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ONLINE ACCESS:   https://cindasdata.com/Applications/ { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 
Title   LinkCINDAS materials properties databases [electronic resource].
Published   Purdue, Ind. : CINDAS LLC.
Summary   Includes five databases, providing critically evaluated materials properties databases for thermal, mechanical, electrical, physical and other properties of various materials including aerospace alloys.
Terms Gov. Use   Copyright CINDAS LLC.
Subject   LinkMatter -- Properties -- Databases
  LinkMaterials -- Thermal properties -- Databases
  LinkMetals -- Physical properties -- Databases
Other Author   LinkPurdue University. Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis
Add.Title   LinkAerospace structural metals database (ASMD)
  LinkDamage Tolerant Design Handbook (DTDH)
  LinkMicroelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD)
  LinkStructural Alloys Handbook (SAH)
  LinkThermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD)
Format   Online resource
Record Number   001373296

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