U.S. Department of Justice

The Growth & Increasing Cost of the Federal Prison System: Drivers and Potential Solutions

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Dec. 26, 2012

Library ID

  • 026812

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  • 2012
  • 8 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The burgeoning costs associated with incarcerating more and more individuals in the United States Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is examined. Topics discussed include: federal prison population growth has multiple impacts; projected population growth; prison being expensive; opportunity costs created by growth; the main drivers are front-end decisions about who goes to prisons and for how long; drug offenders make up half of the federal prison population; supervision violations make up at least 15% of annual admissions; front end changes can most directly contain future growth; back-end changes can help alleviate the pressure; the federal system can learn from the states; and moving forward.

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