Photo Friday

[image src="" caption="A man in Arlington, Virginia, USA uses a phone to survey, identify and register voters in his city. The Internet has taken many political activities online in the U.S., but the land line telephone is still a useful tool for politically active Americans. (State Dept./Jane K. Chun)" align="center"]

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About Jane Chun

By day, Jane Chun, is a web editor and photographer for|| By night, she’s a freelance photographer who also spits spoken word poetry in her spare time. Her other skills include cheering up crying babies and finding great deals when dining out.

3 thoughts on “Photo Friday

  1. Democracy is majority rule and the respect of minority rights. Democracy is the salient duty of governments to plan and execute policies for the benefit of citizens, future citizens and for mankind. It most be audited however by fundamental human rights, justice and freedoms that must be expanded to include the realities of cultures, regions, peoples, needs, subjective and objective wellbeing issues and analyses as well as monetary and non-monetary indications and assumptions about peoples and governances. It must be expanded to include truth-based approaches to governances.
    African Centre for Community and Development.

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    I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!

    Thumbs up, and keep it going!

