Global Security Directorate

Regional DHS Support

A key to ORNL’s understanding of the homeland security mission and a means to accomplish scientific and technical objectives is centered on a strong partnership program within the Southeastern United States. To build and foster these partnerships, ORNL has:

  • Sponsor (since 2003) a full-time liaison position within the State of Tennessee Governor’s Office of Homeland Security providing science and technology guidance for the State’s homeland security officials.
  • Through a collaborative effort between ORNL and numerous Southeastern universities and private industries the Southeast Region Research Initiative and the Community and Regional Resilience Institute were planned and implemented with missions related to homeland security technology development, implementation, and community resilience.
  • Participated, through the UT/ORNL Center, in a university consortium of Tennessee Carnegie I research institutions and an industry coalition of more than 35 private sector companies in the Tennessee Valley region.
  • Provided leadership for the Homeland Security Initiative of the Tennessee Valley Corridor; at the Corridor's periodic regional and national Summits, attended by DHS officials, ORNL and its strategic partners have demonstrated the assets within the Valley that make it a national leader in applying technology solutions.
  • Worked with the states in the Region in the implementation of monitored technology corridor and other activities.
  • Installed and monitored radiation detection equipment at weigh stations and locks at dams.
  • Deployed networked sensors at sporting events.
  • Initiated installation of chemical detection monitoring capabilities at the Port of Memphis.