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HPC Workshop Reports

  Petascale Systems Integration into Large Scale Facilities Workshop

Download File: PetascaleFinalDraft.doc | doc | 216 KB

This workshop was the first given in the HPC Best Practices Workshop Series. Held in San Francisco, May 15-16 2007, the workshop looked at the challenges and opportunities that come with Petascale systems deployment. Participants identified challenges; searched for the best practices; shared experiences and defined lessons learned. Furthermore, the workshop assessed the effectiveness of tools and techniques that are or could be helpful in petascale deployments, and determined potentially beneficial tools areas for research and development. The workshop also addressed methods to ensure systems continue to operate at the same or better levels after deployment. Finally, the workshop was designed to foster a network of experts who are able to share information on an on-going basis as petascale systems come on line.

  Risk Management Techniques and Practice Workshop for High-Performance Computing Centers

Download File: 081217RMTAPreport.pdf | pdf | 398 KB

This is the second workshop of the HPC Best Practices Workshop Series, held September 17-18, 2009 in San Francisco. The fundamental purpose of this workshop was designed to go beyond risk management processes as such and learn how to weave effective risk management practices, techniques, and methods into all aspects of migrating HPCCs into the next generation of leadership computing systems.

  HPSS in the Extreme Scale Era (2018-2022): Report of the Extreme Scale Workshop

Download File: HPSSExtremeScaleFINALpublic.pdf | pdf | 1.6 MB

This paper, from a workshop held at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Facility in Oakland, CA, on July 14-15, 2009, is a report on the feasibility of using HPSS into the Extreme Scale era of storage (2018 - 2022).

Workshop Participants:
Danny Cook, LANL; Jason Hick, LBNL (chair); Jim Minton, LLNL; Henry Newman, Instrumental; Timothy Preston, SNL; Gary Rich, LANL; Cody Scott, LANL; Jerry Shoopman, LLNL; John Noe, SNL; Jack O’Connell, ANL; Galen Shipman, ORNL; Dick Watson, LLNL (co-chair); Vicky White, ORNL.

  The 3rd Workshop on HPC Best Practices:HPC Center Software Lifecycles

Download File: 3HPCBPWSReportfinal.pdf | pdf | 1.2 MB

The third in a series of HPC Best Practices workshops, this event was held September 28-29, 2009. Its purpose was to identify best practices for creating and maintaining reliable and sustainable software for use at HPC centers. The workshop brought together HPC library, tool and system experts to examine issues related to facilitating collaborative progress, as well as managers who face budgetary constraints in prioritizing the most effective ways to support the most useful software for their users and center operations. This includes processes, standards, and policies throughout software lifecycles – from origin to long-term pervasive use.

  The 4th Workshop on HPC Best Practices: Power Management

Download File: PMBPreport110322.pdf | pdf | 520 KB

This, the fourth workshop in the HPC Best Practices Workshop Series, was held September 28-29, 2010, in San Francisco. This workshop addressed the current practices and issues related to controlling and reducing power required by facilities and systems. An important question that this workshop explored was whether the power challenges can be met by evolving current practices, facilities and systems, or if major new efforts must be undertaken now to prepare for the systems expected later in the decade.