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ATSDR Resources and Studies on Asbestos

New! ATSDR resources related to Libby, Montana, and the vermiculite sites [PDF - 59 KB]

Asbestos Exposure and Your Health
Read this information if you or someone you know may have been exposed to asbestos.

ToxFAQs™ for Asbestos
An ATSDR fact sheet summarizing frequently asked questions about asbestos.

Public Health Statement for Asbestos
Full text of ATSDR's general findings and health statement on asbestos. Questions and answers from the 2001 Toxicological Profile

Toxicological Profile for Asbestos
A study of the adverse effects of asbestos exposure. Includes information about asbestos, health effects, exposure, and disposal.

Asbestos Toxicity from ATSDR's Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Community Site Kit
Communication tools designed to help public health practitioners respond to potential asbestos exposure problems at those sites.

ATSDR Asbestos Findings on residential air and dust samples in Lower Manhattan (World Trade Center area).
A study of airborne asbestos as it relates to the 9/11 tragedy in New York.

Vermiculite Overview
Mineralogical information for vermiculite mined at Libby, Montana

Asbestos Expert Panel
This report is the result of a discussion that occurred among a panel of seven experts surrounding the science of how fiber length relates to toxicity of asbestos and Synthetic Vitreous fibers (SVFs).

Resources Relating to Libby, Montana

Proposed Public Health Response Plan for Libby, Montana and Other Sites with Exposure to Tremolite Asbestos in Vermiculite OrePublic Health Plan for Libby, Montana

Year 2000 Medical Testing of Individuals Potentially Exposed To Asbestoform Minerals Associated with Vermiculite in Libby, Montana

Protocol to Confirm Asbestos-Related Abnormalities
A discussion of techniques for diagnosing asbestos-related conditions

Chemical-specific Health Consultation: Tremolite Asbestos and other related types of asbestos
A compilation of ATSDR information on asbestos and human exposure and risks.

The Usefulness Of Computed Tomography In Detecting Pulmonary Lesions Not Found By Chest Radiograph In Individuals Exposed To Asbestos

ATSDR Fact Sheet on Vermiculite Consumer Products

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA's Asbestos Home Page
A list of valuable links for more information on asbestos.

Asbestos Containing Consumer Products

Vermiculite Insulation Web page

EPA's Brochure on Asbestos in Vermiculite Insulation [PDF - 585 KB]

Indoor Asbestos Sources

Asbestos in Vermiculite and Consumer Information for Using Garden Products [PDF - 21 KB] – Fact sheet

EPA information on Libby, Montana.

Other Federal Agencies

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Information on workplace exposure to asbestos.

NIOSH Fact Sheet on Contaminated Vermiculite

Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Asbestos Index
OSHA provides industry standards, training materials, much more.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Map of Asbestosis (by county) for 1982–1993 [PDF - 10.7 MB]

National Library of Medicine, MEDLINEplus Index Page for Asbestos/Asbestosis
Provides an index of links to various government agencies with information regarding asbestos and asbestosis

National Cancer Institute Factsheet - Asbestos Exposure: Questions and Answers

State Sites

Asbestos Program - Massachusetts Division of Occupational Safety

Asbestos in Vermiculite and Zonolite Insulation - Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

Northeast Minnesota Community Vermiculite Investigation Homepage - Minnesota Department of Health

Asbestos or Vermiculite links - Minnesota Department of Health

Vermiculite Insulation - Minnesota Department of Health

Vermiculite and Gardening Use - Minnesota Department of Health

Asbestos in Vermiculite Fact Sheet - Illinois Dept of Public Health

Asbestos Fact Sheet - New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

General Information on Health Issues

American Lung Association
This site contains a wealth of information about lung diseases and disorders, including up-to-date press releases.

American Cancer Society
Features the most up-to-date information on cancer and cancer research.

National Cancer Institute
Research programs, clinical trials, and statistics about cancer.

National Jewish Medical and Research Center
Features a large database of information on health care.

Finding a Doctor/Physician Referrals

Often the best source for a referral is your own primary care physician. Usually, this person will be well aware of local medical specialists and resources.

Other sources of referral include your local hospital/medical center's “physician referral line” and local academic medical centers.

Below is a list of links to other sources for referrals. This list is by no means exhaustive, but each of these links has a “doctor finder” feature. ATSDR suggests looking for physicians who specialize in pulmonary medicine or occupational medicine/environmental medicine.

Association of American Medical Colleges
Links to American Medical Teaching Hospitals. Searchable by state or hospital name.

American Medical Association
"Doctor Finder" feature that allows searches by specialty, name, and availablity of web consultations.

Association of Occupational and Environmental Health Clinics
Clickable map to locate health care providers with expertise in occupational and environmental health.

American Osteopathic Association
Searchable database of doctors of osteopathy.

External Links Disclaimer

Our web site has links to many other federal agencies and some private organizations. You are subject to that site's privacy policy when you leave our site.

Reference in this web site to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, or company does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government or ATSDR. ATSDR is not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web page referenced from this server.

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