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Jin-Ho Yoon

Jin-Ho Yoon

Climate Physics
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-24
Richland, WA 99352

Research Interests

  • Climate modeling with global and regional climate models
  • Diagnostic analysis of model output and observational data
  • Climate variability and change
  • Seasonal climate prediction
  • Climate change impact on human and hydro-ecosystems
  • Climate sensitivity and feedback processes

Education and Credentials

  • Ph.D., Meteorology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
  • M.S., Meteorology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
  • B.S., Meteorology, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science

Awards and Recognitions

  • NASA Earth System Science (ESS) Fellowship for Ph.D. study
  • 2005 Amazon drought paper was selected as "best paper of 2008" by Envionrmental Research Letter

PNNL Publications


  • Yoon JH, and WRJ Huang. 2012. "Indian Monsoon Depression: Climatology and Variability." Chapter 2 in Modern Climatology, ed. SY Wang and RR Gillies , pp. 45-71.  InTech, Rijeka, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska). 
  • Yoon JH, K Mo, and E Wood. 2012. "Dynamic-Model Based Seasonal Prediction of Meteorological Drought over the Contiguous United States." Journal of Hydrometeorology 13(2):463-482.  doi:10.1175/JHM-D-11-038.1
  • Cook B, N Zeng, and JH Yoon. 2012. "Will Amazonia dry out?: Magnitude and causes of change from IPCC climate model projections." Earth Interactions 16(3):1-27.  doi:10.1175/2011EI398.1
  • Ganguly D, PJ Rasch, H Wang, and JH Yoon. 2012. "Climate response of the South Asian monsoon system to anthropogenic aerosols." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 117:Article No. D13209.  doi:10.1029/2012JD017508

Selected Publications


  • Yoon J-H and N Zeng. 2010. "An Atlantic Influence on Amazon Rainfall." Climate Dynamics 34(2-3):249-264. doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0551-6.
  • Anderson B, JF Knight, MA Ringer, C Desser, A Phillips, J-H Yoon, and A Cherchi. 2010. "Climate Forcings and Climate Sensitivities Diagnosed from Atmospheric Global Circulation Models." Climate Dynamics 35(7-8): 1461-1475. doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0798-y.
  • Gilles RR, S-Y Wang, J-H Yoon, and S Weaver. 2010. "CFS Prediction of Winter Persistent Inversions in the Intermountain Region." Weather and Forecasting 25(4):1211-1218. doi:10.1175/2010WAF2222419.1.


  • Kucharski A, AA Scaife, J-H Yoon, CK Folland, J Kinter, D Fereday, AM Fischer, EK Jin, J Kroger, NC Lau, T Nakaegawa, P Pegion, E Rozanov, S Schubert, PV Sporyshev, J Syktus, A Voldorie, J-H Yoon, N Zeng, and T Zhou. 2009. "The CLIVAR C20C Project: Skill of Simulating Indian Monsoon Rainfall on Interannual to Decadal Timescales. Does GHG Forcing Play a Role?" Climate Dynamics 33(5):615-627. doi:10.1007/s00382-008-0462-y.
  • Scaife AA, F Kucharski, CK Folland, J Kinter, D Fereday, AM Fischer, S Grainger, EK Jin, IS Kang, JR Knight, S Kusonoki, NC Lau, MJ Nath, T Nakaegawa, P Pegion, S Schubert, P Sporyshev, J Syktus, JH Yoon, N Zeng, and T Zhou. 2009. "The CLIVAR C20C Project: Selected 20th Century Climate Events." Climate Dynamics 33(5):603-614. doi:10.1007/s00382-008-0451-1.
  • Zeng N and J-H Yoon. 2009. "Expansion of the World's Deserts due to Vegetation-Albedo Feedback under Global Warming." Geophysical Research Letters 36: Art. No. L17401, doi:10.1029/2009GL039699.
  • Zhou T, B Wu, AA Scaife, L Li, F Kucharski, CK Folland, J Kinter, D Fereday, AM Fischer, EK Jin, JR Knight, S Kusonoki, NC Lau, T Nakaegawa, P Pegion, J Syktus, JH Yoon, and N Zeng. 2009. "The CLIVAR C20C Project.  Part 3: Which Components of the Asian-Australian Monsoon Variability are Forced and Reproducible?"  Climate Dynamics 33(7-8):1051-1068. doi:10.1007/s00382-008-0501-8.


  • Mariotti A, Z Zeng, J-H Yoon, V Artale, A Navarra, P Alpert, and LZX Li. 2008. "Mediterranean Water Cycle Changes: Transition to Drier 21st Century Conditions in Observations and CMIP3 Simulations." Environmental Research Letters 3(4): Art. No. 044001. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/3/4/044001.
  • Zeng N, J-H Yoon, A Mariotti, and S Swenson. 2008. "Variability of Basin-Scale Terrestrial Water Storage from a P-E-R Water Budget Method: The Amazon and the Mississippi." Journal of Climate 21(2):248-265. doi: 10.1175/2007JCLI1639.1.
  • Zeng N, J-H Yoon, A Vinzileos, GJ Collatz, E Kalnay, A Mariotti, A Kumar, A Busalacchi, and S Lord. 2008. "Dynamical Prediction of Ecosystem and the Global Carbon Cycle: A 25-Year Hindcast Experiment."  Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: Art. No. GB4015. doi:10.1029/2008GB003183.
  • Zeng N, J-H Yoon, J Marengo, A Subramaniam, C Nobre, A Mariotti, and JD Neelin. 2008. "Causes and Impacts of the 2005 Amazon Drought." Environmental Research Letters 3: Art. No. 014002. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/3/1/014002.


  • Yoon J-H and T-C Chen. 2006. "Maintenance of the Boreal Forest Rainbelts during Northern Summer." Journal of Climate 19:1437-1449. doi:10.1175/JCLI3692.1.


  • Yoon J-H and T-C Chen. 2005. "Water Vapor Budget of the Indian Monsoon Depression." Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 57(5):770-782. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2005.00145.x.
  • Chen TC, J-H Yoon, and SY Wang. 2005. "Westward Propagation of the Indian Monsoon Depression." Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 57(5):758-769. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2005.00140.x.


  • Chen T-C, W-R Huang, and J-H Yoon. 2004. "Interannual Variation of the East-Asian Cold Surge Activity." Journal of Climate 17:401-413.


  • Chen T-C and J-H Yoon. 2002. "Interdecadal Variations of the North Pacific Wintertime Blocking."  Monthly Weather Review 130:3136-3143. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(2002)130<3136:IVOTNP>2.0.CO;2


  • Chen T-C, J-H Yoon, KJ St. Croix, and ES Takle. 2001. "Suppressing Impacts of the Amazonian Deforestation by the Global Circulaton Change."  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 82(10):2209-2216.


  • Chen T-C and J-H Yoon. 2000. "Interannual Variation in Indochina Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Possible Mechanism." Journal of Climate 13:1979-1986. doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013<1979:IVIISM>2.0.CO;2.
  • Chen T-C and J-H Yoon. 2000. "Some Remarks on the Westward Propagation of the Monsoon Depression." Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 52(5):487-499. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0870.2000.01127.x.

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