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Visit to Roaring Fork BRT

Secretary Ray LaHood

Remarks Prepared for Delivery

Visit to Roaring Fork BRT
Carbondale, CO
Monday, July 2, 2012

  • Good morning, thank you for that great introduction.
  • Before we get started, let me say that our hearts go out to the people of Colorado Springs and the surrounding area as they deal with the impact of the tragic wildfires.
  • And I thank our brave firefighters and first responders who are working around the clock to contain these fires.
  • I am delighted to be here today to get a look at the construction of the first rural bus rapid transit project in the country.
  • This new BRT service is going a make a huge difference in the quality of life and economy of this community.
  • That is why the Federal Transit Administration invested $25 million in this project with their Small Starts Program.
  • For someone who lives in Rifle or Carbondale and commutes in to Aspen every day, this bus service means that you can save hundreds of dollars on gas and wear and tear on your vehicle each month.
  • And I don’t need to tell you that hundreds of dollars in your pocket is a big deal- that is groceries for a month, or the electrical bill.
  • It also means your friends and neighbors will get to spend more time with their families – and enjoying the great outdoors of Colorado –
  • Instead of being stuck behind the wheel of their car in traffic jams that extend for miles up the valley.
  • Now, we all know this project has been a long time coming.
  • But this BRT line is bringing some of the most modern transportation technology to the Roaring Fork valley – including priority travel lanes, state of the art stations, and onboard Wi-Fi service.
  • The buses might be newer – and the ride might be shorter…
  • But one thing that hasn’t changed is the commitment to this service from the local community.
  • This is more than just a transportation investment; this project is also an investment in Colorado’s future.
  • This line is creating construction jobs today and it will help keep these communities economically competitive into the long run.
  • This project is also going to help to reduce both our dependence on oil and the harmful carbon emissions in our air.
  • I applaud this investment – and everyone who made it happen.
  • Thank you for your exceptional hospitality – and keep up the good work.


Updated: Monday, November 19, 2012
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