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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Kathy Hibbard

Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-34
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Costanza R, S van der Leeuw, KA Hibbard, S Aulenbach, S Brewer, M Burek, S Cornell, C Carole, J Dearing, C Folke, L Graumlich, M Hegmon, S Heckbert, S Jackson, I Kubiszewski, V Scarborough, P Sinclair, S Sorlin, and W Steffen. 2012. "Developing an Integrated History and future of People on Earth (IHOPE)." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4(1):106-114.  doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.01.010
  • Skaggs R, KA Hibbard, P Frumhoff, T Lowry, R Middleton, R Pate, VC Tidwell, JG Arnold, K Averyt, AC Janetos, RC Izaurralde, JS Rice, and SK Rose. 2012. Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate AssessmentPNNL-21185, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Hurtt G, LP Chini, S Frolking, R Betts, J Feddema, GM Fischer, JP Fisk, KA Hibbard, RA Houghton, AC Janetos, C Jones, G Kindermann, T Kinoshita, KK Goldeweijk, K Riahi, E Shevliakova, SJ Smith, E Stehfest, AM Thomson, P Thornton, D Van Vuuren, and Y Wang. 2011. "Harmonization of Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100: 600 Years of Global Gridded Annual Land-Use Transitions, Wood Harvest, and Resulting Secondary Lands." Climatic Change 109(1-2):117-161.  doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0153-2
  • van der Leeuw S, R Costanza, S Aulenbach, S Brewer, M Burek, S Cornell, S Crumley, J Dearing, C Downey, L Graumlich, S Heckbert, M Hegmon, KA Hibbard, S Jackson, I Kubiszewski, P Sinclair, S Srlin, and W Steffen. 2011. "Toward An Integrated History to Guide the Future." Ecology and Society 16(4):Article No. 2.  doi:10.5751/ES-04341-160402
  • Van Vuuren D, JA Edmonds, M Kainuma, K Riahi, AM Thomson, KA Hibbard, G Hurtt, T Kram, V Krey, JF Lamarque, T Masui, M Meinhausen, N Nakicenovic, SJ Smith, and SK Rose. 2011. "The Representative Concentration Pathways: An Overview." Climatic Change 109(1-2):5-31.  doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0148-z


  • Hibbard KA, AC Janetos, D Van Vuuren, J Pongratz, SK Rose, R Betts, M Herold, and JJ Feddema. 2010. "Research priorities in land use and land-cover change for the Earth system and integrated assessment modelling." International Journal of Climatology 30(13):2118-2128.  doi:10.1002/joc.2150
  • Manning M, JA Edmonds, S Emori, A Grubler, KA Hibbard, F Joos, M Kainuma, R Keeling, T Kram, A Manning, M Meinhausen, RH Moss, N Nakicenovic, K Riahi, SK Rose, SJ Smith, R Swart, and D Van Vuuren. 2010. "Misrepresentation of the IPCC CO2 emission scenarios ." Nature Geoscience 3(6):376-377. 
  • Nobre C, GP Brasseur, M Shapiro, M Lahsen, G Brunet, A Busalacchi, KA Hibbard, S Seitzinger, K Noone, and JP Ometto. 2010. "Addressing the Complexity of the Earth System." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 91(10):1389-1396.  doi:10.1175/2010BAMS3012.1

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