All posts tagged Counterinsurgency

February 4, 2013, No comments

There are official studies, analyses, assessments, programs and working groups that aim to bring unity of effort of irregular warfare activities within the Department of Defense.  With respect to the …

4-82 in Zharay

Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Center Webcast 8 Jan, COIN Strategy, Theory and Practice by 4th BCT/82d Airborne Division

January 14, 2013, No comments

AIWFC hosted COL Brian Mennes, currently assigned as a War College Fellow with the Institute of World Politics. He commanded 4th Airborne Brigade Comb ...

2-4HBCT in Kandahar

Army IW Fusion Center Webcast, Nesting With Your Afghan Partners

December 3, 2012, No comments

AIWFC hosted LTC Ben Eiser for a public webcast on 26 November. LTC Eiser discussed his experiences while deployed to Afghanistan this year as the Sen ...

Operation Tofan 2

Interview with Commander, Task Force Duke, COL Chris Toner

July 10, 2012, No comments

The Counterinsurgency Center recently interviewed COL Chris Toner upon the return of his brigade from Afghanistan.  COL Toner commanded 3rd Infantry ...

  • Dr Marks Pic, MAR12
    Dr. Tom Marks – “Insurgency 2012”
    March 14, 2012, No comments

    The Counterinsurgency Center hosted Dr. Tom Marks for a brownbag webcast 7 March in which he explained how modern insurgents can and do gain significant leverage over established governments through ...

  • COIN Logo small png
    FM3-24 Revision Webcast #3
    February 24, 2012, No comments

    LTC John Paganini, Director of the Counterinsurgency Center hosted a public webcast on the revision of FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency, 16 Feb 2012.  This was the third webcast on this subject ...