Policy Memorandum #68

Installation Management Community Campaign Plan (IMCP) Humphreys Garrison Execution Plan (H-GEP)

IMHM-PI                                                                                                   1 August 2012  


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #68, Installation Management Community Campaign Plan (IMCP) Humphreys Garrison Execution Plan (H-GEP)

1. Proponent for this policy is the Plans, Analysis, Integration and Transformation Office (PAIO-T).

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 a. Installation Management Community Campaign Plan (IMCP), v2, Oct 10.

 b. USAG Humphreys Garrison Board of Directors (GBOD) Charter, Apr 09.

4. Applicability.  This policy applies to all US Army Soldiers and Civilian personnel assigned to USAG Humphreys and Area III as permanent party. 

5. Purpose.  To establish policies, procedures, assign responsibilities, and provide garrison level guidance for the successful franchise level execution of the IMCP for all US Army Soldiers and Civilian employees assigned to USAG Humphreys and Area III installations.

6. General.  The IMCP contains the IMCOM strategy relying on six Lines of Effort (LOE) containing core objectives and specific Keys to Success (KTS) which USAG Humphreys will utilize.  The six LOEs have been assigned to key Directorates and Offices within the garrison and are aligned throughout IMCOM garrisons.  USAG Humphreys will use a single H-GEP seated in a tactical “franchise” approach.  This will ensure that the IMCP and Senior Commander’s priorities continually serve as the foundation which guides the garrison.  The H-GEP will be revised as new versions of the IMCP are published, when priorities and commanders’ intent change, or additional guidance is received.

7. Responsibilities.

 a. The GBOD serves as the primary strategic governance body for garrison management.  It will provide the single tool that we will use to fully leverage USAG-H business management capabilities and resources throughout the garrison enterprise in support of the IMCP to achieve Army, IMCOM, and Garrison Strategic Objectives.

 b. All Directors and Office Chiefs are tasked to serve as active members of the GBOD and will ensure that all required actions and procedures are executed IAW the GBOD Charter.  The board will participate in the development, evaluation, and refinement of the H-GEP.  The GBOD is accountable for the Performance Management Review (PMR) process.

 c. The PAIO-T has the primary responsibility to plan, coordinate, and facilitate the IMCP H-GEP within USAG Humphreys and Area III and is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for the PMR OPORD.

 d. USAG-H directorates and offices are responsible for LOE/KTS integration as specified in Enclosure 1 (USAG-H GEP Responsibilities).

8. PMR Process.  The PAIO-T will execute monthly PMRs as part of the GBOD process to facilitate decision making and drive KTS Action Plan development and Six Sigma Just-Do-It (JDI) projects.  All Directors and Office Chiefs will participate in the PMR process IAW the GBOD Charter and as specified in the PMR OPORD.

9. Point of contact for this policy is the Plans, Analysis, Integration and Transformation Office at DSN 754-3886 or DSN 754-6105.


                                                                        DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                        COL, SF

A & B

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