U.S. Department of Justice

Jails Division

Training Programs

  • Starts Mar. 11, 2013
    Inmate Behavior Management
  • Starts Jun. 17, 2013
    Inmate Behavior Management
  • Starts Aug. 05, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Apr. 22, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Jun. 03, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Mar. 11, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Apr. 01, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Jul. 15, 2013
    Jail Administration
  • Starts Feb. 25, 2013
    Planning of New Institutions
  • National Jail Exchange

    The NIC Jails Division's services include training, networks, technical assistance, and information resources, such as documents and DVDs. These services are conducted under four initiatives.

    Jail Administration
    We provide training on key elements in jail administration, jail resource management, and building a productive relationship between jail officials and their funding authority. We also sponsor a peer-training network for large jail administrators, including meetings and an online discussion forum. Technical assistance and information resources cover a wide range of jail administration and operational issues.

    Inmate Behavior Management
    We provide training, technical assistance, and information resources on the design and operation of direct supervision jails and on key elements in managing inmate behavior in all types of jails. These key elements include assessing inmates’ risks and needs (classification), assigning inmates to housing, meeting inmates’ basic needs, setting and conveying behavioral expectations, supervising inmates, and keeping inmates productively occupied.

    New Jail Planning
    We provide training, technical assistance, and information resources on all phases of new-jail planning.

    Jail Standards and Inspection
    We provide training for jail inspectors, a peer-training network for chief jail inspectors, information resources on standards and inspection, and related technical assistance.

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    Available Training Opportunities

    • Starts Mar. 11, 2013 - Inmate Behavior Management
      Students participate in the Inmate Behavior Management course in teams of three. The jail administrator, the security staff manager, and the manager of the inmate classification system all work together to develop a plan that meets the needs of their own facility.
    • Starts Jun. 17, 2013 - Inmate Behavior Management
      Students participate in the Inmate Behavior Management course in teams of three. The jail administrator, the security staff manager, and the manager of the inmate classification system all work together to develop a plan that meets the needs of their own facility.
    • Starts Aug. 05, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Apr. 22, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Jun. 03, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Mar. 11, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Apr. 01, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Jul. 15, 2013 - Jail Administration
      Jail administrators have significant responsibility and liability in ensuring that jail operations are conducted safely, securely, legally, and humanely. This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility.
    • Starts Feb. 25, 2013 - Planning of New Institutions
      This 32-hour training program teaches the importance of in-depth planning before starting facility design.
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