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Scott Chambers

Scott Chambers

Materials Sciences
Laboratory Fellow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K8-87
Richland, WA 99352


Dr. Chambers is the Technical Group Leader for the PNNL Oxide Epitaxy Group. He has focused on the preparation and properties of model surfaces and interfaces for his entire career. His interests have ranged from metals to conventional Group IV and Group III-V semiconductors to simple and complex oxides. His current interests focus on the effects of doping on the structure and functional properties of epitaxial oxide films of various kinds. Such materials are of significant interest in a variety of scientific and technological arenas, including oxide electronics, thermal and photocatalysis, and surface geochemistry. Of specific interest is modification of electronic, magnetic, optical, and photochemical properties by controlled doping, with an eye toward novel behavior that could give rise to new and useful technologies based on oxides. His film deposition methods of choice are molecular beam epitaxy and off-axis pulsed laser deposition, assisted by activated oxygen from an oxygen plasma generator or ozone. He brings a variety of in situ and ex situ characterization methods to bear on the these materials, including high-resolution x-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering, scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy and scanning probe microscopy. He also collaborates closely with Prof. Peter Sushko of University College London, who carries out first principles theoretical calculations in direct support of Dr. Chambers' experimental efforts.

Before joining Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 1992, Dr. Chambers was a staff scientist at the Boeing High Technology Center in Seattle. In that role, he conducted research in the epitaxial growth of intermetallic compounds on III-V compound semiconductors, in support of the development of advanced digital and analog devices for aerospace electronics applications. Prior to that he was Associate and Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Bethel University and George Fox University, respectively.

Research Interests

  • Optical, electronic and magnetic properties of Sr-doped LaCrO3(001) and LaFeO3(001) epitaxial films.
  • Anion doping in complex oxide epitaxial films.
  • Electronic, optical and surface photochemical properties of Ti-doped CrxFe2-xO3(0001) epitaxial films.
  • Enhancing electronic transport properties by novel doping in epitaxial ZnO(0001).

Education and Credentials

  • Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Oregon State University
  • A.B. degree, Chemistry, University of California at San Diego

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member
  • American Physical Society, Member
  • American Vacuum Society, Fellow
  • Materials Research Society, Member
  • Sigma Xi, Member
  • University of Washington: Affiliate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry
  • Member of external advisory boards and international program committees.

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