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Title: The effects of silvicultural thinning and Lymantria dispar L. defoliation on wood volume growth of Quercus spp.

Author: Fajvan, Mary Ann; Gottschalk, Kurt W.

Year: 2012

Publication: American Journal of Plant Sciences. 3: 276-282.

Abstract: Pre- and post-defoliation radial growth rates were used to examine the effects of silvicultural thinning and two consecutive years of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) defoliation on Quercus spp. wood volume production. In the first phase of the study, tree rings from 65 dissected stems, were used to develop polynomial models to estimate annual cumulative volume (m3) increment for the entire merchantable stem, as a function of dbh (tree diameter at 1.37 m above the ground). In Phase II of the study, 81 additional trees were sampled using only increment cores. Cumulative diameter increments from the cores were used in the polynomial models to compare tree volume growth changes during and after defoliation among the thinning treatments. Even though there was no significant difference in estimated volume lost during defoliation among treatments, post-defoliation growth was enhanced by thinning.

Last Modified: 3/22/2012

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