All posts tagged VSO/ALP

AfPak Hands
December 21, 2012, No comments

AIWFC conducted a webcast on 17 December presented by Major Fernando Lujan, currently assigned as a Visiting Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) with a focus …


Guest Blog — Afghan Local Police-An Afghan Solution To An Afghan Problem, by Don Rector

January 4, 2012, No comments

A frequent question that arises in regard to Afghanistan is, “What are we doing that is successful?” Village Stability Operations (VSO) and t ...

Tour of the Village of Tabin

Counterinsurgency Center WEBCAST, Village Stability Operations (VSO) /Afghan Local Police (ALP)

October 17, 2011, No comments

The US Army Counterinsurgency Center hosted LTC Scott Mann, a Special Forces Officer assigned to US Special Operations Command, J3.  LTC Mann has thr ...