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2012 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology

Experimental - Gerhard Meyer, Leo Gross, and Jascha Repp
Theory - David Soloveichik
Student - David Walker

The 2013 Foresight Technical Conference: Illuminating Atomic Precision

January 11-13, 2013, Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel, Palo Alto, CA

For conference information  Conference report

Atomic Scale Devices Moleular Machines & Non-Equilibrium Processes Self Organizing & Adaptive Systems Commercial Scale Devices Computation & Molecular Nanotechnologies

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Deadline: January 31, 2013

With contributions like yours, Foresight will be able to advance beneficial nanotechnology through our publications, prizes, and Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. We will continue to be a growing force enabling businesses, scientists, technologists, policy makers, investors, and individuals to be informed about how nanotechnology can contribute to a better future.

Thanks to a generous $30,000 Challenge Grant, every contribution you make to Foresight is matched dollar-for-dollar to that amount. Donations and memberships sent by December 31 qualify as 2012 tax deductions. For extra tax savings, donate appreciated stock.

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Nanotech Think Tank Honors Top Researchers

Richard P. Feynman

The Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank based in Palo Alto, has announced the winners of the prestigious 2012 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology.

The winner of the 2012 Feynman Prize for Experiment is the team of Gerhard Meyer, Leo Gross, and Jascha Repp for their work at IBM Research in Zurich (Dr. Repp is now at Regensburg University). The winner of the 2012 Feynman Prize for Theory is David Soloveichik of University of California, San Francisco, for his general theory of DNA displacement cascades.
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The Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank based in Palo Alto, has announced the winners of the prestigious 2011 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology.

The winner of the 2011 Feynman Prize for Experimental work is Leonhard Grill (Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Research School, Germany). The winner of the 2011 Feynman Prize for Theory is Raymond Astumian (University of Maine, USA).
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Distinguished Student Award

The Foresight Institute is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2012 Distinguished Student Award is David Walker, a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
For more information …

Foresight Institute: promoting transformative technologies

Foresight Institute is a leading think tank and public interest organization focused on transformative future technologies. Founded in 1986, its mission is to discover and promote the upsides, and help avoid the dangers, of nanotechnology, AI, biotech, and similar life-changing developments.

Foresight is the primary force pushing for the kind of nanotechnology that will truly transform our future, from medicine to the environment to space settlement. We bring that vision and goal to new audiences, including inspiring young researchers.

Foresight's mission is to:

  • speed development of nanotechnology and other key fundamental technologies,
  • promote beneficial uses of these revolutionary technologies, and
  • reduce misuse and accidents potentially associated with them.


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