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Integrated Safety Management (ISM)

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) is committed to performing work safely as it operates the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). ORAU supports the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) policy of using management systems to integrate safety into work practices at all levels.

ORAU defines “safety” as encompassing environment, safety and health, and also includes waste minimization and pollution prevention.

All ORAU programs and departments actively pursue continuous improvement, and the addition of Integrated Safety Management (ISM) concepts further strengthens safety as a standard in ORISE’s culture. ORAU has accepted the ISM concept by contract under DOE Acquisition Regulations Clause 970.5204-2 and DOE Policy 450.4, Safety Management System Policy.

ORAU has also adopted DOE’s guiding principles and core functions of ISM on a corporate level and in all individual program/department/field office ISM plans. ORAU managers incorporate ISM into management and work practices at all levels to ensure that safety is an integral part of day-to-day activities.

The principles and functions of ISM form the basis of ORAU’s safety culture and have been incorporated into the ORAU Quality Assurance Plan and the ORAU Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Guiding Principles

ORAU endorses the ISM guiding principles as described by DOE and the Oak Ridge Office:

  • Line management responsibility for safety
    Line management is directly responsible for the protection of workers, the public and the environment.
  • Clear roles and responsibilities
    Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for ensuring safety is established and maintained at all organizational levels and for subcontractors.
  • Competence commensurate with responsibilities
    Personnel are required to have the experience, knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary to discharge their responsibilities.
  • Balanced priorities
    Managers must allocate resources to address safety, as well as programmatic and operational considerations. Protection of workers, the public and the environment is a priority whenever activities are planned and performed.
  • Identification of safety standards and requirements
    Before work is performed, the associated hazards must be evaluated, and an agreed-upon set of safety standards and requirements must be established to provide adequate assurance that workers, the public and the environment are protected from adverse consequences.
  • Hazard controls tailored to work being performed
    Administrative and engineering controls are tailored to the work being performed to prevent adverse effects and to mitigate hazards.
  • Operations authorization
    The conditions and requirements to be satisfied before operations are initiated are clearly established and agreed upon.

Core Functions

ORAU policies and procedures incorporate the five ISM core functions as defined by DOE. These functions are the key elements that support the program/ department/field office ISM plans. Managers incorporate these functions into daily work activities:

  1. Define the scope of work
    Missions are translated into work, expectations are set, tasks are identified and prioritized and resources are allocated.
  2. Analyze the hazards
    Hazards associated with the work are identified, analyzed and categorized.
  3. Develop and implement hazard controls
    Applicable standards, policies, procedures and requirements are identified and agreed upon; controls to prevent/mitigate hazards are identified; and controls are implemented.
  4. Perform work within controls
    Readiness is confirmed and work is performed safely.
  5. Provide feedback and continuous improvement
    Information on the adequacy of controls is gathered, opportunities for improving the definition and planning of work are identified, and line and independent oversight is conducted.

ORAU is Dedicated to Safely Operating ORISE as Part of DOE’s Integrated Safety Management Concept

ISM Guiding Principles and Core Functions. Click image to enlarge.

For more information, contact:

Environment, Safety & Health
Phone: 865.576.3336