The Bradford E. Brown Student Internship Program


The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) named its student intern program after Dr. Bradford Brown, a retired NOAA Fisheries scientist who was a leader in recruiting young people into fishery science.

NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center

The NEFSC conducts directed fisheries research to conserve and manage living marine resources and their environment. Research topics include population biology and dynamics, resource assessment and environmental surveys, taxonomy, physical and biological oceanography, social sciences, data management, larval fish/plankton ecology, large marine ecosystems, aquaculture, biotechnology, remote sensing, protected species and apex predators.

NEFSC has proposed that summer employment opportunities be made available during May - September 2013. Pending available funding, a limited number of summer positions will be offered throughout our laboratories which are located in Woods Hole MA, Narragansett RI, Milford CT, Highlands NJ, Washington DC, and Orono ME. Check out the 2013 Summer Employment Opportunities List, and be sure to read the information and requirements for applicants.
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(File Modified Feb. 13 2013)