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Meredydd Evans

Integrated Modeling & Energy

PNNL Publications



  • Shui B, H Lin , B Song, MA Halverson, M Evans, and X Zhu. 2011. Feedbacks from Focus Group Meeting on Training and Implementation of Building Energy Codes in ChinaPNNL-20138, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ishkov A, G Akopova, M Evans, G Yulkin, V Roshchanka, S Waltzer, K Romanov, D Picard, O Stepanenko, and D Neretin. 2011. "UNDERSTANDING METHANE EMISSIONS SOURCES AND VIABLE MITIGATION MEASURES IN THE NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS: RUSSIAN AND U.S. EXPERIENCE." In Proceedings of the International Gas Union Research Conference, October 19-21, 2011, Seoul, South Korea.  IGRC Foundation, Apeldoorn, Netherlands. 





  • Evans M. 2007. "Energy Prices, Tariffs, Taxes and Subsidies in Ukraine." Energy Prices and Taxes (4th Quarter):xi - xxv. 
  • Caspery G, M Evans, and L Buxtorf. 2007. "Stabilising energy-related greenhouse gas emissions: Making "technology wedges" feasible." Renewable Energy 32(5):713-726. 


  • Evans M, and H Geller. 2002. "Energy Efficiency in the United States (L'�fficacit� �nerg�tique aux Etats-Unis)." Les Cahiers de Global Chance 16:44-51. 


  • Evans M. 2001. "Demand-side energy efficiency and the Kyoto mechanisms: Forging the link in countries in transition." In Further than ever from Kyoto? : Rethinking Energy Efficiency can get us there: Proceedings of the 2001 ECEEE Summer Study, vol. Paper 6.126, pp. 499-508.  European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Paris, France. 


  • Evans M, SL Legro, and IM Popov. 2000. "The Climate for Joint Implementation: Case Studies from Russia, Ukraine and Poland." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 5(4):319-336. 
  • Evans M. 2000. "Tapping the Potential for Energy Efficiency: The Role of ESCOs in the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Russia." In 2000 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Builidings Proceedings, Panel 5 .  The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, DC. 


  • Evans M. 1999. "Transportation in Transition Economies: a Key to Carbon Management." In eceee 1999 Summer Study, Energy efficiency and CO2 reduction: the dimensions of the social challengeFrance, vol. Panel 5, European Council on an Economic Economy, Stocklholm, Sweden. 

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