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You are here: NRS Home / Research Programs / Environmental Literacy
Environmental Literacy

The Northern Research Station’s Environmental Literacy Program is designed to integrate research results into educational programs and activities that provide the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary for citizens to make responsible environmental choices. Our partnerships emphasize sustained lifelong, place-based learning. As a component of the Northern Science and Technology Applied Results program, we can:

  • Help scientists and staff plan, assess, evaluate, and report on environmental education activities, and identify possible sources for funding
  • Help educators receive clear, usable research results that are appropriate at different instructional levels and aligned with existing, state-specific standards for education
  • Partner with regional and national environmental education providers and organizations to support programs and activities to improve environmental literacy

Environmental Literacy Topics

Environmental Literacy Lesson Plans

[image:] Cover from GTR-NRS-21 Bringing the Northern Forest to your ClassroomBringing the Northern Forest to Your Classroom. 2008. Twery, Mark J.; Hildreth, Sandra J.; Evans, Celia A.


[photo:] Maine gatherer, Tania Morey by Michelle Baumflek.Culturally and Economically Important Nontimber Forest Products of Northern Maine curriculum materials


[photo:] Students looking for signs of emerald ash borer infestation in the fieldTreEAB Curriculum - Every Ohio youth should have the opportunity to experience Ohio’s rich natural resources and develop an appreciation for the environment in which they live. TreEAB is creating curriculum for grades 6-8 using current research as ‘teachable moments’ for application in the classroom. This curriculum will provide professional resources guided by Ohio state standards that are teacher friendly and easy to use in the classroom.


[image:] Screenshot of ProjectBLUE webpageProject BLUE

In Baltimore, the Station supports Parks and People's Project BLUE (Baltimore Lessons in Urban Ecosystems). Project BLUE "immerses students in the worlds of watershed and ecosystems" through hands-on activities. Learn more about Parks and People on their web site at


Science Education Journals

The Natural Inquirer and the Investigator are free science education journals for middle school and upper elementary school students, published by FS Research. Articles describing actual Forest Service research are used to walk students through the scientific process, from study design and data collection, through data analysis and communicating results. FACTivities, lesson plans and vocabulary words help students understand the content and the process.


Last Modified: 01/25/2013

EL Topics
Research Highlights
Featured Resources

Partnership Grants Calendar


[image:] Home page of Conservation Education website
National Conservation Education website


[image:] Cover of Environmental Literacy Update

Northern Research Station Environmental Literacy Program Update


Some links on this page point to documents in PDF format. You may obtain a free PDF reader from Adobe.

Suggested Reading

Books our scientists and staff remember as their favorite nature-themed fiction from childhood.


We welcome your comments and questions about our Environmental Literacy work. Please contact Northern Research Station's Environmental Literacy Program Coordinator, Barbara McGuinness.