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Jupiter: Overview
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A true-color image of Jupiter taken by the Cassini spacecraft. The Galilean moon Europa casts a shadow on the planet's cloud tops.
A true-color image of Jupiter taken by the Cassini spacecraft. The Galilean moon Europa casts a shadow on the planet's cloud tops.

Jupiter, the most massive planet in our solar system -- with dozens of moons and an enormous magnetic field -- forms a kind of miniature solar system. Jupiter does resemble a star in composition, but it did not grow big enough to ignite. The planet's swirling cloud stripes are punctuated by massive storms such as the Great Red Spot, which has raged for hundreds of years.

Jupiter's appearance is a tapestry of beautiful colors and atmospheric features. Most visible clouds are composed of ammonia. Water vapor exists deep below and can sometimes be seen through clear spots in the clouds. The planet's "stripes" are dark belts and light zones created by strong east-west winds in Jupiter's upper atmosphere.

Featured Mission: Juno
NASA's Juno polar orbiter will study how Jupiter formed and became the dynamic world we see today. Juno will also help us to better understand the formation of our solar system and other planetary systems.

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Just the Facts
Orbit Size (semi-major axis):  778,340,821 km
Mean Radius:  69,911 km
Volume:  1,431,281,810,739,360 km3
Mass:  1,898,130,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
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Rosaly Lopes Rosaly Lopes
"Study hard and do what you love, then it doesn't feel like work." Read More...
Amy Simon-Miller - Astrophysicist
Steve Squyres - Principal Investigator
Carl Sagan - (1934 - 1996)
Planetary Scientist
Mark Hofstadter - Planetary Scientist
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Last Updated: 14 Dec 2012