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May 30 – Kansas-Nebraska Act

by Darren Cole on May 30, 2011

  • Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, Page 1 of 3
  • Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, Page 2 of 3
  • Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, Page 3 of 3
Kansas-Nebraska Act

An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, 1854 (ARC ID 1501722); Records of the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee and Its Predecessors, 1805-1988; Record Group 11; General Records of the United States Government; National Archives.

Officially titled "An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas," this act repealed the Missouri Compromise, which had outlawed slavery above the 36° 30’ latitude in the Louisiana territories and reopened the national struggle over slavery in the western territories.

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