Land & Resources Management


Welcome to the Land and Resources Management page. This section includes information about forest planning, current projects, forest resource management, and available geospatial data. 



This section contains planning documents that guide how the national forest is managed. There are links to the Gila National Forest Plan and its amendments. Also available are the forest monitoring and evaluation reports.



Find information and links to some of the Gila National Forest projects that are on-going or some past projects. Documents such as environmental analyses, decision notices, or other project documentation are available.


Resource Management

Find links and information to some of the Gila National Forest program areas like fire, recreation, and range.  BAER team findings for the Whitewater-Baldy Fire Complex are also included.


Geospatial Data

Find links for on-line Geospatial (GIS) data for the Gila and other Arizona and New Mexico National Forests. This section also has information on how to contact GIS specialists with geospatial data questions.

Project Spotlights

Travel Management Planning

Two track road leading into the forest

On November 9 2005, the Forest Service published a new Travel Management Rule, governing off-highway vehicles (OHV) and other motor vehicle use on national forests...

Key Contacts

  • Environmental Coordinator:
  • Lisa Mizuno
    (575) 388-8267