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USDA RSS Safety Bulletin*


* The USDA RSS Safety Bulletin publications are in Adobe Acrobat format.

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Radiation Safety Program Overview

1 - General Information

1.1 - Introduction
  • USDA Safety and Health Program
  • Purpose of the Handbook
  • Areas Controlled by the Radiation Safety Program
  • Areas Not Controlled by the Radiation Safety Program
  • Scope of Agency Radiation Safety Programs
1.2 - Definitions


2 - USDA Radiation Safety Program

3- Radiation Safety Requirements
3.1 - Radiation Dose Limits and Dosimetry
  • External Radiation Dose Limits
  • Internal Radiation Dose Limits
  • Personnel Dosimetry
3.2 - Security of Radioactive Materials
  • Requirements
  • Reporting of Loss or Theft of Radioactive Materials

3.3 - Radiation Safety Principles

  • General Laboratory Safety
  • Unsealed Radioactive Materials Safety
  • Sealed Source Safety
  • Posting Requirements
3.4 - Emergency Response
  • Unsealed Radioactive Material
  • Moisture/Density Gauges
  • Electron Capture Detectors
  • Self-Shielded Irradiatiors
3.5 - Instrumentation
  • Portable Survey Meters
  • Laboratory Counting Equipment
  • Instrument Characteristics
3.6 - Radionuclide Characteristics
4- Radiation Source Permit Information
4.1 - Obtaining a Permit to Use Radiation Sources
  • When a Permit is Required
  • Categories of Permits
  • How to Apply for a Permit
  • Submitting Permit Applications
4.2 - Training Requirements
  • Moisture/Density Gauges
  • Electron Capture Detectors
  • Self-Shielded Irradiators
  • X-ray Producing Equipment
  • Ancillary Personnel
4.3 - Requirements for Permit Holders
  • General
  • When a Permit Amendment is Required
  • Record-Keeping Responsibilities
  • Radiation Monitoring Requirements
  • Personnel Dosimetry Requirements
  • Inventory of Radiation Sources
  • Radioactive Waste Management
4.4 - Terminating Permits
  • Notifying the Radiation Safety Staff
  • Transfer/Disposal of Radiation Sources
  • Transfer of Detection and Counting Equipment
  • Deleting Personnel Dosimetry Accounts
  • Close-out Survey Requirements
5- Guidance Documents
5.1 Permit Conditions 5.2 Technical Bulletins
6- References
6.1 General References
  • USDA Departmental Regulations
  • Agency Policies
  • Federal Regulations
  • Federal Guidance Documents
  • General Guidance Documents
  • X-ray Safety Documents
6.2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documents

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