Day 67: President turns attention, resources to natural disaster

flooding in North Dakota

“Even as we face an economic crisis which demands our constant focus, forces of nature can also intervene in ways that create other crises to which we must respond, and respond urgently,” President Obama said March 28 in his weekly video address.

The president was speaking about major floods in North Dakota and Minnesota. Rising river levels have damaged homes and buildings in several towns.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is coordinating the federal government’s assistance, Obama said. “But we are also reminded of the power of individuals to make a difference,” in disasters like this, the president said.

Thousands of volunteers, including many college students on spring break, have come to help those impacted by the floods. “Their service isn’t just inspirational – it’s integral to our response,” Obama said.

“It’s also a reminder of what we can achieve when Americans come together to serve their communities.”

A video of the president’s address is available on the White House Web site.

2 thoughts on “Day 67: President turns attention, resources to natural disaster

  1. I hope that this event/disaster will open our eyes that we need to take care of our environment.

    I am glad that people respond well in time of crisis, this is the time that a simple gesture of hope is very much needed.