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The Naval War College Review was established in 1948 and is a forum for discussion of public policy matters of interest to the maritime services. The forthright and candid views of the authors are presented for the professional education of the readers. Articles published are related to the academic and professional activities of the Naval War College. They are drawn from a wide variety of sources in order to inform, stimulate, and challenge readers, and to serve as a catalyst for new ideas. Articles are selected primarily on the basis of their intellectual and literary merits, timeliness, and usefulness and interest to a wide readership. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the U.S. Navy Department or the Naval War College.

The Secretary of the Navy has determined that this publication is necessary in the transaction of business required by law of the Department of the Navy. Funds for printing the print version of this publication have been approved by the Navy Publications and Printing Policy Committee.


Editorial Board

Donald Chisholm

Audrey Kurth Cronin

Peter Dombrowski

Stephen Downes-Martin

Theodore L. Gatchel
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, (Retired)

James R. Holmes

Dennis Mandsager
Judge Advocate General's Corps
Captain, U.S. Navy, (Retired)

William C. Martel

Mackubin Owens
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, (Retired)

Derek S. Reveron
Commander, U.S. Navy

Peter M. Swartz
Captain, U.S. Navy, (Retired)

David Teska
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve

Scott C. Truver

James J. Wirtz



Please request the standard contributors' guidance from the managing editor or access it online before submitting manuscripts. The Naval War College Review neither offers nor makes compensation for articles or book reviews, and it assumes no responsibility for the return of manuscripts, although every effort is made to return those not accepted. In submitting work, the sender warrants that it is original, that it is the sender's property, and that neither it nor a similar work by the sender has been accepted or is under consideration elsewhere.



Reproduction and reprinting are subject to the Copyright Act of 1976 and applicable treaties of the United States. To obtain permission to reproduce material bearing a copyright notice, or to reproduce any material for commercial purposes, contact the editor for each use. Material not bearing a copyright notice may be freely reproduced for academic or other noncommercial use; however, it is requested that the author and Naval War College Review be credited and that the editor be informed.