR Hart. September 2006.
CRD 06-19 Estimated Average Annual Bycatch of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bottom Otter Trawl Gear, 1996-2004, by KT Murray. September 2006.
CRD 06-18 Environmental Preferences of Atlantic Herring under Changing Harvest Regimes, by KD Friedland, JE O’Reilly, JA Hare, GB Wood, WJ Overholtz, and MD Cieri. August 2006.
CRD 06-17 Stock Assessment of Summer Flounder for 2006, by M Terceiro. August 2006.
CRD 06-16 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2005, by L Garner and J Gunnard. August 2006.
CRD 06-15 Documentation for the Energy Modeling and Analysis eXercise (EMAX), by JS Link, CA Griswold, ET Methratta, and J Gunnard. August 2006.
CRD 06-14 43rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (43rd SAW) 43rd SAW Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2006.
CRD 06-13 Estimates of Cetacean and Seal Bycatch in the 2004 Northeast Sink Gillnet and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet Fisheries, by DL Belden, CD Orphanides, MC Rossman, and DL Palka. July 2006.
CRD 06-12 Report from the Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Aging Workshop Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA, 7-9 November 2005, by L Jacobson, S Sutherland, J Burnett, M Davidson, J Harding, J Normant, A Picariello, and E Powell. July 2006.
CRD 06-11 Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Haddock, 1931-2004, by J Brodziak, M Traver, L Col, and S Sutherland. June 2006.
CRD 06-10 Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 2005, by L O’Brien , N Shepherd, and L Col. June 2006.
CRD 06-09 42nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (42nd SAW) Stock Assessment Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. May 2006.
CRD 06-08 Bloom History of Picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens in the New Jersey Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor System and Great Bay, 1995-1999, by JB Mahoney, PS Olsen, and D Jeffress. May 2006
CRD 06-07 Vida de los Pescadores Costeros del Pacífico desde México a Perú y su Dependencia de la Recolecta de Conchas (Anadara spp.), Almejas (Polymesoda spp.), Ostiones (Crassostrea spp., Ostreola spp.), Camarones (Penaeus spp.), Cangrejos (Callinectes spp.), y la Pesca de Peces de Escama en Los Manglares [The Fishermen’s Lives in Pacific Coast Villages from Mexico to Peru, Supported by Landings of Mangrove Cockles (Anadara spp.), Clams (Polymesoda spp.), Oysters (Crassostrea spp., Ostreola spp.), Shrimp (Penaeus spp.), Crabs (Callinectes spp.), and Finfish], by CL MacKenzie, Jr. and RJ Buesa. April 2006.
CRD 06-06 Report of the GoMA GOOS Workshop on Objectives of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the Gulf of Maine Area, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 11-13 May 2004, by S Gavaris, WL Gabriel,and TT Noji, Co-Chairs. April 2006.
CRD 06-05 A historical perspective on the abundance and biomass of Northeast complex stocks from NMFS and Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys, 1963-2002, by KA Sosebee and SX Cadrin. April 2006.
CRD 06-04 Mortality and serious injury determinations for baleen whale stocks along the eastern seaboard of the United States, 2000-2004, by TVN Cole, DL Hartley, and M Garron (web-only document). April 2006.
CRD 06-03 Summer abundance estimates of cetaceans in US North Atlantic Navy operating areas, by DL Palka. March 2006.
CRD 06-02 The 2005 assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock, by RK Mayo and LA Col. March 2006.
CRD 06-01 42nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (42nd SAW) 42nd SAW Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 2006.
2005 Center Reference Documents
CRD 05-19 Seasonal management area to reduce ship strikes of northern right whales in the Gulf of Maine, by RL Merrick. December 2005.
CRD 05-18 Program planning and description documents for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, its component laboratories, and their predecessors during 1955-2005, by Jon A. Gibson. December 2005.
CRD 05-17 Modification of chemically-defined medium ASP12 for picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens, with limited comparison of physiological requirements of New York and New Jersey isolates, by JB Mahoney. November 2005.
CRD 05-16 Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 2004, by L Garner. October 2005.
CRD 05-15 Economic Analysis of Alternative Harvest Strategies for Eastern Georges Bank Haddock [5Zjm; 551, 552, 561, 562], by EM Thunberg, DSK Liew, CM Fulcher, and JKT Brodziak
CRD 05-14 41st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (41st SAW) 41st SAW Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2005.
CRD 05-13 Assessment of 19 Northeast groundfish stocks through 2004. 2005 Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (2005 GARM), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 15-19 August 2005, by RK Mayo and M Terceiro, editors. September 2005.
CRD 05-12 Total bycatch estimate of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles in the 2004 sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge fishery, by KT Murray. August 2005.
CRD 05-11 Expanding Opportunities in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences III: Proceedings of the Third National Conference to Strengthen the Links among HBMSCUs, NOAA, Business, and Graduate Studies in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, by A. Jearld, Jr., and D. Peloquin, compilers. August 2005
CRD 05-10 41st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (41st SAW) 41st SAW Assessment Summary Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. August 2005.
CRD 05-09 NEFSC bycatch estimation methodology: allocation, precision, and accuracy, by PJ Rago, SE Wigley, and MJ Fogarty. August 2005.
CRD 05-08 Mortality and serious injury determinations for large whale stocks along the eastern seaboard of the United States, 1999-2003, by TVN Cole, DL Hartley, and RL Merrick. July 2005.
CRD 05-07 Benthic macrofauna and associated hydrographic observations collected in Newark Bay, New Jersey, between June 1993 and March 1994, by LL Stehlik, SJ Wilk, RA Pikanowski, DG McMillan, and EM MacHaffie. July 2005.
CRD 05-06 Use of the Historic Area Remediation Site by black sea bass and summer flounder, by MC Fabrizio, JP Pessutti, JP Manderson, AF Drohan, and BA Phelan. June 2005.
CRD 05-05 Effectiveness of a square-mesh escape panel in reducing finfish bycatch in a small-mesh bottom trawl used in the longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii) fishery, by LC Hendrickson. June 2005.
CRD 05-04 40th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (40th SAW) Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. April 2005.
CRD 05-03 Description of the 2004 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by MH Taylor, C Bascuñán, and JP Manning. April 2005.
CRD 05-02 Proceedings of a Workshop to Review and Evaluate the Design and Utility of Fish Mark - Recapture Projects in the Northeastern United States; October 19-21, 2004; Nonantum Resort, Kennebunkport, Maine, by Workshop Organizing Committee. March 2005
CRD 05-01 Results from the 2004 cooperative survey of Atlantic surfclams, by JR Weinberg, EN Powell, C. Pickett, VA Nordahl Jr., and LD Jacobson. February 2005.
2004 Center Reference Documents
CRD 04-14 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2003, by Laura Garner. November 2004
CRD 04-13 Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference, December 1-2, 2004, Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, Connecticut, by Conference Steering Committee. November 2004
CRD 04-12 Description of the 2003 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast continental shelf, by C. Bascuñán, M.H. Taylor, and D.G. Mountain. September 2004.
CRD 04-11 Bycatch of Sea Turtles in the Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Dredge Fishery during 2003, by K.T. Murray. October 2004
CRD 04-10 39th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (39th SAW) Assessment Summary Report & Assessment Report, by Northeast Fisheries Science Center. July 2004.
CRD 04-09 Estimation of Striped Bass Discards in the Multispecies Groundfish Fishery, During the 2002 Fishing Year (May 2002 – April 2003), by G.R. Shepherd. June 2004.
CRD 04-08 Revised Procedures for Calculating Regional Average Water Properties for Northeast Fisheries Science Center Cruises, by D.G. Mountain, M.H. Taylor, and C Bascuñán. April 2004.
CRD 04-07 Identification and Description of the Common Sponges of Jeffreys Ledge as an Aid in Field Operations, by K. McCarthy. April 2004.
CRD 04-06 Stock Assessment of the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Atlantic Herring Complex, 2003, by W.J. Overholtz, L.D. Jacobson, G.D. Melvin, M. Cieri, M. Power, D. Libby, and K. Clark. February 2004.
CRD 04-05 Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, May 27-29, 2003, by W.J. Overholtz
CRD 04-04 Report of the 38th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (38th SAW): Advisory Report. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 38.] January 2004.
CRD 04-03 Report of the 38th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (38th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 38.] January 2004.
CRD 04-02 SalmonPVA: A Population Viability Analysis Model for Atlantic Salmon in the Maine Distinct Population Segment, by Christopher M. Legault. January 2004.
CRD 04-01 Current Fisheries Research and Future Ecosystems Science in the Northeast Center: Collected Abstracts of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 3-5, 2004, compiled by D.L. Johnson, T.W. Finneran, B.A. Phelan, A.D. Deshpande, C.L. Noonan, S. Fromm, and D.M. Dowds. January 2004.
2003 Center Reference Documents
CRD 03-18 Estimates of marine mammal bycatch in the Northeast (New England) multispecies sink gillnet fishery in 1996, by K.D. Bisack. September 2003.
CRD 03-17 Report of the 37th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (37th SAW): Advisory Report, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2003.
CRD 03-16 Report of the 37th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (37th SAW): Consensus Summary of Assessments, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2003.
CRD 03-15 Estimates of the number of vessels and quantity of gear deployed in the lobster and gillnet fisheries in 1999 off the northeast coast of the United States, by K.D. Bisack. September 2003.
CRD 03-14 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank witch flounder stock for 2003, by S. E. Wigley, J. K.T. Brodziak and L. Col. September 2003.
CRD 03-13 Distribution of the brown tide picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens in western New York Bight coastal waters, by J.B. Mahoney, D. Jeffress, C. Zetlin, P.S. Olsen, H. Grebe, and J. Brooks. September 2003.
CRD 03-12 A taxonomy of world whaling: operations, eras, and sources, by R.R. Reeves and T.D. Smith. August 2003.
CRD 03-11 Accuracy enhancement of microscope enumeration of picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens, by J.B. Mahoney, D. Jeffress, J. Bredemeyer, and K. Wendling. August 2003.
CRD 03-10 Comparison of invertebrate abundances in four bays of the northeastern United States: two bays with sparse quahogs and two bays with abundant quahogs, by C.L. MacKenzie, Jr. August 2003.
CRD 03-09 Stock Assessment of Summer Flounder for 2003, by M. Terceiro. August 2003.
CRD 03-08 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2002, by L. Garner and J.A. Gibson. July 2003.
CRD 03-07 Implementation of Electronic Logbook Reporting in a Squid Bottom Trawl Study Fleet during 2002, by L.C. Hendrickson, D.A. Hiltz, H.M. McBride, B.M. North, and J.E. Palmer. April 2003.
CRD 03-06 Report of the 36th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (36th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. March 2003.
CRD 03-05 Description of the 2002 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor, C. Bascuñán, and J.P. Manning.
CRD 03-04 Report of the 36th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (36th SAW): Public Review Workshop, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. February 2003.
CRD 03-03 Stock Assessment of Yellowtail Flounder in the Cape Cod - Gulf of Maine Area (SAW 36), by S.X. Cadrin and J. King. February 2003.
CRD 03-02 Stock Assessment of Yellowtail Flounder in The Southern New England - Mid-Atlantic Area (SAW 36), by S.X. Cadrin. February 2003.
CRD 03-01 Manuscript/Abstract/Webpage Preparation, Review, & Dissemination: NEFSC Author's Guide to Policy, Process, and Procedure, by J.A. Gibson, T.L. Frady, E.L. Kleindinst, and L.S. Garner. January 2003.
2002 Center Reference Documents
CRD 02-16 Assessment of 20 Northeast groundfish stocks through 2001. A report of the Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (GARM), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, October 8-11, 2002. October 2002.
CRD 02-15 Report of the Workshop on Trawl Warp Effects on Fishing Gear Performance, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, October 2-3, 2002, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. October 2002.
CRD 02-14 Report of the 35th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (35th SAW): Consensus Summary of Assessments, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2002.
CRD 02-13 Report of the 35th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (35th SAW): Public Review Workshop, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. September 2002.
CRD 02-12 Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, February 5-8, 2002, edited by R. N. O'Boyle and W.J. Overholtz. September 2002.
CRD 02-11 Status of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem, edited by J.S. Link and J.K.T. Brodziak. August 2002.
CRD 02-10 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2001, by L. Garner and J.A. Gibson. August 2002.
CRD 02-09 A Compilation of Reported Fish Kills in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary during 1982 through 2001, by R.N. Reid, P.S. Olsen, and J.B. Mahoney. July 2002.
CRD 02-08 Description of the 2001 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor, C. Bascuñán, and J.P. Manning. May 2002.
CRD 02-07 34th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (34th SAW): Public Review Workshop, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. April 2002.
CRD 02-06 34th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (34th SAW): Consensus Summary of Assessments, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. April 2002.
CRD 02-05 Biological Characteristics, Population Dynamics, and Current Status of Redfish, Sebastes fasciatus Storer, in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region, by R.K. Mayo, J.K.T. Brodziak, M. Thompson, J. Burnett, and S.X. Cadrin. April 2002.
CRD 02-04 Final Report of the Working Group on Re-Evaluation of Biological Reference Points for New England Groundfish, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. March 2002.
CRD 02-03 An Age-Structured Assessment Model for Georges Bank Winter Flounder: A Report of the 34th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop, by J.K.T. Brodziak. March 2002.
CRD 02-02 The 2001 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic Cod Stock: A Report of the 33rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (33rd SAW), by R.K. Mayo, E.M. Thunberg, S.E. Wigley, and S.X. Cadrin. March 2002.
CRD 02-01 Workshop on the Effects of Fishing Gear on Marine Habitats off the Northeastern United States, October 23-25, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, by Northeast Region Essential Fish Habitat Steering Committee. February 2002.
2001 Center Reference Documents
CRD 01-20 Assessment of 19 Northeast Groundfish Stocks through 2000: A Report to the New England Fishery Management Council's Multi-Species Monitoring Committee, by Northern Demersal and Southern Demersal Working Groups, Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop. December 2001.
CRD 01-19 33rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (33rd SAW): Public Review Workshop, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. December 2001.
CRD 01-18 33rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (33rd SAW) Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC): Consensus Summary of Assessments, by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. December 2001.
CRD 01-17 Collected Abstracts of the Seventh NEFSC Science Symposium. Compiled by R. Mercaldo-Allen, J. Choromanski, M.S. Dixon, J.B. Hughes, D.R. Lanyon, C.A. Kuropat, C. Martin, and J.J. Ziskowski. December 2001.
CRD 01-16 Report of the Workshop on the Causes of Reproductive Failure in North Atlantic Right Whales: New Avenues of Research, by R.R. Reeves, R. Rolland, and P.J. Clapham (eds.). November 2001.
CRD 01-15 Bycatch Estimates of Coastal Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in U.S. Mid-Atlantic Gillnet Fisheries for 1996 to 2000, by D.L. Palka and M.C. Rossman. November 2001.
CRD 01-14 Identification of Seasonal Area Management Zones for North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation, by R.L. Merrick, P.J. Clapham, T.V.N. Cole, P. Gerrior, and R.M. Pace, III. October 2001.
CRD 01-13 Elemental Composition of Fish Otoliths: Results of a Laboratory Intercomparison Exercise, by V.S. Zdanowicz. September 2001.
CRD 01-12 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for 2000, by L. Garner and J.A. Gibson. August 2001.
CRD 01-11 Protocol and Guide for Estimating Nucleic Acids in Larval Fish Using a Fluorescence Microplate Reader, by E.M. Caldarone, M. Wagner, J. St. Onge-Burns, and L.J. Buckley.  July 2001.
CRD 01-10 Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 2001, by L. O'Brien and N.J. Munroe. July 2001.
CRD 01-09 Results of a field collection of biopsy samples from coastal bottlenose dolphin in the Mid-Atlantic, by J. Nicolas, D.C. Potter, C.W. Potter, and P.E. Rosel. July 2001.
CRD 01-08 TRAC Advisory Report on Stock Status - A Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee, St. Andrews Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, April 17-20, 2001. July 2001.
CRD 01-07 Proceedings of the 14th Canada-USA Scientific Discussions, January 22-25, 2001, MBL Conference Center, Woods Hole, MA, by S. Clark and R. O'Boyle, Convenors. April 2001.
CRD 01-06 Defining Triggers for Temporary Area Closures to Protect Right Whales from Entanglements: Issues and Options, by P.J. Clapham and R.M. Pace, III. April 2001.
CRD 01-05 Report of the 32nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (32nd SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 32.] April 2001. VERY LARGE PDF (28 KB)
CRD 01-04 Report of the 32nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (32nd SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 32.] April 2001.
CRD 01-03 Assessment of the Silver Hake Resource in the Northwest Atlantic in 2000, by J.K.T. Brodziak, E.M. Holmes, K.A. Sosebee, and R.K. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 32.] March 2001.
CRD 01-02 Update Assessment of American Plaice in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region for 2000, by L. O'Brien and C. Esteves. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 32.] February 2001.
CRD 01-01 Description of the 2000 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf.  By M.H. Taylor and C. Bascuñán.  February 2001.
2000 Center Reference Documents
CRD 00-17 Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 2000.  By L. O'Brien and N.J. Munroe.  [A report of Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting No. 3].  December 2000.
CRD 00-16 Assessment of the Georges Bank Winter Flounder Stock, 1982-1997.  By R.W. Brown, J.M. Burnett, G.A. Begg, and S.X. Cadrin.  [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 28.]  December 2000.
CRD 00-15 Report of the 31st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (31st SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments.  [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 31.]  October 2000. VERY LARGE PDF (35 KB)
CRD 00-14 Report of the 31st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (31st SAW): Public Review Workshop.  [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 31.]  October 2000.
CRD 00-13 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstract for Calendar Year 1999.  By L. Garner and J.A. Gibson.  September 2000.
CRD 00-12 Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Haddock, 1931-1999.  By R.W. Brown and N.J. Munroe.  [A report of Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting No. 3].  September 2000.
CRD 00-11 CTD Data Collection on Northeast Fisheries Science Center Cruises: Standard Operating Procedures.  By M.H. Taylor and C. Bascuñán.  August 2000.
CRD 00-10 Assessment of the Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder Stock for 2000.  By S.X. Cadrin, J.D. Neilson, S. Gavaris, and P. Perley.  [A report of Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting No. 3].  August 2000.
CRD 00-09 Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 26-28, 2000.  By S. Clark and W. Stobo, co-chairmen.  [A report of Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting No. 3].  July 2000.
CRD 00-08 TRAC Advisory Report on Stock Status: A Report of the Third Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 26-28, 2000. [A report of Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting No. 3]. July 2000.
CRD 00-07 Abundance of the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy Harbor Porpoise Based on Shipboard and Aerial Surveys in 1999, by D. Palka. May 2000.
CRD 00-06 A Method for Analyzing Trip Limits in Northeast Fisheries: A Case Study of the Spiny Dogfish Fishery, by S.R. Steinback and E.M. Thunberg. May 2000.
CRD 00-05 Assessment of 11 Northeast Groundfish Stocks through 1999: A Report to the New England Fishery Management Council's Multi-Species Monitoring Committee, by Northern Demersal Working Group, Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop. May 2000.
CRD 00-04 Report of the 30th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (30th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 30.] April 2000.
CRD 00-03 Report of the 30th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (30th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 30.] April 2000.
CRD 00-02 An Overview of the Biology, Ecology, and Fisheries of the Clupeoid Fishes Occurring in the Gulf of Maine, by T.A. Munroe. March 2000. VERY LARGE PDF!
CRD 00-01 Description of the 1999 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and C. Bascuñán. January 2000.
1999 Center Reference Documents
CRD 99-19 Stock Assessment of Summer Flounder for 1999, by M. Terceiro. December 1999.
CRD 99-18 Expanding Opportunities in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences: Proceedings of a Conference to Strengthen Linkages among HBMSCUs, NOAA, and Graduate Studies in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, March 29-31, 1999, Richard A. Henson Center, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, Maryland, by A. Jearld, Jr., comp. & ed. December 1999.
CRD 99-17 Harbor Porpoise Bycatch in the Northeast Multispecies Sink Gillnet Fishery and the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet Fishery in 1998 and during January-May 1999, by M.C. Rossman and R.L. Merrick. December 1999.
CRD 99-16 Assessment of the Witch Flounder Stock in Subareas 5 and 6 for 1999, by S.E. Wigley, J.K.T. Brodziak, and S.X. Cadrin. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 29.] October 1999.
CRD 99-15 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 1998, by J.A. Gibson. September 1999.
CRD 99-14 Report of the 29th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (29th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 29.] September 1999.
CRD 99-13 Report of the 29th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (29th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 29.] September 1999.
CRD 99-12 Stock Assessment of Longfin Inshore Squid, Loligo pealeii, by S.X. Cadrin and E.M.C. Hatfield. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 29.] September 1999.
CRD 99-11 Predicting Right Whale Distribution: Report of the Workshop Held on October 1 and 2, 1998, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, by P.J. Clapham, ed. August 1999.
CRD 99-10 Research Vessel Survey Data Collection and Management for Northern Shrimp, by S. Clark, J. O'Gorman, L. Despres, V. Silva, and B. Lewis. June 1999.
CRD 99-09 Assessment of American Plaice in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region for 1998, by L. O'Brien, R.K. Mayo, and C. Esteves. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 28.] June 1999.
CRD 99-08 Report of the 28th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (28th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 28.] June 1999.
CRD 99-07 Report of the 28th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (28th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 28.] May 1999.
CRD 99-06 Georges Bank Predation Study: Report of the 1994-96 Field Seasons, by F. Almeida, M. Fogarty, M. Grosslein, B. Kaminer, J. Link, W. Michaels, and R. Rountree. [A report of the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program.] May 1999.
CRD 99-05 Ten-Year Projections of Landings, Spawning Stock Biomass, and Recruitment for Five New England Groundfish Stocks, by W.J. Overholtz, S.A. Murawski, P.J. Rago, W.L. Gabriel, M. Terceiro, and J.K.T. Brodziak. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] April 1999.
CRD 99-04 Status of the Cape Cod Yellowtail Flounder Stock for 1998, by S.X. Cadrin, J. King, and L.E. Suslowicz. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 28.] April 1999.
CRD 99-03 Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 1998, by L. O'Brien and S. X. Cadrin. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 27.] February 1999.
CRD 99-02 Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 1997, by L. O'Brien. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] February 1999.
CRD 99-01 Description of the 1998 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and C. Bascuñán. February 1999.
1998 Center Reference Documents
CRD 98-15 Report of the 27th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (27th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 27.] December 1998.
CRD 98-14 Report of the 27th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (27th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 27.] December 1998.
CRD 98-13 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic Cod Stock for 1998, by R.K. Mayo, L. O'Brien, and S.E. Wigley. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 27.] November 1998.
CRD 98-12 Description and Impacts of Northeast Groundfish Fishery Buyout Programs, by A. Kitts and E. Thunberg. November 1998.
CRD 98-11 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 1997, by J.A. Gibson. October 1998.
CRD 98-10 Seasonal Distribution and Abundance of 26 Species of Fish and Megainvertebrates Collected in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, January 1992 - December 1997, by S.J. Wilk, R.A. Pikanowski, D.G. McMillan, and E.M. MacHaffie. October 1998. PDF File
CRD 98-09 Results of the Summer 1991 R/V Chapman Marine Mammal Sighting Survey, by G.T. Waring. October 1998.
CRD 98-08 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic Cod Stock for 1997, by R.K. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] August 1998.
CRD 98-07 Gulf of Maine Northern Shrimp Stock Assessment: a Report Prepared by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's Northern Shrimp Technical Committee at the 25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 21-25 July 1997, by S.X. Cadrin, D.F. Schick, D. McCarron, S.H. Clark, M.P. Armstrong, B. Smith, and J.B. O'Gorman. June 1998.
CRD 98-06 Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 1997, by S.X. Cadrin, W.J. Overholtz, J.D. Neilson, S. Gavaris, and S.E. Wigley. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] June 1998.
CRD 98-05 A Preliminary Analytical Assessment for White Hake in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region, by K.A. Sosebee, L. O'Brien, and L.C. Hendrickson. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 19.] April 1998. [Final issue number 98-05 replaces preliminary issue number 95-03.]
CRD 98-04 Report of the 26th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (26th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 26.] March 1998.
CRD 98-03 Report of the 26th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (26th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 26.] March 1998.
CRD 98-02 Proration of 1994-96 USA Commercial Landings of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder to Unit Stock Areas, by S. Wigley, M. Terceiro, A. Delong, and K. Sosebee. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] March 1998.
CRD 98-01 Description of the 1997 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and C. Bascuñán. February 1998.
1997 Center Reference Documents
CRD 97-16 Description of the 1996 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and M.E. Kiladis. December 1997.
CRD 97-15 Report of the 25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (25th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 25.] December 1997.
CRD 97-14 Report of the 25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (25th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 25.] December 1997.
CRD 97-13 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 1996, by J.A. Gibson. November 1997. Revised and reissued February 1998.
CRD 97-12 Report of the 24th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (24th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] October 1997.
CRD 97-11 Report of the 24th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (24th SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 24.] October 1997.
CRD 97-10 Fish, Megainvertebrates, and Associated Hydrographic Observations Collected in Newark Bay, New Jersey, during May 1993 - April 1994, by S.J. Wilk, D.G. McMillan, R.A. Pikanowski, E.M. MacHaffie, A.J. Pacheco, and L.L. Stehlik. June 1997.
CRD 97-09 Current Resource Conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Populations: Results of the 1996 NEFSC Sea Scallop Research Vessel Survey, by H.-L. Lai and L. Hendrickson. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 23.] June 1997.
CRD 97-08 Water-Column Thermal Structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1996, by R.L. Benway and J.W. Jossi. June 1997.
CRD 97-07 Compilation of Program Booklets Issued for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's 1978-96 Intraorganizational Research Meetings, by J.A. Gibson. May 1997.
CRD 97-06 Report of the 23rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (23rd SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 23.] March 1997.
CRD 97-05 Report of the 23rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (23rd SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 23.] March 1997.
CRD 97-04 Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the Northeast Fisheries Science CenterK/a>, by B.L. Jobe and A.S. Kubinec. February 1997.
CRD 97-03 An Analysis of Some Factors Affecting Survey Catches of Squids, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic, by J.K.T. Brodziak and L.C. Hendrickson. January 1997.
CRD 97-02 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 1995, by J.A. Gibson. January 1997.
CRD 97-01 Preliminary Results of a Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Haddock Distribution Applying a Generalized Additive Model, by L. O'Brien. January 1997.
1996 Center Reference Documents
CRD 96-16 Report of the 22nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (22nd SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 22.] October 1996.
CRD 96-15 Length-Cohort Analyses of U.S. American Lobster Stocks, by S. Cadrin and B. Estrella. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 22.] October 1996.
CRD 96-14 Fish, Megainvertebrates, and Associated Hydrographic Observations Collected in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, January 1992 - December 1993, by S.J. Wilk, E.M. MacHaffie, D.G. McMillan, A.J. Pacheco, R.A. Pikanowski, and L.L. Stehlik. October 1996.
CRD 96-13 Report of the 22nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (22nd SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 22.] September 1996.
CRD 96-12 Current Resource Conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Populations, by R.A. Richards. August 1996.
CRD 96-11 Description of the 1995 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and D.W. Almgren. August 1996.
CRD 96-10 The New England Gillnet Effort Study, by J.B. Walden. June 1996.
CRD 96-09 1994 Epifauna on Tire Units from the Garden State North and Garden State South Artificial Reefs off Long Beach Island, New Jersey, by F. Steimle and W. Figley. May 1996.
CRD 96-08 Expanding Opportunities in Ocean Sciences: Strengthening the Links Between HBMSCU Undergraduates and Oceanic Graduate Studies--Proceedings of a Conference: 11-12 September 1995, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, by A. Jearld, Jr., comp. & ed. May 1996.
CRD 96-07 Description of the 1994 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by M.H. Taylor and D.W. Almgren. May 1996.
CRD 96-06 Water-Column Thermal Structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1995, by R.L. Benway and J.W. Jossi. May 1996.
CRD 96-05h Report of the 21st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (21st SAW): Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] August 1996.
CRD 96-05g Stock Assessment of Northern Shortfin Squid in the Northwest Atlantic during 1993, by L.C. Hendrickson, J. Brodziak, M. Basson, and P. Rago. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] August 1996.
CRD 96-05f The Lorenz Curve Method Applied to NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Data, by S.E. Wigley. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] July 1996.
CRD 96-05e Influence of Temperature and Depth on Distribution and Catches of Yellowtail Flounder, Atlantic Cod, and Haddock in NEFSC Bottom Trawl Surveys, by T.E. Helser and J.K.T. Brodziak. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] June 1996.
CRD 96-05d Report of the 21st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (21st SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] June 1996.
CRD 96-05c Predicting Spawning Stock Biomass for Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine Atlantic Cod Stocks with Research Vessel Survey Data, by S. Cadrin and R.K. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] May 1996.
CRD 96-05b Assessment of Winter Flounder in Southern New England and the Mid-Atlantic, by G. Shepherd, S. Cadrin, S. Correia, W. Gabriel, M. Gibson, A. Howe, P. Howell, D. Grout, N. Lazar, M. Lambert, and W. Ling. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] May 1996.
CRD 96-05a An Index-Based Assessment of Winter Flounder Populations in the Gulf of Maine, by S. Cadrin, A. Howe, S. Correia, G. Shepherd, M. Lambert, W. Gabriel, and D. Grout. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 21.] April 1996.
CRD 96-04 Update on Abundance of Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy Harbor Porpoises, by D. Palka. March 1996.
CRD 96-03 Current Resource Conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Populations: Results of the 1994 NEFSC Sea Scallop Research Vessel Survey, by S.E. Wigley and F.M. Serchuk. February 1996.
CRD 96-02 Food Habits of Winter Flounder in Woods Hole Harbor, by F.E. Lux, L.R. Porter, Jr., and F.E. Nichy. February 1996.
CRD 96-01 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 1994, by J.A. Gibson. February 1996.
1995 Center Reference Documents
CRD 95-19 Report of the 20th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (20th SAW): Saw Public Review Workshop. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] May 1996.
CRD 95-18 Report of the 20th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (20th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] February 1996.
CRD 95-17 Assessment of Black Sea Bass North of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, by G.R. Shepherd and M.C. Lambert. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] February 1996.
CRD 95-15 A Comparison of Some Biological Reference Points for Fisheries Management, by J.K.T. Brodziak and W.J. Overholtz. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] August 1995.
CRD 95-14 An Examination of the Influence of Environmental Conditions on Spring Survey Catches of Atlantic Mackerel, by J.K.T. Brodziak and S.-W. Ling. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] May 1996.
CRD 95-13 Assessment of the Georges Bank Haddock Stock for 1994, by L. O'Brien and R.W. Brown. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 20.] February 1996.
CRD 95-12 1993 Georges Bank Stratification Study, by M. Taylor, J. Manning, G. Lough, T. Rotunno, M. Kiladis, and D. Mountain. August 1995.
CRD 95-11 Water Column Thermal Structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1993 and 1994, by R.L. Benway and J.W. Jossi. February 1995.
CRD 95-10 Georges Bank Stratification Study: 1992 Data Report[:] Albatross IV 92-04 & 92-05[,] 27 April - 29 May, 1992, by J.P. Manning, T. Holzwarth-Davis, M. Taylor, T. Rotunno, D. Mountain, and G. Lough. February 1995.
CRD 95-09 Report of the 19th Stock Assessment Workshop (19th SAW): the Plenary. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 19.] March 1995.
CRD 95-08 Report of the 19th Stock Assessment Workshop (19th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 19.] March 1995.
CRD 95-02 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Cod Stock for 1994, by R. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 19.] August 1995.
CRD 95-01 An Independent Scientific Peer Review of North Atlantic Right Whale Research Sponsored by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center: a Workshop Held in Woods Hole, MA, October 3-7, 1994, by [Northeast Fisheries Science Center,] Marine Mammal Investigation. January 1995.
1994 Center Reference Documents
CRD 94-26 Results of the Third Necropsy Session of Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Incidentally Taken during Commercial Fishing Operations in the Gulf of Maine, by J.R. Nicolas. November 1994.
CRD 94-25 Assessement of Georges Bank Cod Stock for 1994, by F. Serchuk, R. Mayo, and L. O'Brien. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 18.] September 1994.
CRD 94-24 Estimating Harbor Porpoise Bycatch in the Gulf of Maine Sink Gillnet Fishery, by G. Waring and S. Clark. August 1994.
CRD 94-23 Report of the 18th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: the Plenary. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 18.] December 1994.
CRD 94-22 Report of the 18th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: Stock Assessment Review Committee Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 18.] December 1994.
CRD 94-17 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Witch Flounder Stock for 1994, by S.E. Wigley and R.K. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 18.] July 1996.
CRD 94-14 Identifying Potential Modifications to Sink Gillnet Gear to Reduce Bycatch of Harbor Porpoise: Report of a Workshop Held September 20-23 [, 1993,] Falmouth[,] Massachusetts, by T. Frady, S. Northridge, and T.D. Smith, eds. July 1994.
CRD 94-13 Atlantic Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, Maturation on Georges Bank during 1993, by F. Almeida, T. Sheehan, and R. Smolowitz. April 1994.
CRD 94-12 Estimation of Standardized Otter Trawl Effort, Landings per Unit Effort, and Landings at Age for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank Cod, by R.K. Mayo, T.E. Helser, L. O'Brien, B.F. Figuerido, and D. Hayes. April 1994.
CRD 94-11 Description of the 1993 Oceanographic Conditions off the Northeast Continental Shelf, by T.J. Holzwarth-Davis and M.H. Taylor. April 1994.
CRD 94-10 Assessment of the Georges Bank Cod Stock for 1993, by R.K. Mayo, L. O'Brien, and F.M. Serchuk. May 1994.
CRD 94-09 Workshop on Stock Assessment of Harbor Porpoise Populations in the Gulf of Maine, by D. Palka, ed. March 1994.
CRD 94-08 Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua, Larvae: an Analysis of the MARMAP Time Series, 1977-1987, by W.W. Morse. March 1994.
CRD 94-07 Report of the 17th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: the Plenary. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 17.] January 1994.
CRD 94-06 Report of the 17th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: Stock Assessment Review Committee Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 17.] January 1994.
CRD 94-05 Stock Assessment of Short-finned Squid, Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic during 1992, by J. Brodziak and L. Hendrickson. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 17.] March 1997.
CRD 94-01 Estimation of Discards in the Silver Hake Fisheries and Its Implications on the Long-Term Yield of the Stocks, by T. Helser and R. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 17.] July 1994.
1993 Center Reference Documents
CRD 93-27 A Failed Attempt to Re-Establish Eelgrass in Raritan Bay (New York/New Jersey), by R.N. Reid, C.L. Mackenzie, Jr., and J.J. Vitaliano. December 1993.
CRD 93-26 Summarized Results of Two Necropsy Sessions on Harbor Porpoise Incidentally Taken during Commercial Fishing Operations in the Gulf of Maine, by J.R. Nicholas. November 1993.
CRD 93-25 Description of the 1992 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by T.J. Holzwarth-Davis and M.H. Taylor. November 1993.
CRD 93-24 Ecosystem Perspectives on Marine Resource Management: Report of the Scoping Meeting, September 16-18, 1992, Woods Hole, Mass, by T. Smith, Ed. November 1993.
CRD 93-23 Biological Significance of the By-Catch of Harbor Porpoise in the Gulf of Maine Groundfish Gillnet Fishery, by T. Smith, D. Palka, and K. Bisack. August 1993.
CRD 93-22 Report of the Northeast Region Data Needs Workshop, by T.L. Smith, ed. August 1993.
CRD 93-19 Report of the 16th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (16th SAW): the Plenary. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 16.] July 1993.
CRD 93-18 Report of the 16th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (16th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 16.] July 1993.
CRD 93-14 Report of the Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW) Southern Demersal Subcommittee Summer Flounder Working Group, by M. Terceiro, ed. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 16.] July 1993.
CRD 93-13 Assessment of Pollock, Pollachius virens L., in Divisions 4VWX and Subareas 5 and 6, 1993, by R.K. Mayo and B.F. Figuerido. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 16.] July 1993.
CRD 93-12 Guide to Northeast Fisheries Science Center Manuscript Review and Scientific Publishing: Policy, Process, and Procedure for Authors, by T.L. Frady and J.A. Gibson. June 1993.
CRD 93-11 Estimate of Total U.S. Harbor Porpoise By-Catch in the Gulf of Maine Sink Gillnet Fishery, by K. Bisack. June 1993.
CRD 93-10 Test and Evaluation of the SBE 19 Seacat Profiler, by T. Holzwarth-Davis. June 1993.
CRD 93-09 A Comparison of Growth Rates for American Plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region Derived from Two Different Data Sources, by C. Esteves and J. Burnett. April 1993.
CRD 93-08 Workshop on Tagging and Tracking Technology: Report of a Scientific Workshop Held February 11-13, 1992 at the Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, by D. Potter, ed. February 1993.
CRD 93-07 Report of the 15th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (15th SAW): Plenary and Advisory Report. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] February 1993.
CRD 93-06 Report of the 15th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (15th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Consensus Summary of Assessments. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] February 1993.
CRD 93-05 Assessment of the Georges Bank Cod Stock for 1992, by F. Serchuk, R. Mayo, L. O'Brien, and S. Wigley. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] January 1993.
CRD 93-04 Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Cod Stock for 1992, by R. Mayo, L. O'Brien, and F. Serchuk. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] January 1993.
CRD 93-03 Historic and Recent Trends in the Population Dynamics of the Redfish, Sebastes fasciatus Storer, in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Region, by R. Mayo. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] January 1993.
CRD 93-02 Ocean Quahog Populations of the Middle Atlantic, Southern New England, Georges Bank, and Gulf of Maine for 1992, by J. Weinberg. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] January 1993.
CRD 93-01 Surfclam Populations of the Middle Atlantic, Southern New England, and Georges Bank for 1992, by J. Weinberg. [A report of Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 15.] January 1993.
1992 Center Reference Documents
CRD 92-09 Larval and Juvenile Fishes Caught in a Neuston Survey of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, by F.E. Lux and C.L. Wheeler. December 1992.
CRD 92-08 Description of the 1991 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by T.J. Holzwarth-Davis and M. Taylor. October 1992.
CRD 92-07 Report of the 14th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (14th SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 14.] July 1992.
CRD 92-06 Harbor Porpoise in Eastern North America: Status and Research Needs. [By Northeast Fisheries Science Center.] July 1992.
CRD 92-05 The Right Whale in the Western North Atlantic: a Science and Management Workshop, by J. Hain, ed. June 1992.
CRD 92-04 Report of Water Masses Receiving Wastes from Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite, January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1991, by C. Ruhsam. May 1992.
CRD 92-03 Expendable Bathythermograph Observations from the NMFS MARMAP/Ship of Opportunity Program for 1991, by R.L. Benway, J.W. Jossi, and K.P. Thomas. April 1992.
CRD 92-02 Report of the Fall Stock Assessment Workshop (13th SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 13.] February 1992.
CRD 92-02 Appendix Appendix to the 13th SAW. Assessment of the Georges Bank Haddock Stock. by Daniel Hayes and Nicole Buxton. February 1992.
CRD 92-01 Test and Evaluation of SBE Model 16 Conductivity/Temperature Recorder, by M.H. Taylor. January 1992.
1991 Center Reference Documents
CRD 91-05 Oceanographic Observations in the New York Bight in Support of the 12-Mile Dumpsite Study, 1987-1989, by M.H. Taylor and D.G. Mountain. December 1991.
CRD 91-04 Preliminary Estimates of Harbor Porpoise Abundance and By-Catch, by T.D. Smith, D. Palka, K. Bisack, and G. Dinardo. December 1991.
CRD 91-03 Report of the Twelfth Northeast Region Stock Assessment Workshop Spring 1991 (12th SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 12.] September 1991.
CRD 91-03
Bootstrap estimators of discard rates using domestic sea sampling data (SAW 12). By J. Brodziak. Spring 1991.
CRD 91-02 Report of Water Masses Receiving Wastes from Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite, January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1991, by C.M. Ruhsam and G.B. Wood. August 1991.
CRD 91-01 Expendable Bathythermograph Observations and Continuous Plankton Records from the NMFS/Ship of Opportunity Program for 1990, by R. Benway. April 1991.
1990 Center Reference Documents
CRD 90-09 Report of the Eleventh NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop, Fall 1990. [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 11.] December 1990.
CRD 90-08 Expendable Bathythermograph Observations and Continuous Plankton Records from the NMFS/Ship of Opportunity Program for 1989, by R. Benway. December 1990.
CRD 90-07 Report of the Spring 1990 NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Tenth SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 10.] July 1990.
CRD 90-06 Report of Water Masses Receiving Wastes from Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite, January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990, by M.H. Sano. June 1990.
CRD 90-05 A Bibliography on the Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, by J. Ropes, S. Shumway, S. Clark, and N. Andrade. May 1990.
CRD 90-04 Description of Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf: 1977-1985, by J. Manning and T. Holzwarth. February 1990.
CRD 90-03 Surface and Bottom Temperature Distributions from the No rtheast Fisheries Center Spring and Fall Bottom Trawl Survey Program, 1963-1987, by T. Holzwarth and D. Mountain. February 1990.
CRD 90-02 Monitoring the Effects of Sewage Sludge Disposal at the 106-Mile Dumpsite Using Mid-water Fish as Sentinels of Contaminant Metal Uptake: a Feasibility Study, by V.S. Zdanowicz, M.C. Ingham, and S. Leftwich. February 1990.
CRD 90-01 Review of Methods for Assessing the Status of the Harbor Porpoise Population in the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy Region: Results of an At-Sea Workshop, by T. Polachek, T. Smith, and G. Waring. February 1990.
1989 Center Reference Documents
CRD 89-09 Evaluations of Difference in Sea Surface Temperatures between 1978 and 1988 for Use in Study of Sea Turtle Strandings along the Southeast U.S. Coast, by M. Sano and C.P. Fairfield. December 1989.
CRD 89-08b Report of the Fall 1989 NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Ninth SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 9.] December 1989.
CRD 89-08a Report of the Eighth NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Eighth SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 8.] August 1989.
CRD 89-07 The 1973-74 Benthic Macrofaunal and Sediment Survey of Raritan Bay: Data Report, by F. Steimle, J. Caracciolo-Ward, S. Fromm, and R. McGrath. August 1989.
CRD 89-06 Report of Water Masses Receiving Wastes from Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite, 1 October 1987 through 30 September 1988, with Additional Summary for Calendar Year 1988, by M.A. Sano. July 1989.
CRD 89-05 Expendable Bathythermograph Observations and Continuous Plankton Records from the NMFS/Ship of Opportunity Program for 1988, by R.L. Benway and J.W. Jossi. July 1989.
CRD 89-04 Report of the Seventh NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Seventh SAW). [By Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 7.] March 1989.
CRD 89-03 Description of the 1986 Oceanographic Conditions on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by T. Holzwarth and J. Manning. March 1989.
CRD 89-02 TEMPEST: a Computer Program for Estimating Temperature on the Northeast Continental Shelf, by D.G. Mountain. January 1989.
CRD 89-01 An Economics Review of North Atlantic Salmon Restoration: U.S. Fair Share Working Papers, by S.F. Edwards. January 1989.
For lab reference publications prior to 1989, see the series information page.
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