Marines Blog

The Official Blog of the United States Marine Corps

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2011 Year in Photos

The Marine Corps continued to make its impact on history in 2011.

The Corps extended its reach to the Pacific with humanitarian missions and news of future deployments to Australia; conducted Fleet Weeks in New York and California; supported the community with Marine Week St. Louis; and made its way into the Hollywood buzz with several celebrities attending Marine Corps birthday balls across the nation.

The Corps welcomed in a new sergeant major of the Marine Corps and shed tears for the 25 Marines from 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, the ‘Dark Horse Battalion’, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost more men than any other Marine unit in Afghanistan in support of operations there.

Sgt. Dakota Meyer made his mark in history when he became the first living Marine to receive the Medal of Honor for heroic actions during the Global War on Terror. The Corps made a significant step in removing all deployed units in Iraq while continuing to support the Afghan security forces in Afghanistan.

Although the year has come to a close, we take a moment to look back on the moments that capture the significance of 2011 and the Marine Corps. Click on each month’s cover photo to relive 2011 through its best imagery.

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  • Robert Monoson

    Candace – It’s because the press is vastly left/liberal and they honestly cannot stand the Marines, or the military in general. They truly believe that their freedom is a given right, and that it just “happens”. They don’t get it through their thick skulls that it’s the hard work and grit of the patriots who VOLUNTARILY join the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Freedom comes with a price, one that comes without coercing to join our forces, but of course it does not come without significant selfless sacrifice. If every 18-year-old(+) able-bodied American actually took the time to SERVE their country, this land would be in a much different place and our culture would be in a much more unified and supported condition, and I’d guarantee a better place to live. The reality is that American’s are divided between those who are incredibly lazy and greedy, compared to those who serve or support their country by contributing to society and not “depending” on society. That is the truth, people don’t like to hear it, but it is what it is. If they don’t know any better, than how are they to know that they are wrong?

    I am fed up just the same, and just know that a revolution is coming; true American’s are going to have to stand up to make a choice.

    Save this country, or die trying.

    Right now, our Constitution is being attacked and the left/liberal media is blindly supporting this because our children are easily convinced due to their poor education and they don’t know any better but to support the “popular rock-star/idol” vote.

    Folks, we allowed this to happen.  As the children and our children’s children drool in their own demise, the future will be up to us to right this course. Protect the U.S. Constitution at all costs, protect and secure our borders, and stop financing economies of foreign countries, right the wrong that caused millions of homeowners to lose the values in their homes by wiping the slate clean or adjusting the mortgage to current market value to pump real money from hard working American’s back into the economy.  It really is that that simple, of course, if the design was not to be socialistic.

    FYI – These photos are outstanding and make me proud to be a Marine.  No one can ever take that from me or any other Marine who has served honorably.  God speed. Semper Fi – Do or Die.

  • Webb Bryan

    These pics bring back lots of memories. Semper fi

  • Tombstone Admirer

    Mr September has got to be the sexiest pilot in the Marine Corps.

  • Chesty

    uncommon valor…a common Marine virtue…Semper Fi

  • Christinar27

    I hope that all the Men and Women come home safe. And I’m Proud of what they do.

  • Mjuaji A. Smith

    Semper Fi Marines!! Do or Die!!

  • Mjuaji A. Smith

    Happy 2012 Marines!! I look forward to the calender!!Semper Fidelis Marines!!!

  • Candice Grasser

    Why does the press have to focus on one inappropriate
    picture of marines urinating instead of all of the people and property the USMC
    has saved?

  • Drew

    Wheres the calender? Go marines! can’t wait till I head to parris island!

  • Rockee67

    I love these images they are all PRICELESS. Thank you for sharing them for everyone to see.