Macron Dynamics of Pennsylvania

The Company

Macron Dynamics of Croydon, Pennsylvania, is a manufacturer of linear motion control products, actuators, and systems, ranging from basic assemblies to complete robotic automation systems. For more than 20 years, Macron actuators and robotic systems have been used around the world in some of the most unusual environments.

Product applications include robotics for pharmaceutical packaging machinery, high speed drum printers, welding stations, mail handling automation, television broadcasting hardware, defense naval applications, vending machines, and mechanisms at amusement parks. As the company describes it, “often unseen, our products are in the places you go, inside the machines that make the things you use and the food you eat.”

The Success

For many years, Macron conducted business in Canada through a sole distributor of its products. “Canada was an easy country to establish our export business due to the North American Free Trade Agreement,” said Craig Marshall, Executive Vice President. By 2009, however, the company was focusing on expanding its international portfolio, and contacted the U.S. Commercial Service (CS) office in Philadelphia for help in tapping new global sales opportunities. CS staff encouraged the company to participate in the Trade Winds Business Development Mission to Brazil in 2010. The CS-organized event offered Macron representatives the opportunity to meet with commercial officers from countries throughout the Western Hemisphere, who offered insight into their countries’ markets for Macron products. “Attending Trade Winds and speaking to the commercial officers helped us figure out where Macron would be most successful,” states Marshall.

With help from the CS Philadelphia office, Macron utilized the Gold Key Matchmaking Service, part of Trade Winds – Mexico City 2011, to meet with prescreened distributors and identify a selling agent for Macron products in Mexico. Since 2009, the company has received ongoing CS support to identify distribution channels and selling agents in India, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico, and to qualify customers who contact the company unsolicited through the Internet.

The Result

With assistance from the CS and the company’s perseverance, Macron Dynamics’ exports grew by 31 percent from 2009 to 2010. “We have seen an increase in export activity to countries on almost every continent, and despite the troubled economy, we’ve seen our sales double over the past two years,” said Marshall.

In April 2011, Macron representatives once again attended the Trade Winds Forum, this time held in Mexico City, Mexico. During the event, the company was presented with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Export Achievement Certificate by Carlos Pascual, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

“It was an honor to receive the award and gratifying to be recognized for our hard work building our export business over these last two years,” said Marshall. “Mexico has served as our partner in introducing Macron to other South American markets, and we will continue to be aggressive in our international sales efforts with help from the U.S. Commercial Service.”

Macron Dynamics Receives Export Achievement Certificate from Carlos Pascual, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico in 2011

Macron Dynamics Receives Export Achievement Certificate

from Carlos Pascual, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico in 2011.


  • Find out more about U.S. Commercial Service events. Macron Dynamics attended Trade Winds, which enabled them to meet the Senior Commercial Officers from multiple countries. Browse a list of upcoming events.
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