The World At Night (TWAN) is an international effort to present stunning nightscape photos and time-lapse videos of the world’s landmarks against celestial attractions. The eternally peaceful night sky looks the same above symbols of all nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories. [More]



TWAN was designated as the first special project of International Year of Astronomy 2009

New Published Images on TWAN

Nightscape of the Winter Nights

Cosmic Motions Gallery

Moon Gallery

Milky Way


Comets Gallery

Eclipces Gallery

Aurora Photos and Videos

Night Sky in Virtual Reality Flash Animations

Starry Nights Against Increasing Lights

The World Heritage Sites Gallery

TWAN on Facebook

TWAN Photos on NASA

TWAN Photos on National Geographic Online News

Astronomers Without Borders Organization



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Photographers' Galleries

Regional Galleries:

The Sky of the Incas

by: Serge Brunier

Licancabur volcano, at the Bolivia-Chile border, is a sacred site of Inca civilization.  

Top Viewed Photos and Videos in 2012
Review the most visited photos and time-lapse videos on TWAN website during the year 2012.

TWAN Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary
The World at Night celebrates the New Year 2013 by looking back at the milestones reached in its first five years, and looking forward to ambitious new programs.

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Doug Zubenel

 About    Gallery

From: USA

For as long as he can remember, he has always seen the outdoors as a skyscape with land below it, rather than a landscape with sky above it.



Website Designer: gigili

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