Frequently Asked Questions for

Last updated January 12, 2000

(You may also wish to look at the GEOID96 FAQ for additional information).

Why don't the filesizes for the INTG.EXE, INTG, INTD.EXE, and INTD executable files match those given in the README files on the CD-ROM?
The executable files were recompiled after revisions had been made to them. The filesizes for the source code were changed in the README files, but the filesizes for the executables were not updated before the CD-ROM's were pressed. The correct file sizes are given below and are now reflected in the online versions of the README files.

The following is a list of file sizes that are wrong and need fixing in the README file:

  Name             Wrong value in README          Correct value
  INTG.EXE               161,280                     169,472
  INTG                   107,320                     122,388
  INTD.EXE               183,296                     194,048
  INTD                   127,112                     148,012

In simplest terms, what files do I need and how must they be set up to run GEOID99?
To "run" GEOID99, you need the following things:

That's it. The "*.bin" data files may be stored anywhere on your computer, or you may use the files as stored on the GEOID99 CD-ROM. If you are not working with an INTEL or SUN computer, then instructions for setting up a working version of GEOID99 on other computers can be found in the GEOID99 readme file (g1999rme.txt). This answer is applicable to G99SSS (needs one "s1999***.bin" file) and DEFLEC99 (needs one pair of "x1999***.bin" and "e1999***.bin" files).

Are there formal accuracy estimates for GEOID99?
There are no formal accuracy estimates for GEOID99. The computation of the gravimetric residual co-geoid undulations from residual Faye gravity anomalies was done through a 1-D FFT representation of the spherical Stokes integral, which inherently contains no formal accuracy estimation.

However, in the United States we have a fairly homogenous distribution of GPS-derived ellipsoid heights (in the NAD 83 datum) co-located with leveled Helmert orthometric heights (in the NAVD 88 datum) and these data are used to control long wavelength errors in the geoid model as well as providing an accuracy check. It is found, nationwide, that we are able to reproduce GPS/level derived geoid undulations with our GEOID99 model to the +/- 4.6 cm level. The source of this disagreement is both the error in GPS heights as well as geoid and leveling errors. Separation of the errors is difficult, but preliminary analysis indicates that +/- 2.5 cm of that is geoid error.

Dr. Dennis Milbert performed some preliminary Monte Carlo estimates of the geoid error back in 1993 and found that the propogation of anomaly error into geoid error was bowl-shaped, leaving small (sub cm) errors in the center of the country and large (10+ cm) errors in the oceans. This situation has changed somewhat with the inclusion of satellite altimetry, and numerous data and computational improvements since 1993, however.

What's the difference between GEOID96 and GEOID99 (in plain English, please)?
Put simply, GEOID99 is an improved version of GEOID96. There was better data in GEOID99 and better computational methods in GEOID99. That meant, overall, a better geoid model. This is most obviously seen in the comparison of each geoid model to GPS on leveled benchmarks. GEOID96 had an absolute agreement of +/- 5.5 cm (1 sigma) relative to 2951 GPS-BMs. GEOID99 has an absolute agreement of +/- 4.6 cm (1 sigma) relative to 6169 GPS-BMs.

For those who care about technical details, here's a running list of differences between GEOID96 and GEOID99:
Category GEOID96 GEOID99
Year 1996 1999
Base Model
Gravity Measurements 1.6 Million* 2.0 Million*
Altimetry Sandwell/Smith
Version 6.2
(30 arcsecond)
Corrected TOPO30 (30 arcsecond)
and NGSDEM99 (1 arcsecond)
Terrain Corrections
30 arc-second 30 and 3 arc-second
Terrain Corrections
2-D FFT single run 2-D FFT multi-band runs
Global Geopotential Model EGM96 EGM96
Geocentric Reference Frame ITRF94 ITRF97
2 arc-minutes 1 arc-minute
North Edge of
CONUS computation
54 degrees 58 degrees
NAVD 88 bias estimate -31 cm -52 cm
GPS on Benchmarks 2951 6169
Accuracy (1 sigma) wrt
5.5 cm 4.6 cm
* - There were not 400,000 new gravity measurements taken between 1996 and 1999. The reason for this increase is mostly due to expanding the computational area of the CONUS grid.

Are you telling me that POSITIVE WEST LONGITUDES don't work in INTG?
The initial version (1.0) of INTG and INTD was loaded on September 30, 1999. That version only allowed positive East longitudes. Later versions (1.1 and higher) of INTG and INTD do allow positive WEST longitudes.

My copy of INTG (or INTD) doesn't work right. What's up?
The initial version of INTG (and INTD) was version 1.0, loaded on September 30, 1999. There were some bugs and oversights still in that code, particularly with respect to Blue Book formats. Newer versions of INTG (and INTD), have been loaded since then. Try downloading the latest version and see if that helps.

What do the filenames indicate about the type of data they contain?
A typical filename, "tyyyyrnn.fff", would indicate: So, for example, "g1999u01.bin" means "GEOID99 in CONUS, sub-grid #1, in binary"

What is the new format for the data files?
The new file format for any sub-grid file (GEOID99, G99SSS or DEFLEC99 files) is identical: A 44 byte header followed by "nla" rows of data, each row being "nlo" elements long, each element being a 4 byte floating point number. The format chosen is known in FORTRAN lingo as "direct access binary". The exact ordering of the bytes is mapped below:
Bytes    Data    Variab     Variable
         Type    Name       Description
 1- 8    real*8  glamn      Southermost Latitude of grid (decimal degrees)
 9-16    real*8  glomn      Westernmost Longitude of grid (decimal degrees)
17-24    real*8  dla        Latitude spacing of grid (decimal degrees)
25-32    real*8  dlo        Longitude spacing of grid (decimal degrees)
33-36    int*4   nla        Number of rows of grid
37-40    int*4   nlo        Number of columns of grid
41-44    int*4   ikind      Set to "1", meaning the gridded data is "real*4"

45-48    real*4  data(1,1)  Gridded value at element 1,1 (Southwest corner)
. . .
The rest of the file continues as 4 byte real values, filling in first the
south row (data(1,nlo) being the last variable in the south row), and then
proceeding northward.  

The total number of bytes in a "*.bin" file is:
44 + 4*nla*nlo

The actual numbers of rows (nla) and columns (nlo) for each sub-grid is the same within each region but varies between regions:
        REGION                          ROWS  COLUMNS
                                        (nla) (nlo)

    Conterminous United States          1081   1141
    Alaska                               721   1921
    Hawaii                               361    421
    Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands   361    301 

Isn't this different than what you announced in May?
Yes, slightly. In May we anticipated using FORTRAN unformatted binary files. We ended up using FORTRAN direct-access binary files. Because each FORTRAN compiler (we tried 4 of the many available) stores "buffer" bytes differently in a FORTRAN unformatted binary file, that prevented us from creating unformatted binary files with one compiler and letting users use another compiler to read them. All compilers use the same way of storing direct access binary files, so this was clearly the solution. The ordering of the data remains as we announced in May, there just aren't any of the "buffer" bytes that come with a FORTRAN unformatted binary file now.

Why was the file format changed from the old "*.GEO" (and "*.XII" and "*.ETA") format in the first place?
For GEOID96, the header inormation was ASCII data while the gridded data were in binary. This caused failures for some browsers attempting to download those data. Due to these difficulties, a purely binary format was desired.

Will you be releasing GEOID99 in the "*.GEO" format at all?
No. The "*.GEO" format is effectively retired.

On which platforms can I run GEOID99 (G99SSS, DEFLEC96) software?
We have provided working versions of all software for GEOID99, G99SSS and DEFLEC96 for the PC(Intel) platform and the Sun platforms. In addition we provide a third set of data and software, which we call "ASCII", which is not ready-to-run as is, but does allow you to set up your own working version on whatever non-PC non-Sun platform you use. If you wish to run the software on any machine besides a PC or Sun, you should download the ASCII version of the data (and un-gzip it), and compile the XNTG.FOR (or XNTD.FOR) program with your own local FORTRAN compiler. Then you may use the XNTG (or XNTD) executable to convert the "*.asc" data files into "*.bin" files on your machine. After that, you need only compile the INTG.FOR (or INTD.FOR) program and you should have a working version of data and software on your own platform!

Will the new software work with the old (i.e. GEOID96) data files?
Not yet. The new software does not work with .GEO, .XII nor .ETA files. A re-release of GEOID96 with the new .bin format may occur later in 1999. For now, the GEOID96 files still work with the old GEOID.FOR and GEOGRD.FOR programs.

I see you have two different models for the U.S., GEOID99 and G99SSS. Which should I use?
In general, most users should work with GEOID99. It is constructed to relate GPS ellipsoid heights in NAD 83 and orthometric heights in the NAVD 88 datum. These are the datums used in many maps and charts, and it is likely that your application requires that consistency.

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