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25 January 2013 100,000 Strong Foundation Seeks to Strengthen U.S.-China Ties  Even in a world knit together by technological communication systems, nothing surpasses face-to-face contact, says Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and those people-to-people ties are what the newly launched 100,000 Strong Foundation hopes to build between China and the United States through student exchanges.


05 September 2012 Clinton Says U.S.-China Dialogue Gaining Strength, Resilience  Through their expanding and ongoing dialogue, the United States and China are building habits of cooperation, communication and consultation on “every consequential issue facing our nations and the world today,” in areas of mutual interest as well as those of disagreement, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said.
 • Press Conference by Clinton, Chinese Foreign Minister

04 September 2012 Clinton Arrives in Beijing for Crucial Talks  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Beijing September 4 for two days of talks with senior Chinese leaders as part of a broader trip across the Asia-Pacific region to discuss security, economic and regional concerns. Part of this visit to Beijing is to talk with leaders before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum meetings being held in Vladivostok, Russia, September 8–9.
 • Clinton, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Before Meeting

14 August 2012 U.S.-China Middle East Dialogue   Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy R. Sherman and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun held the inaugural round of U.S.-China Middle East Dialogue in Beijing.

07 May 2012 U.S. Defense Secretary, Chinese Minister of National Defense Conduct Press Conference   U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta welcomed Chinese Minister of National Defense General Liang Guanglie to the Pentagon as part of the first U.S. visit by a Chinese defense minister in nine years. Panetta hosted an honor cordon before meeting with Liang, and the two briefed the press after the historic talks.

04 May 2012 U.S., China Conclude Extensive Talks on Strategic, Economic Issues  The United States and China have wrapped up two days of talks in Beijing on strategic and economic issues for the purpose of building what Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton called “the most consequential relationship of the 21st century.”

04 May 2012 Statement on Chen Guangcheng Victoria Nuland, the Department of State Spokesperson, said that the Chinese Government stated today that Mr. Chen Guangcheng has the same right to travel abroad as any other citizen of China. Mr. Chen has been offered a fellowship from an American university, where he can be accompanied by his wife and two children.

03 May 2012 United States Ambassador to China Gary Locke Briefs the Press  Special Briefing by Ambassador Gary Locke and State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland.
 • Interview With Karson Yiu of ABC News 
 • Interview With Stan Grant of CNN
 • Interview With Ian Williams of NBC
 • Interview With Marsha Cooke of CBS

03 May 2012 U.S. and China Address Strategic, Economic Interests in Beijing  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in her opening remarks at the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue that the two countries have become “thoroughly, inescapably interdependent” since the dialogue was initiated in 2009.

07 March 2012 Clinton Praises 40 Years of U.S.-China Progress  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton praised the progress the United States and China have made in building strong and durable country-to-country relations since former President Nixon’s critical meetings with Chinese leaders 40 years ago in Beijing.

21 February 2012 Chinese VP Xi Concludes U.S. Visit with Biden in California  Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping wrapped up a five-day trip to the United States with a stop in California that included meetings with U.S. government officials and private sector leaders and a visit with local schoolchildren who are studying Chinese.

15 February  2012 State Dept. on Expansion of U.S.-China EcoPartnerships Program  On the occasion of the visit of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, the United States and China have expanded the U.S.-China EcoPartnerships program with the admission of two more EcoPartnerships this week, bringing the total number of EcoPartnerships to 15. The EcoPartnerships program is aimed at developing new models of mutually beneficial voluntary arrangements between a range of state, local, and private sector organizations, to promote energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability in both countries.

14 February 2012 Biden and China’s Xi Jinping Begin High-Level Talks  Vice President Biden opened his meeting with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping by saying that a strong U.S.-China relationship is one of the most important to both nations and also is significant to the world.   Biden set the tone for the second in a series of meetings with Xi by adding that it is a sign of strength and maturity in the two-way relationship that the United States and China are able to talk candidly about their differences and then make progress bridging those differences.

11 February 2012 Biden and China’s Xi Jinping to Hold Crucial Talks   The weeklong visit to the United States of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, hosted by Vice President Biden, should be viewed as part of a broader effort by the United States to focus American foreign and economic policies on the Asia-Pacific region, a senior U.S. national security official says.

09 February 2012 Summary of Biden’s Meeting on Human Rights and Reform in China  The Vice President and senior Administration officials met yesterday with four experts and advocates on human rights and legal reform in China.  They discussed the deterioration of China’s human rights situation, prospects for reform, and recommendations for U.S. policy.



14 December 2011 USTR Cites Concerns over China’s Trade Policies  Ten years after joining the World Trade Organization, China has made major progress in strengthening its international trade ties, but the office of U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk says significant concerns about the country’s economic and trade policies remain.

12 November 2011 U.S. Committed to Positive, Cooperative Relations with China  A thriving China is good for the Chinese and is good for the United States, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, but China must embrace political, economic and human rights reforms, which will provide “a stronger foundation for stability and growth both for China and for everyone else.”

07 November 2011 U.S., Chinese Officials to Co-Chair Commission on Trade Ties  U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, Commerce Secretary John Bryson and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan will address critical trade, commerce and agricultural issues as co-chairs of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade’s next meeting.

31 October 2011 State’s Burns Visits Beijing for Discussions on Crucial Issues  Deputy Secretary of State William Burns visited Beijing October 27–29 to review mutual priorities with top Chinese officials for upcoming international meetings and to discuss major bilateral, regional and global issues.

25 October 2011 U.S.-China Relationship Is Evolving, Diplomat Says  Today’s relationship between the United States and China is evolving in a period of extraordinary energy and change in international politics and economics, says Deputy Secretary of State William Burns.   “At the same time, we face emerging challenges unbound by geographic borders or political systems, from proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and cybercrime to infectious disease, piracy and climate change,” he said.

14 September 2011 Ambassador Locke Discusses Expanded U.S.-China Relations  The ultimate strength of the U.S.-China partnership and the degree to which the two nations build mutual trust depend on the investment, support and active engagement of the American and Chinese peoples, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke says.  Locke, speaking to 400 students and faculty at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, said the United States unequivocally welcomes the rise of a prosperous and successful China that assumes a greater role in

21 August 2011 Biden Says U.S. and China Working for Economic Growth, Security  Vice President Biden told Chinese university students that China and the United States are working together to promote greater economic growth that is sustainable and balanced and trade that is free and fair.  A March U.S. Congressional Research Service analysis of the U.S. and Chinese economies says that the two trading partners are the largest and second-largest economies in the world, though the U.S. economy is three times larger than that of China.

18 August 2011 Biden, China’s Xi Discuss Range of Issues with Focus on Economy     Vice President Biden held talks with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in Beijing on bilateral, regional and global issues, with a special focus on global economic recovery.

18 August 2011 Remarks by Vice President Biden and Chinese Vice President Xi 

17 August 2011 Biden to Meet with High-Ranking Chinese Officials in Beijing  Vice President Biden flew to Beijing August 17 for a five-day official visit as the guest of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and was greeted by a host of officials led by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. 

06 July 2011 U.S.-China Panel Aims to Improve Trade Opportunities  Representatives of the U.S.  and China explored trade issues and open-market opportunities to help both countries grow sustainably at a recent meeting in Washington.  The midyear review of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade  allowed the nations to analyze their trade and investment relationship, identify key policy concerns and prepare for the 2011 JCCT plenary meeting hosted by China later this year.

03 June 2011  Message on 22nd Anniversary of Tiananmen Square "We encourage China to protect the universal human rights of all its citizens, including those who peacefully express political views. We also renew our call for the release of all those detained, forcibly disappeared, or placed under house arrest in recent months as China has taken actions that are inconsistent with universally recognized rights."

09 May 2011  Biden: U.S., China Relationship Will Shape 21st Century   As U.S. and Chinese leaders meet in Washington for the third U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, Vice President Biden said that given the importance of the world’s two largest economies’ cooperation on trade issues, climate change, security and other challenges, their relationship will help shape the 21st century.

13 April 2011 U.S. Policy Toward the People's Republic of China  Statement by Daniel Kritenbrink, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, before the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission.

12 April 2011 U.S.-China CPE Cooperation on the 100,000 Strong Initiative  Fact sheet by the U.S. Department of State

08 February 2011 United States, China Partner to Fight Nuclear Threats  The United States and China pledged to cooperate on combating nuclear proliferation and enhancing nuclear security during Chinese President Hu Jintao’s recent visit to Washington.

25 May 2010 Concluding Joint Statements at the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
• Secretaries Clinton and Geithner Joint Press Availability in Beijing

12 August 2009 Trade Panel Tells China to Allow More U.S. Entertainment Imports  A World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute-settlement panel upheld a United States claim against China, saying China has not acted consistently with its international trade obligations because it places restrictions on the import and distribution of U.S. films, music, books and other copyrighted products. The decision could reduce the market for counterfeit and pirated products in China.

28 July 2009 U.S. Tells China Climate Change Is National Security Priority  The State Department's top climate change envoy says U.S. officials meeting with their Chinese counterparts in Washington are conveying the importance of climate change for U.S. national security, and he predicts that, despite difficulties, the world’s two largest economies ultimately will reach an agreement.

27 July 2009 Global Challenges Require Robust U.S.-China Partnership  President Obama says the relationship between the United States and China is as important as any bilateral relationship in the world, and calls on both countries to work together to face common challenges such as the global financial crisis, climate change, nuclear weapons proliferation and violent extremism.

27 July 2009 United States, China Laying the Foundation for the Future  The United States and China are laying a foundation and a framework for future talks across a wide spectrum of issues from the global economic crisis to nuclear nonproliferation, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says. "We are laying brick by brick the foundation of a stronger relationship, improving lines of communication, increasing understanding, setting priorities and creating a work plan," Clinton said at the opening of the two-day U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington.

23 July 2009 Common Goals for U.S., China at Strategic and Economic Dialogue  Washington will host hundreds of high-level Chinese officials meeting with their U.S. counterparts July 27 and July 28, marking the beginning of a new strategy for closer ties between the United States and China. The first U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue will set the stage for ongoing cooperation on a range of bilateral, regional and global issues. The dialogue is expected to focus on the economy, climate change and regional security, according to five senior administration officials at a press briefing July 23, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

12 June 2009 China, United States Can Cooperate to Reduce CO2 Emissions  Representatives of China and the U.S. have completed open and candid discussions in Beijing "about what needs to be done on both sides to advance toward a successful outcome" at the U.N. climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December, U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern told reporters in Washington June 12.
 •  Remarks by Todd Stern, Special Envoy for Climate Change

03 June 2009 Message on the Twentieth Anniversary of Tiananmen Square  On this the 20th anniversary of the violent suppression of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square by Chinese authorities, we should remember the tragic loss of hundreds of innocent lives and reflect upon the meaning of the events that preceded that day.

25 March 2009 China Modernizing Its Military Power, Pentagon Says  China's military modernization program has made considerable progress in building and fielding credible and capable military power with regional and strategic implications, a new Pentagon report says.

11 March 2009 Remarks by Secretary Clinton After Meeting With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi

11 March 2009 U.S.-China Partnership Faces Formidable Agenda, Says Clinton  The U.S. and China face a formidable agenda, says Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, pledging to work with China to address common challenges and seize common opportunities.

21 February 2009 Toward a Deeper and Broader Relationship With China  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarks with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Beijing.

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