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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Rob Newsom

Atmospheric Chemistry & Meteorology
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-30
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Dupont JC, M Haeffelin, Y Morille, JM Comstock, CJ Flynn, CN Long, C Sivaraman, and RK Newsom. 2011. "Cloud properties derived from two lidars over the ARM SGP site." Geophysical Research Letters 38:Article No. L08814.  doi:10.1029/2010GL046274
  • Liu Y, Z Wang, J Wang, RA Ferrare, RK Newsom, and EJ Welton. 2011. "The effect of aerosol vertical profiles on satellite-estimated surface particle sulfate concentrations." Remote Sensing of Environment 115(2):508-513.  doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.09.019


  • Hill M, R Calhoun, HJS Fernando, A Wieser, A Dornbrack, M Weissmann, G Mayr, and RK Newsom. 2010. "Coplanar Doppler Lidar Retrieval of Rotors from T-REX." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67(3):713-729.  doi:10.1175/2009JAS3016.1
  • McMillan WW, R Pierce, LC Sparling, G Osterman, K McCann, ML Fischer, B Rappengluck, RK Newsom, DD Turner, C Kittaka, K Evans, S Biraud, B Lefer, A Andrews, and S Oltmans. 2010. "An Observational and modeling strategy to investigate the impact of remote sources on local air quality: A Houston, Texas case study from the Second Texas Air Quality Study (TEXAQS II)." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 115(D01301):, doi:10.1029/2009JD011973


  • Newsom RK, DD Turner, B Mielke, MF Clayton, R Ferrare, and C Sivaraman. 2009. "Simultaneous analog and photon counting detection for Raman lidar." Applied Optics 48(20):3903-3914. 
  • Schmid B, CJ Flynn, RK Newsom, DD Turner, R Ferrare, MF Clayton, E Andrews, JA Ogren, RR Johnson, PB Russell, W Gore, and R Dominguez. 2009. "Validation of aerosol extinction and water vapor profiles from routine Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility measurements ." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 114(D22207):, doi:10.1029/2009JD012682


  • Newsom RK, R Calhoun, D Ligon, and KJ Allwine. 2008. "Linearly Organized Turbulence Structures Observed Over a Suburban Area by Dual-Doppler Lidar." Boundary-Layer Meteorology 127(1):111-130. 
  • Fast JD, RK Newsom, KJ Allwine, Q Xu, P Zhang, JH Copeland, and J Sun. 2008. "An Evaluation of Two NEXRAD Wind Retrieval Methodologies and Their Use in Atmospheric Dispersion Models." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47(9):2351-2371.  doi:10.1175/2008JAMC1853.1
  • Pichugina YL, RM Banta, ND Kelley, BJ Jonkman, SC Tucker, RK Newsom, and WA Brewer. 2008. "Horizontal-Velocity and Variance Measurements in the Stable Boundary Layer Using Doppler Lidar: Sensitivity to Averaging Procedures." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25(8):1307-1326.  doi:10.1175/2008JTECHA988.1
  • Xia Q, CL Lin, R Calhoun, and RK Newsom. 2008. "Retrieval of Urban Boundary Layer Structures from Doppler Lidar Data. Part I: Accuracy Assessment." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65(1):3-20.  doi:10.1175/2007JAS2328.1


  • Fast JD, RK Newsom, KJ Allwine, Q Xu, P Zhang, JH Copeland, and J Sun. 2007. Development of NEXRAD Wind Retrievals as Input to Atmospheric Dispersion ModelsPNNL-16399, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Flaherty JE, KJ Allwine, MJ Brown, WIJ Coirier, SC Ericson, OR Hansen, AH Huber, S Kim, MJ Leach, JD Mirocha, RK Newsom, G Patnaik, and I Senocak. 2007. "Evaluation study of building-resolved urban dispersion models." In 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, 10-13 September 2007, San Diego, CA.  American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. 
  • Wang Y, CL Klipp, DM Garvey, D Ligon, CC Williamson, SS Chang, RK Newsom, and R Calhoun. 2007. "Nocturnal Low-Level-Jet-Dominated Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observed by a Doppler Lidar Over Oklahoma City during JU2003." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46(12):2098-2109.  doi:10.1175/2006JAMC1283.1


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