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ONLINE ACCESS:   http://www.iza-structure.org/databases/ 
Title   LinkDatabase of zeolite structures [electronic resource].
Published   Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association.
Summary   This database provides structural information on all zeolite structure types. This includes crystallographic data and drawings for all zeolite framework types, simulated powder patterns for representative materials and relevant references. It incorporates the Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types, Collection of Simulated XRD Powder Patterns for Zeolites, Catalog of Disordered Zeolite Structures, and Zeolite Structure References.
Subject   LinkZeolites -- Databases
Other Author   LinkInternational Zeolite Association. Structure Commission
Add.Title   LinkAtlas of zeolite framework types
  LinkCollection of simulated XRD powder patterns for zeolites
  LinkSchemes for building zeolite framework models
  LinkHypothetical zeolites
  LinkZeolite structure references
  LinkCatalog of disordered zeolite structures
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000378052

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