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Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

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*UPDATE* Camp Pendleton to conduct drills as part of annual security exercise

By Public Affaris | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | February 26, 2013

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News Brief (Photo by Public Affairs Office, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton)

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CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- All Camp Pendleton area commands are scheduled to execute their barrier plans Feb. 27 as part of an annual security exercise. Traffic disruptions at the gates may occur during this time. Traffic should resume normal patterns by 6:00 a.m. Feb. 28.

Camp Pendleton will be participating in Exercise Citadel Shield 2013 from Monday to Friday. Citadel Shield is an annual security exercise conducted by Navy and Marine Corps bases nationwide where commanders and key staff rehearse responses to simulated security incidents. 

All base businesses are expected to be open and to conduct normal operations throughout the excersice to include schools, mess halls and MCCS facilities.
Citadel Shield 2013 is not in response to any specific threat but is a regularly scheduled exercise.

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