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Directive # 9 - Maintenance and Support

1. Introduction


This directive provides guidance to organizations that maintain endorsed FGDC standards throughout the life cycle of the standard.

2. Definitions

2.1. Change Process
This process entails releasing a newly edited version of FGDC standards for major additions, technical issues, and differences in content and form.

2.2. Editorial Changes
These changes, as an example, identify typographical errors, misspellings, or improper sentence structure and similar problems, to mention a few.

2.3. FGDC Standards 
Standards that have been developed and approved through the FGDC/NSDI Standard Development Process (refer to Directive #1, FGDC Standards Approval Process).

2.4. General Changes
These changes normally address larger areas of the standard being reviewed.   These changes include correction of systematic errors and structural errors in the standard.  More substantial changes, as determined by the Maintenance Authority, will be considered technical.  

2.5. Maintenance Authority 
An organization that maintains assigned standards. This organization shall be a permanent member of the Standards Working Group, dedicated and committed to the requirements outlined in this directive. This organization shall be a permanent entity with long-term stability, and not a committee, working group, or task force.

2.6. Maintenance 
 Process for tracking problems, comments, and their resolution and producing publishable change pages/revisions for all standards using the procedures in this directive.

2.7. Reissue Process 
This process entails reprinting a FGDC standard, and releasing it without changing its original form or content.

2.8. Revision Process
This process entails releasing a newly edited version of a FGDC standard for only minor editorial, general, and/or clarification purposes.

2.9.  Technical Changes
These changes affect the technical accuracy of the document.

2.10. Version of a FGDC Standard
A particular form or variant of an earlier or original standard.

3. Maintenance of FGDC Standards

After a FGDC standard has been endorsed, the Maintenance Authority shall evaluate the standard at least every five years by initiating the process to reissue, revise, change or withdraw FGDC standards.

3.1.  Reissue  Process
If there are no modifications that need to be made to a FGDC standard during the evaluation period, then the Maintenance Authority shall reprint the standard with an updated version number.  

3.2. Revision Process
In the case that only editorial or general changes need to be made, then the Maintenance Authority shall initiate the revision process. The Maintenance Authority shall make editorial and/or general changes to the standard, and may make these changes by releasing a change page or by releasing the entire standard (as defined in section 4). The released copy shall comply with the regulations for Directive #6, Formatting FGDC Standards Documents.   Furthermore, the updated copy shall be marked with the type of modification (e.g. “Revision”).  

The Maintenance Authority shall document editorial and general changes using the Review Comment Template (as defined in Directive #2d, SWG Review Guidelines: Review Comment Template), and shall submit the Review Comment Template to the FGDC standards coordinator for documentation purposes.  

3.3. Change Process
In the case that technical changes need to be made, then the FGDC standard shall undergo the FGDC Standards Process (as described in Directive #1).  The Maintenance Authority may make these changes by releasing a change page or the releasing the entire standard, which shall comply with the regulations for Directive #6.  Furthermore, the updated copy shall be marked with the type of modification (e.g. “Change”).

The Maintenance Authority shall document technical changes using the Review Comment Template (as defined in Directive #2d), and shall submit the Review Comment Template to the FGDC standards coordinator for documentation purposes.    

3.4.  Withdrawal Process

Requests to withdraw a FGDC standard shall be sent with justification (superceded, replaced) to the Maintenance Authority. The Maintenance Authority shall evaluate the request and recommend withdrawal of a standard to the FGDC Standards Coordinator.  To ensure the participation of all parties affected by the withdrawal of the standard, the FGDC Standards Coordinator shall release a proposal to withdraw the standard for a public comment period of ninety days.  

3.4.1  If the Maintenance Authority, the requester of the withdrawal, and the parties affected by the standard agree with the proposed withdrawal, then the standard shall be withdrawn.

3.4.2  If all affected parties are not in accordance with the proposed withdrawal, then the issue shall be passed to the Standards Working Group, and the Coordination Group shall make the ultimate decision.
4.  Release Standard

The Maintenance Authority may release a change page or release the entire standard when making a revision or change.  

4.1 Release Standard
If substantial changes need to be made to a standard, then the Maintenance Authority shall resubmit the standard to FGDC Standards Process (as described in Directive #1) and release the standard after FGDC endorsement.

4.2 Release Change Pages
In many cases, it is not necessary to release the entire standard. An alternative would be to release change pages that show where an insertion, deletion, or editing change has been made to a standard.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Maintenance Authority Responsibilities 

To initiate the review of FDGC standards at least once every five years after endorsement, which includes initiating the Year 2000 Compliance review.

To reissue, revise, change, and withdraw FGDC standards based on approved changes.

To maintain a log of issues associated with FDGC standards, and respond to any problems or errors associated with the standard by routing the problem to the appropriate point of contact. 

To work closely with the FDGC coordinator to maintain a log of all issues and changes to FDGC standards. 

To notify all affected parties when FGDC standards are being considered for reissue, revision, and withdrawal and when the FGDC standards are finally reissued, revised, and withdrawn.

To assist users with the implementation strategies, including user guides, training, public relations, workshops, etc.

5.2 FGDC Standards Support Responsibilities:

5.2.1 To serve as a proponent or advocate for all FGDC standards, the FGDC Standards Reference Model, and associated directives. 

5.2.2 To work closely with the Maintenance Authority to maintain a log of all issues and changes associated with an FDGC standard.

5.2.3 To maintain the latest version of the standard, as well as an updated log of changes, on the FGDC website.


Last Updated: Feb 08, 2013 03:57 PM
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