Funding Opportunities/BAAs

The purpose of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to solicit research proposals in the engineering, physical, life, and information sciences for submission to the Army Research Office (ARO) for consideration for possible funding. For ease of reference, this BAA is an extraction of the ARO sections of the Army Research Laboratory BAA:

This BAA is issued in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) section 6.102(d)(2), which provides for the competitive selection of basic and applied research and that part of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement. Proposals submitted in response to this BAA and selected for award are considered to be the result of full and open competition and in full compliance with the provision of Public Law 98-369, "The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984" and subsequent amendments.

Research proposals are sought from educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial organizations for scientific research in mechanical sciences, environmental sciences, mathematics, electronics, computing science, physics, chemistry, life sciences, materials science and network science. Proposals will be evaluated only if they are for scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state of the art or increasing knowledge and understanding. Proposals focused on specific devices or components are beyond the scope of this BAA.

Proposals are expected to be for cutting-edge innovative research that could produce discoveries that would have a significant impact on enabling new and improved Army operational capabilities and related technologies. The specific research areas and topics of interest described in this document should be viewed as suggestive, rather than limiting. The ARO is always interested in considering new innovative research concepts of relevance to the Army. Additional information can be found at the ARO website:

In order to conserve valuable offeror and Government resources, and to facilitate determining whether a proposed research idea meets the guidelines described herein, prospective offerors contemplating submission of a white paper or proposal are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate Technical Point of Contact (TPOC). The TPOCs' names, telephone numbers, and email addresses are listed immediately after each research area of interest. If an offeror elects to submit a white paper, it should be prepared in accordance with the instructions contained in this BAA. Upon receipt, a white paper will be evaluated and the offeror will be advised of the results. Offerors whose white papers receive a favorable evaluation may be encouraged to prepare a complete proposal in accordance with instructions contained in this BAA.

The costs of white papers and/or complete proposals in response to this BAA are not considered an allowable direct charge to any award resulting from this BAA or any other award. It may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect costs specified in FAR 31.205-18.

The ARO prefers proposals to cover a 3-year period and include a brief summary of work contemplated for each 12-month period so that awards may be negotiated for an entire 3-year program or for individual 1-year increments of the total program. Proposals may be submitted at any time.

The Army has a long history of advocating and supporting research at historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions (HBCU/MI). The ARO actively seeks research proposals from HBCUs and MIs in full competition with all offerors who may submit proposals under this BAA. The ARO also encourages the inclusion of HBCUs and/or MIs as part of a consortium proposals or as subcontractors/subgrantees to prime recipients.

In accordance with federal statutes, regulations, and Department of Defense and Army policies, no person on grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the Army.

Offerors submitting proposals are cautioned that only a Contracting or Grants Officer can obligate the Government to any agreement involving expenditure of Government funds. All administrative inquires regarding this BAA shall be submitted in email to: Scientific and technical questions should be referred to the TPOCs shown following each research area of interest.

Interested parties are encouraged to periodically check any of the following websites for updates and amendments to this BAA:,, the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) website, including the ARO section of the ARL website

Army Research Office


Last Update / Reviewed: July 6, 2012