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Thomas Blake

Chemical Physics & Analysis
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K8-88
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Craig NC, H Tian, and TA Blake. 2012. "Analysis of the Rotational Structure in the High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of trans-Hexatriene-1-13C1; a Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure for the C6 Backbone for trans-Hexatriene." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116(12):3148-3155.  doi:10.1021/jp211791r
  • Duxbury G, JF Kelly, TA Blake, and N Langford. 2012. "Observation of Infrared Free-Induction Decay and Optical Nutation Signals from Nitrous Oxide Using a Current Modulated Quantum Cascade Laser." Journal of Chemical Physics 136(17):174317.  doi:10.1063/1.4710540
  • Duxbury G, JF Kelly, TA Blake, and N Langford. 2012. "Sub-Doppler Spectra of Infrared Hyperfine Transitions of Nitric Oxide Using a Pulse Modulated Quantum Cascade Laser: Rapid Passage, Free Induction Decay and the AC Stark Effect ." Journal of Chemical Physics 136(17):174319.  doi:10.1063/1.4710542
  • Duxbury G, JF Kelly, TA Blake, and N Langford. 2012. "The AC-Stark Effect in Nitric Oxide Induced by Rapidly Swept Continuous Wave Quantum Cascade Lasers." Journal of Chemical Physics 136(17):174318.  doi:10.1063/1.4710541
  • Kelly JF, RL Sams, TA Blake, MK Newburn, JJ Moran, ML Alexander, and HW Kreuzer. 2012. "A Capillary Absorption Spectrometer for Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio (13C/12C) Analysis in Very Small Samples." Review of Scientific Instruments 83(2):Article No. 023101.  doi:10.1063/1.3680593
  • Sams RL, SS Xantheas, and TA Blake. 2012. "Vapor Phase Infrared Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Fundamental Anharmonic Frequencies of Ammonia Borane." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116(12):3124-3136.  doi:10.1021/jp2115753
  • Sweet LE, EC Buck, CH Henager, Jr, SY Hu, DE Meier, SM Peper, JM Schwantes, YF Su, RL Sams, TA Blake, TJ Johnson, TJ Kulp, RL Sommers, JD Sugar, and JD Chames. 2012. "Investigations into the Polymorphs and Hydration Products of UO3." In Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIII, April 24, 2012, Baltimore, Maryland. Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 8358, ed. AW Fountain III, p. Article No. 83581R.  SPIE, Bellingham, WA.  doi:10.1117/12.919706


  • Goss LM, WR Hess, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2011. "The High-Resolution, Jet-cooled Infrared Spectrum of Pentafluoroethane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 265(2):81-85.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.11.002
  • Price JE, KA Coulterpark, T Masiello, JW Nibler, A Weber, AG Maki, and TA Blake. 2011. "High-Resolution Infrared Spectra of Spiropentane, C5H8." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 269(1):129-136.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2011.05.011


  • Bernacki BE, TA Blake, A Mendoza, and TJ Johnson. 2010. "Visible Hyperspectral Imaging for Standoff Detection of Explosives on Surfaces ." In Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VI and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VII: Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 7838, ed. C Lewis, D Burgess, R Zamboni, F Kajzar and EM Heckman, p. Paper No. 78380C.  SPIE , Bellingham, WA.  doi:10.1117/12.870739
  • Craig NC, MC Leyden, MC Moore, AK Patchen, T van den Heuvel, TA Blake, T Masiello, and RL Sams. 2010. "A reevaluation of the assignment of the vibrational fundamentals and the rotational analysis of bands in the high-resolution infrared spectra of trans- and cis- 1,3,5-hexatriene." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 262(1):49-60.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.05.002
  • Devi VM, CP Rinsland, DC Benner, RL Sams, and TA Blake. 2010. "Multispectrum analysis of the v9 band of 12C2H6: Positions, intensities, self- and N2-broadened half-width coefficients." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111(9):1234-1251.  doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2009.10.017
  • Gallagher NB, JF Kelly, and TA Blake. 2010. "Passive Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Standoff Detection of Tetryl Explosive Residue on a Steel Surface." In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), June 14-16, 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland.  IEEE , Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/WHISPERS.2010.5594839
  • Johnson TJ, TA Blake, RL Sams, and SD Burton. 2010. "Absolute Infrared Cross Sections of Gas-Phase H2O2 Using Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy ." In Fourier Transform Spectrometry, OSA Technical Digest, April 26-30, 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p. Paper No. FWA6.  Optical Society of America, Washington DC. 
  • Maki A, A Weber, JW Nibler, T Masiello, TA Blake, and RW Kirkpatrick. 2010. "High resolution infrared spectroscopy of [1.1.1]propellane: the region of the v9 band." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 264(1):26-36.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.08.008
  • Malathy Devi V, DC Benner, CP Rinsland, MAH Smith, RL Sams, TA Blake, JM Flaud, K Sung, LR Brown, and AW Mantz. 2010. "Multispectrum measurements of spectral line parameters including temperature dependences of N2- and self-broadened half-width coefficients in the region of the v9 band of 12C2H6." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111(17-18):2481-2504.  doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.07.010
  • Martin MA, AJ Perry, T Masiello, KD Schwartz, JW Nibler, A Weber, A Maki, and TA Blake. 2010. "High-Resolution Infrared Spectra of Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 262(1):42-48.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.04.010


  • Blake TA, JF Kelly, NB Gallagher, PL Gassman, and TJ Johnson. 2009. "Passive Standoff Detection of RDX Residues on Metal Surfaces via Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 395(2):337-348. 
  • Masiello T, A Maki, and TA Blake. 2009. "Analysis of the High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of Cyclopropane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 255(1):45-55. 
  • Johnson TJ, RL Sams, SD Burton, and TA Blake. 2009. "Absolute integrated intensities of vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide (H202) in the mid-infrared at atmospheric pressure." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 395(2):377-386.  doi:10.1007/s00216-009-2805-x
  • Kirkpatrick RW, T Masiello, N Jariyasopit, JW Nibler, AG Maki, TA Blake, and A Weber. 2009. "High-resolution rovibrational study of the Coriolis-coupled nu(12) and nu(15) modes of [1.1.1]propellane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 253(1):41-50. 
  • Lin W, WC Pringle, SE Novick, and TA Blake. 2009. "Microwave Spectrum of the Argon-Tropolone van der Waals Complex." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113(47):13076-13080. 
  • Maki A, T Masiello, TA Blake, JW Nibler, and A Weber. 2009. "On the Determination of C0 (or A0), D0K, H0K, and Some Dark States for Symmetric-top Molecules from Infrared Spectra without the Need for Localized Perturbations." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 255(1):56-62. 


  • Gallagher NB, PL Gassman, and TA Blake. 2008. "Detection of Low Volatility Organic Analytes on Soils Using Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy." Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 16(3):179-187.  doi:10.1255/jnirs.776
  • Gallagher NB, PL Gassman, and TA Blake. 2008. "Strategies for Detecting Organic Liquids on Soils Using Mid-Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy ." Environmental Science & Technology 42(15):5700-5705.  doi:10.1021/es8005404
  • Kelly JF, A Maki, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2008. "Supersonic Free-jet Quantum Cascade Laser Measurements of v4 for CF3(35)Cl and CF3(37)Cl and FTS Measurements from 400 to 1260 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 252(1):81-89.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2008.07.001
  • Kirkpatrick RW, T Masiello, N Jariyasopit, A Weber, JW Nibler, A Maki, TA Blake, and TL Hubler. 2008. "High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of [1.1.1] Propellane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 248(2):153-160. 
  • Kleiner I, N Moazzen-Ahmadi, ARW McKellar, TA Blake, RL Sams, SW Sharpe, G Moruzzi, and JT Hougen. 2008. "Assignment, Fit, and Theoretical Discussion of the v10 Band of Acetaldehyde Near 509 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 252(2):214-229.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2008.09.004
  • Rinsland CP, VM Devi, DC Benner, TA Blake, RL Sams, LR Brown, I Kleiner, A Dehayem-kamadjeu, HS Muller, RR Gamache, DL Niles, and T Masiello. 2008. "Multispectrum Analysis of the v4 Band of CH3CN: Positions, Intensities, Self and N2 Broadening and Pressure-Induced Shifts." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109(6):974-994.  doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2007.11.013
  • Rinsland CP, VM Devi, TA Blake, RL Sams, SW Sharpe, and L Chiou. 2008. "Quantitative Measurement of Integrated Band Intensities of Benzene Vapor in the Mid-Infrared at 278, 298, and 323 K." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109(15):2511-2522. 
  • Smith MAH, CP Rinsland, TA Blake, RL Sams, DC Benner, and VM Devi. 2008. "Low Temperature Measurements of HCN Broadened by N2 in the 14-micron Spectral Region." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109(6):922-951.  doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2007.12.017


  • Masiello T, AG Maki, and TA Blake. 2007. "The Analysis of Combination and Overtone States of 11BF3 from 1650 to 4600 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 243(1):16-31.  doi:10.1016/j.jms.2007.02.019
  • Blake TA, ED Glendening, RL Sams, SW Sharpe, and SS Xantheas. 2007. "High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in the 1200--1300 cm-1 Region and Accurate Theoretical Estimates for the Structure and Ring-Puckering Barrier of Perfluorocyclobutane." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(44):11328-11341.  doi:10.1021/jp072521f
  • Perrin AM, E Bertseva, J Flaud, DR Collett, H Burger, T Masiello, and TA Blake. 2007. "High Resolution Infrared Study of the 2v9 and v4 Bands of 10BF2OH and 11BF2OH: Evidence of Large Amplitude Effects for the OH- Torsion and OH-Bending Modes in the 9(2) and 4(1) and Excited States." Molecular Physics 105(13-14):1833-1848.  doi:10.1080/00268970701426992


  • Gallagher NB, TA Blake, PL Gassman, JM Shaver, and W Windig. 2006. "Multivariate Curve Resolution Applied to Infrared Reflection Measurements of Soil Contaminated with an Organophosphorus Analyte." Applied Spectroscopy 60(7):713-722.  doi:10.1366/000370206777887026
  • Keske JC, W Lin, WC Pringle, SE Novick, TA Blake, and DF Plusquellic. 2006. "High Resolution studies of Tropolone in the So and S1 Electronic States: Isotope Driven Dynamics in the Zero-Point Energy Levels." Journal of Chemical Physics 124(7):074309.  doi:10.1063/1.2165652
  • Maki A, JK Watson, T Masiello, and TA Blake. 2006. "Observation of a Forbidden E"-A' (1) Infrared Transition in (BF3)-B-11." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 238(2):135-144. 
  • Xantheas SS, and TA Blake. 2006. "Structure, Vibrational Spectra and Ring Puckering Barrier of Cyclobutane." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110:10487-10494.  doi:10.1021/jp062472r


  • Masiello T, AG Maki, and TA Blake. 2005. "The High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of 11BF3 From 400 to 1650 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 234(1):122-136. 
  • Gallagher NB, TA Blake, and PL Gassman. 2005. "Application of Extended Inverse Scatter Correction to Mid-Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Soil." Journal of Chemometrics 19(5-7):271-281.  doi:10.1002/cem.929
  • Maki AG, T Masiello, and TA Blake. 2005. "The High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of 10BF3 from 400 to 4600 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Structure 742:3-20.  doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2004.11.089
  • Redington RL, TE Redington, TA Blake, RL Sams, and TJ Johnson. 2005. "18O Effects on the Infrared Spectrum and Skeletal Tunneling of Tropolone." Journal of Chemical Physics 122:224311. 


  • Masiello T, JB Barber, E Chrysostom, JW Nibler, A Maki, A Weber, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2004. "Analysis of High-Resolution Infrared and CARS Spectra of 3??S18O3." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 223(2004):84-95. 
  • Masiello T, N Vulpanovici, JB Barber, E Chrysostom, JW Nibler, A Maki, TA Blake, RL Sams, and A Weber. 2004. "Analysis of High-Resolution Infrared and CARS Spectra of 34S18O3." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 227(1):50-59. 
  • Benner DC, TA Blake, LR Brown, VM Devi, MAH Smith, and RA Toth. 2004. "Air-Broadening Parameters in the ?3 Band of 14N16O2 Using a Multispectrum Fitting Technique." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 228(2):593-619. 
  • Goss LM, CD Mortensen, and TA Blake. 2004. "Rotationally Resolved Spectroscopy of the nu(8) Band of cis-Methyl Nitrite." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 225(2):182-188. 
  • Maki AG, TA Blake, RL Sams, J Frieh, JB Barber, T Masiello, E Chrysostom, JW Nibler, and A Weber. 2004. "Analysis of Some Combination-Overtone Infrared Bands of (SO3)-S-32-O-16." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 225(2):109-122. 


  • Barber JB, E Chrysostom, T Masiello, JW Nibler, A Maki, A Weber, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2003. "Analysis of the v2, v4 Infrared Hot Bands and v1 CARS Spectrum of 34S16O3." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 218(2):204-212. 
  • Barber JB, T Masiello, E Chrysostom, JW Nibler, A Maki, A Weber, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2003. "High Resolution Infrared Studies of the v2, v4 Bands of 34S16O3, Including Both Intensity and Wavenumber Perturbations." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 218(2):197-203. 
  • Chackerian C, Jr., SW Sharpe, and TA Blake. 2003. "Anhydrous Nitric Acid Integrated Absorption Cross Sections: 820 - 5300 cm-1." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 82(1-4):p. 429-441. 
  • Kleiner I, G Tarrago, C Cottaz, L Sagui, LR Brown, RL Poynter, HM Pickett, P Chen, JC Pearson, RL Sams, TA Blake, S Matsuura, V Nemtchinov, P Varanasi, L Fusina, and G Di Lonardo. 2003. "NH3 and PH3 Line Parameters: The 2000 HITRAN Update and New Results." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 82(1-4):293-312. 
  • Sharpe SW, TA Blake, RL Sams, A Maki, A Masiello, JB Barber, N Vulpanovici, E Chrysostom, JW Nibler, and A Weber. 2003. "The v(2) and 2 v3 Bands of (SO3)-S-32-O-16, (SO3)-S-32-O-18, (SO3)-S-34-O-16 and (SO3)-S-34-O-18." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 222(2):142-152. 


  • Blake TA, and PL Gassman. 2002. "Detection of Soil Surface Contaminants by Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy." In Vibrational Spectroscopy-based Sensor Systems, Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 4577, ed. S.D. Christensen, A.J. Sedlacek, pp. 239-261.  SPIE-International Society of Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA. 
  • Barber JB, E Chrysostom, T Masiello, JW Nibler, A Maki, A Weber, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2002. "Analysis of v2, v4 Infrared Hot Bands of 32S16O3: Resolution of the Puzzle of the v1 CARS Spectrum." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 216:105-112. 
  • Barber JR, E Chrysostom, T Masiello, JW Nibler, AR Maki, AM Weber, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2002. "Analysis of nu(2), nu(4) infarared Hot Bands of (SO3)-S-32-O-16: Resolution of the Puzzle of the nu(1) CARS Spectrum." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 216(1):105-112. 
  • Blake TA, JF Kelly, TL Stewart, JS Hartman, SW Sharpe, and RL Sams. 2002. "Absorption Spectroscopy in Hollow-Glass Waveguides Using Infrared Diode Lasers [4817-25]." In Diode Lasers and Applications in Atmospheric Sensing : Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA , vol. 4817, ed. Alan Fried, pp. 216-232.  SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering , Bellingham, WA. 
  • Blake TA, JF Kelly, TL Stewart, JS Hartman, SW Sharpe, and RL Sams. 2002. "Absorption spectroscopy in hollow-glass waveguides using infrared laser diodes." In Diode Lasers and Applications in Atmospheric Sensing, SPIE Proceedings , vol. 4817, ed. A. Fried, pp. 216-232.  SPIE , Bellingham, WA. 
  • Johnson TJ, RL Sams, TA Blake, SW Sharpe, and PM Chu. 2002. "Removing Aperture-Induced Artifacts from Fourier Transform Infrared Intensity Values." Applied Optics 41(15):2831-2839. 
  • Kelly JF, RS Disselkamp, RL Sams, TA Blake, SW Sharpe, D Richter, and A Fried. 2002. "Optimization of cw-QC Lasers for Doppler and sub-Doppler Molecular Spectroscopy." In Diode lasers and applications in atmospheric sensing : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Wash.; SPIE proceedings series, vol. 4817, ed. Fried, A., pp. 43-72.  Int. Society Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA. 


  • Sams RL, TA Blake, and SW Sharpe. 2001. "Cool Spectroscopy Using High Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy." In Fourier Transform Spectroscocpy, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics, vol. 51, ed. A. Sawchuk, p. paper FThB2.  Optical Society of America, Washington DC, DC. 
  • Chrysostom E, N Vulpanovici, A Masiello, JB Barber, JW Nibler, A Weber, A Maki, and TA Blake. 2001. "Coherent Raman and Infrared Studies of Sulfur Trioxide." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 210:233-239. 
  • Maki AG, TA Blake, RL Sams, N Vulpanovici, JB Barber, E Chrysostom, T Masiello, JW Nibler, and A Weber. 2001. "High Resolution Infrared Spectra of the v2, v3, v4 and 2v3 Bands of 32S16O3." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 210:240-249. 


  • Blake TA, SW Sharpe, and SS Xantheas. 2000. "Rotationally Resolved Spectroscopy of a Librational Fundamental Band of Hydrogen Fluoride Tetramer." Journal of Chemical Physics 113(2):707-718. 
  • Lafferty W, JM Flaud, RL Sams, TA Blake, and SW Sharpe. 2000. "High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of the Ring-Puckering Band, nu(10), of Diborane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 201(2):285-291. 


  • Goss LM, SW Sharpe, TA Blake, V Vaida, and JW Brault. 1999. "Direct Absorption Spectroscopy of Water Clusters." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103(43):8620-8624. 


  • Sams RL, TA Blake, SW Sharpe, JM Flaud, and WJ Lafferty. 1998. "High Resolution Infrared Study of the nu(14), nu(17) and nu(18) bands of (B2H6)-B-11 and (BBH6)-B-10-B-11." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 191(2):331-342. 

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