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William Gustafson

William Gustafson

Atmospheric Chemistry & Meteorology
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-30
Richland, WA 99352


Dr. William Gustafson has wide-ranging experience applying atmospheric models across scales ranging from large-scale Tropical dynamics to urban air quality. In 2010 the U.S. Department of Energy awarded him an Early Career grant focussed on the investigation of scale adaptability of model physics parameterizations. This award will fund Dr. Gustafson through 2015. Other research by Dr. Gustafson has focused on development and application of the WRF-Chem meteorology and atmospheric chemistry model for studies of aerosols and their impact on climate via interactions with radiation and clouds. He also is active in using mesoscale models to downscale global climate model simulations. Past research includes investigations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation, storm events in the California Central Valley, and flow in complex topography.

Education and Credentials

  • 2003 Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Davis
  • 1993 A.B. Physics Occidental College, Los Angeles

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • Member American Geophysical Union
  • Member American Meteorological Society
  • Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society

Awards and Recognitions

  • Recipient of 2010 DOE Early Career Research Program grant

PNNL Publications


  • Berg LK, WI Gustafson, Jr, EI Kassianov, and L Deng. 2013. "Evaluation of a Modified Scheme for Shallow Convection: Implementation of CuP and Case Studies." Monthly Weather Review 141(1):134-147.  doi:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00136.1


  • Gustafson WI, Jr, and S Yu. 2012. "Generalized approach for using unbiased symmetric metrics with negative values: normalized mean bias factor and normalized mean absolute error factor." Atmospheric Science Letters 13(4):262-267.  doi:10.1002/asl.393
  • Fast JD, WI Gustafson, Jr, LK Berg, WJ Shaw, MS Pekour, MKB Shrivastava, JC Barnard, R Ferrare, CA Hostetler, J Hair, MH Erickson, T Jobson, B Flowers, MK Dubey, PhD, SR Springston, BR Pirce, L Dolislager, JR Pederson, and RA Zaveri. 2012. "Transport and Mixing Patterns over Central California during the Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study (CARES)." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(4):1759-1783.  doi:10.5194/acp-12-1759-2012
  • Sego LH, A Marquez, A Rawson, T Cader, KM Fox, WI Gustafson, Jr, and CJ Mundy. 2012. "Implementing the Data Center Energy Productivity Metric." ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 8(4):Article No. 30.  doi:10.1145/2367736.2367741
  • Yang Q, WI Gustafson, Jr, JD Fast, H Wang, RC Easter, Jr, M Wang, SJ Ghan, LK Berg, LYR Leung, and H Morrison. 2012. "Impact of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on stratocumulus and precipitation in the Southeast Pacific: A regional modeling study using WRF-Chem." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(18):8777-8796.  doi:10.5194/acp-12-8777-2012
  • Zaveri RA, WJ Shaw, DJ Cziczo, B Schmid, R Ferrare, ML Alexander, M Alexandrov, RJ Alvarez, WP Arnott, D Atkinson, S Baidar, RM Banta, JC Barnard, J Beranek, LK Berg, FJ Brechtel, WA Brewer, JF Cahill, B Cairns, CD Cappa, D Chand, S China, JM Comstock, MK Dubey, RC Easter, Jr, MH Erickson, JD Fast, C Floerchinger, BA Flowers, E Fortner, JS Gaffney, MK Gilles, K Gorkowski, WI Gustafson, Jr, MS Gyawali, J Hair, M Hardesty, JW Harworth, SC Herndon, N Hiranuma, CA Hostetler, JM Hubbe, JT Jayne, H Jeong, BT Jobson, EI Kassianov, LI Kleinman, CD Kluzek, B Knighton, KR Kolesar, C Kuang, A Kubatova, AO Langford, A Laskin, NS Laulainen, RD Marchbanks, C Mazzoleni, F Mei, RC Moffet, DA Nelson, M Obland, H Oetjen, TB Onasch, I Ortega, M Ottaviani, MS Pekour, KA Prather, JG Radney, R Rogers, SP Sandberg, A Sedlacek, C Senff, G Senum, A Setyan, JE Shilling, MKB Shrivastava, C Song, SR Springston, R Subramanian, K Suski, JM Tomlinson, RM Volkamer, HA Wallace, J Wang, AM Weickmann, DR Worsnop, XY Yu, A Zelenyuk, and Q Zhang. 2012. "Overview of the 2010 Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES)." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(16):7647-7687.  doi:10.5194/acp-12-7647-2012
  • Zhong SS, X Li, X Bian, WE Heilman, LYR Leung, and WI Gustafson, Jr. 2012. "Evaluation of Regional Climate Simulations over the Great Lakes Region Driven by Three Global Data Sets." Journal of Great Lakes Research 38(2):212-225.  doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.03.012


  • Fast JD, WI Gustafson, Jr, EG Chapman, RC Easter, Jr, JP Rishel, RA Zaveri, G Grell, and M Barth. 2011. "The Aerosol Modeling Testbed: A community tool to objectively evaluate aerosol process modules." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92(3):343-360.  doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2868.1
  • Gustafson WI, Jr, Y Qian, and JD Fast. 2011. "Downscaling Aerosols and the Impact of Neglected Subgrid Processes on Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing for a Representative Global Climate Model Grid Spacing." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 116:Article No. D13303.  doi:10.1029/2010JD015480
  • Shrivastava MKB, JD Fast, RC Easter, Jr, WI Gustafson, Jr, RA Zaveri, JL Jimenez, P Saide, and A Hodzic. 2011. "Modeling Organic Aerosols in a Megacity: Comparison of Simple and Complex Representations of the Volatility Basis Set Approach." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11(13):6639-6662.  doi:10.5194/acp-11-6639-2011
  • Wang M, SJ Ghan, RC Easter, Jr, M Ovchinnikov, X Liu, EI Kassianov, Y Qian, WI Gustafson, Jr, VE Larson, D Schanen, M Khairoutdinov, and H Morrison. 2011. "The multi-scale aerosol-climate model PNNL-MMF: model description and evaluation." Geoscientific Model Development 4(1):137-168.  doi:10.5194/gmd-4-137-2011
  • Yang Q, WI Gustafson, Jr, JD Fast, H Wang, RC Easter, Jr, H Morrison, YN Lee, EG Chapman, SN Spak, and MA Mena-Carrasco. 2011. "Assessing regional scale predictions of aerosols, marine stratocumulus, and their interactions during VOCALS-REx using WRF-Chem." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11(23):11951-11975.  doi:10.5194/acp-11-11951-2011
  • Yang Q, Y Wang, C Zhao, Z Liu, WI Gustafson, Jr, and M Shao. 2011. "NOx Emission Reduction and its Effects on Ozone during the 2008 Olympic Games." Environmental Science & Technology 45(15):6404-6410.  doi:10.1021/es200675v


  • Qian Y, WI Gustafson, Jr, and JD Fast. 2010. "An investigation of the sub-grid variability of trace gases and aerosols for global climate modeling." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10:6917-6946.  doi:10.5194/acp-10-6917-2010
  • Grell G, JD Fast, WI Gustafson, Jr, SE Peckham, SA McKeen, M Salzmann, and S Freitas. 2010. "On-line Chemistry within WRF: Description and Evaluation of a State-of-the-Art Multiscale Air Quality and Weather Prediction Model." Chapter 3 in Integrated Systems of Meso-Meteorological and Chemical Transport Models, ed. A Baklanov, A Mahura and R Sokhi, pp. 41-54.  Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. 
  • Monier E, BC Weare, and WI Gustafson, Jr. 2010. "The Madden-Julian Oscillation Wind-Convection Coupling and the Role of Moisture Processes in the MM5 Model." Climate Dynamics 35(2-3):435-447.  doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0626-4
  • Zhao C, X Liu, LYR Leung, B Johnson, SA McFarlane, WI Gustafson, Jr, JD Fast, and RC Easter, Jr. 2010. "The spatial distribution of mineral dust and its shortwave radiative forcing over North Africa: Modeling sensitivities to dust emissions and aerosol size treatments ." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(18):8821-8838.  doi:10.5194/acp-10-8821-2010


  • Qian Y, WI Gustafson, Jr, LYR Leung, and SJ Ghan. 2009. "Effects of soot-induced snow albedo change on snowpack and hydrological cycle in western United States based on Weather Research and Forecasting chemistry and regional climate simulations." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 114:D03108.  doi:10.1029/2008JD011039
  • Chapman EG, WI Gustafson, Jr, RC Easter, Jr, JC Barnard, SJ Ghan, MS Pekour, and JD Fast. 2009. "Coupling Aerosol-Cloud-Radiative Processes in the WRF-Chem Model: Investigating the Radiative Impact of Elevated Point Sources." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9(3):945-964. 
  • Ntelekos AA, JS Smith, LJ Donner, JD Fast, WI Gustafson, Jr, EG Chapman, and WF Krajewski. 2009. "The Effects of Aerosols on Intense Convective Precipitation in the Northeastern U.S." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 135(643):1367-1391.  doi:10.1002/qj.476
  • Weaver CP, XZ Liang, J Zhu, PJ Adams, P Amar, J Avise, M Caughey, J Chen, RC Cohen, E Cooter, JP Dawson, R Gilliam, A Gilliland, AH Goldstein, A Grambsch, D Grano, A Guenther, WI Gustafson, Jr, RA Harley, S He, B Hemming, C Hogrefe, HC Huang, SW Hunt, D Jacob, PL Kinney, K Kunkel, JF Lamarque, BK Lamb, N Larkin, LYR Leung, KJ Liao, J Lin, BH Lynn, K Manomaiphiboon, CS Mass, D KcKenzie, LJ Mickley, S O'Neil, C Nolte, SN Pandis, PN Racherla, C Rosenzweig, AG Russell, E Salathe, AL Steiner, E Tagaris, Z Tao, S Tonse, C Wiedinmyer, A Williams, DA Winner, JH Woo, S Wu, and DJ Wuebbles. 2009. "A Preliminary Synthesis of Modeled Climate Change Impacts on U.S. Regional Ozone Concentrations." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90(12):1843-1863 .  doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2568.1


  • Gustafson WI, Jr, LK Berg, RC Easter, Jr, and SJ Ghan. 2008. "The Explicit-Cloud Parameterized-Pollutant Hybrid Approach for Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Multiscale Modelling Framework Models: Tracer Transport Results." Environmental Research Letters 3(2):Art. No. 025005.  doi:10.1088/1748-9326/3/2/025005
  • Zhang Y, XM Hu, LR Leung, and WI Gustafson, Jr. 2008. "Impacts of Regional Climate Change on Biogenic Emissions and Air Quality." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 113:D18310.  doi:10.1029/2008JD009965


  • Gustafson WI, Jr, and LR Leung. 2007. "Regional Downscaling for Air Quality Assessment: A Reasonable Proposition?" Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88(8):1215-1227. 
  • Gustafson WI, Jr, EG Chapman, SJ Ghan, RC Easter, Jr, and JD Fast. 2007. "Impact on Modeled Cloud Characteristics Due to Simplified Treatment of Uniform Cloud Condensation Nuclei During NEAQS 2004." Geophysical Research Letters 34(19):L19809.  doi:10.1029/2007GL030021


  • Berg LK, EI Kassianov, CN Long, and WI Gustafson, Jr. 2006. "A Climatology of Fair-Weather Cloud Statistics at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Southern Great Plains Site: Temporal and Spatial Variability." In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, March 27-31, 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  US Department of Energy, Washington, DC. 
  • Fast JD, WI Gustafson, Jr, RC Easter, Jr, RA Zaveri, JC Barnard, EG Chapman, G Grell, and SE Peckham. 2006. "Evolution of Ozone, Particulates, and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing in the Vicinity of Houston Using a Fully Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry-Aerosol Model." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 111(D21):D21305.  doi:10.1029/2005JD006721


  • Gustafson WI, Jr, EG Chapman, and JD Fast. 2005. "Effect of Clouds on Sulfate Production and Aerosol Optical Depths in Western Pennsylvania During August 2004." In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California.  American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. 
  • Gustafson WI, Jr, JD Fast, RC Easter, Jr, and SJ Ghan. 2005. "Triumphs and Tribulations of WRF-Chem Development and Use." In 2005 Joint WRF/MM5 User's Workshop, June 27-30, 2005, Boulder, Colorado, p. Paper No. 8.4.  National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. 
  • Leung LR, and WI Gustafson, Jr. 2005. "Potential Regional Climate Change and Implications to U.S. Air Quality." Geophysical Research Letters 32(16):L16711.  doi:10.1029/2005GL022911
  • Zhang Y, XM Hu, G Howell, ED Sills, JD Fast, WI Gustafson, Jr, RA Zaveri, GA Grell, SE Peckham, and SA McKeen. 2005. "Modeling Atmospheric Aerosols in WRF/Chem." In 2005 Joint WRF/MM5 User's Workshop, June 27-30, 2005, Boulder, Colorado.  National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. 


  • Gustafson WI, Jr, and BC Weare. 2004. "MM5 Modeling of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Indian and West Pacific Oceans: Implications of 30-70-Day Boundary Effects on MJO Development." Journal of Climate 17(6):1338-1351. 
  • Gustafson WI, Jr, and BC Weare. 2004. "MM5 Modeling of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Indian and West Pacific Oceans: Model Description and Control Run Results." Journal of Climate 17(6):1320-1337. 

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