Standing up against tyranny and injustice are Marines: elite warriors who
courageously and honorably face down the threats of our time.

Marines Impact

A Difference the World Will Notice

How different is the world because you're in it? If you want to make a difference that will be felt at home and abroad, the Marine Corps can put your service on the map.  If you're ready to take your service to the next level—the highest level—let a Marine Recruiter know by requesting more information.

Marines Corps Impact

Not Just Anyone Can Fight For Everyone

Good intentions alone never defeated anything. Human rights, national defense and global stability aren't just things you stand for; they're things worth fighting for. This fight occurs every day in the Marine Corps, and if you qualify, there are many occupational specialties that can put you in a defining role at the tip of the spear. If you want to learn more about becoming a Marine, request more information from a Marine Recruiter

Marines Corps Impact
Marines Corps Impact

Put Out the World's Fires

Each threat, each conflict, every crisis in the world is a fire that can pop up anywhere and without notice. These fires don't take long to spread and won't be put out by a random breeze. These fires require a nimble force, one that can respond rapidly and decisively. As a Marine, you will be ready, willing and able to extinguish these threats, wherever they lie on the operational spectrum of conflict—or in the world.

 "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. Marines don't have that problem."

—Ronald Reagan,
Former U.S. President

Make an Impact On a Global Scale

Whether you're reading this from a laptop, tablet or smart phone, this is the first step toward making a real difference in the world. The greatest threats on the globe cannot be deleted with quick keys, but with steadfast commitment and a rapid response. As a Marine, your service will speak for itself, and your actions will be felt globally. To learn more about how to make a difference for your nation, your world and yourself as a United States Marine, contact someone who has already done it—a Marine Recruiter.

Marines Impact

Calling: The Next Few

The threats facing the world today are as dangerous as they are unpredictable. Facing down these threats is not just the next great challenge of our time—it's your time. The question to your generation isn't what must be done, but who will do it? Who will stand with purpose, serve with honor and fight to make our nation and world a safer place? Who will take their place among the Few? Learn more about how to start this noble journey.