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Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity
Initial Check

Course: WB 1107
CE Original Date: September 24, 2007
CE Renewal Date: September 24, 2010
CE Expiration Date: September 24, 2012
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This Initial Check will help you assess your current knowledge about nitrate/nitrite toxicity. To take the initial check, read the case below, and then answer the questions that follow.

Case Study

A 2‑month‑old infant is vomiting and has diarrhea, tachypnea, and cyanosis.

A two-month-old female infant is brought to your clinic in a rural area for a routine well-baby checkup. According to the child's chart, she was delivered two weeks early because of maternal toxemia. There was no neonatal distress; her birth weight was 7 pounds and 2 ounces.

Today, the mother states that she has noticed an intermittent bluish discoloration of the baby's lips, tip of the nose, and ears. Physical examination of the infant is negative for cardiac murmurs and abnormalities on lung auscultation. You note a below‑average weight gain. Feedings consist of 4 ounces of diluted formula every two hours. The infant has occasional loose stools. You instruct the parents to increase caloric feedings, which should include vitamin and mineral supplements. You tell the parents to call you immediately if any further episodes of the bluish discoloration occur.

Approximately three weeks later, the baby's frantic parents call your office; the infant is crying incessantly and has vomiting and profuse diarrhea.

Vital Signs

When the baby is brought to your clinic a few minutes later, she is afebrile but has tachypnea, central cyanosis, and drowsiness. You note her vital signs as follows

  • blood pressure (BP) = 78/30 mm Hg (normal 50th percentile for her age is 80/46 mm Hg)
  • heart rate = 140 beats/minute
  • respiration = 40 breaths/minute

Additional Information

An ambulance is summoned and 100% oxygen is administered by face mask. No improvement in the cyanosis is noted on her arrival at the hospital emergency department.

Emergency Treatment

The examining emergency physician now notes a grade II/VI systolic murmur and central cyanosis, which has not improved despite administration of 100% oxygen for nearly 1 hour. The infant shows no evidence of cardiac failure, atelectasis, pneumonitis, or pneumothorax. Treatment with methylene blue is started, which results in a dramatic resolution of the cyanosis. The infant is discharged on the second hospital day with no evidence of central nervous system hypoxic damage.

Initial Check

  1. What is the most likely cause of this infant's cyanosis?
  2. What laboratory tests, either obtained during the hospitalization or ordered subsequently, would help confirm the diagnosis?
  3. What steps, if any, can be taken to prevent a recurrence of cyanosis and distress in this infant?
  4. What questions will you ask the parents of the infant in the case study to help determine the cause of the cyanosis?
  5. If well water used to dilute formula is implicated in the cyanosis, what are some possible causes of its nitrate contamination?
  6. What recommendations can you make to the infant's family in the case study to prevent further cyanotic episodes?
  7. What factors make infants younger than 4 months of age more susceptible to developing methemoglobinemia when exposed to nitrates?
  8. What laboratory tests are useful for screening a patient with suspected methemoglobinemia?
  9. Why might some patients with methemoglobinemia not respond to treatment with methylene blue?
  10. What options are available to treat significant methemoglobinemia in a patient who has glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency?

Initial Check Answers

  1. In an infant with no known cardiopulmonary disease, cyanosis that is unresponsive to oxygen therapy is most likely due to methemoglobinemia. Carboxyhemoglobinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia should also be considered.

    The information for this answer comes from section How should patients exposed to nitrates or nitrites be evaluated?

  2. The clinical and laboratory tests that should be interpreted in diagnosing methemoglobinemia are
    • blood color,
    • methemoglobin (MHg) levels and total hemoglobin, and
    • arterial blood gases.

    When a drop of blood is placed on filter paper, the chocolate brown appearance of blood does not change with time because MHg does not change when it comes in contact with atmospheric oxygen. Deoxyhemoglobin appears dark red or violet initially, but it brightens after exposure to atmospheric oxygen. The level of MHg in the blood can be measured and should be interpreted in light of the total hemoglobin. Analysis of arterial blood gases will reveal normal or slightly low partial pressure of oxygen with falsely elevated oxygen saturation values. Pulse oximetry results will be inaccurate; they will show a constant oxygen saturation close to 85%. Co-oximetry may be used to directly measure oxygen saturation, rather than the "calculated" level on arterial blood gases.

    The information for this answer comes from section What laboratory tests can assist with diagnosis of nitrate/nitrite toxicity?

  3. The initial step in preventing a recurrence of the infant's cyanosis and distress is to identify the cause of the cyanosis. The next step is to correct or eliminate the cause. If the infant is suffering from acquired methemoglobinemia, the agent must be identified and removed from the infant's environment. In the case of infantile acquired methemoglobinemia, well water used to prepare formula should be tested for the presence of nitrates. Ingestion of nitrate‑containing water is a common cause of methemoglobinemia in infants, especially those living in rural areas.

    The information for this answer comes from section Who Is At Risk?

  4. Questions that may help define the cause of the cyanosis include
    • Where is the home located?
    • What activities have been occurring around the home?
    • What type of sewer system connects to the home?
    • What are family members' occupations, avocations, and hobbies?
    • What is the source of the family's drinking water and how is it supplied?

    Information to gather from families with infants includes

    • the type of formula, feeding regimen, and source of dilution water;
    • the infant's history of recent gastroenteritis; and
    • family history, including recent use of all medications by both infant and mother.

    For information on taking a complete exposure history, see Case Studies in Environmental Medicine: Taking an Exposure History (1).

    The information for this answer comes from section How should patients exposed to nitrates or nitrites be evaluated?

  5. Causes of high nitrate concentrations in well water include runoff from the use of nitrogen‑containing agricultural fertilizers (including anhydrous ammonia) and seepage of organic nitrogen-containing material from animal wastes or septic sewer systems.

    The information for this answer comes from section What are Nitrates/Nitrites?

  6. The well water should be tested for nitrate concentration and the presence of coliform bacteria. The family can contact the local health department to perform these tests. It is most important to identify the source of the methemoglobin-inducing agent and to preclude any further exposure. If nitrate-contaminated well water is the source, you should recommend using bottled water or an alternative water source other than the contaminated well to dilute formula.

    The information for this answer comes from section Who Is At Risk?

  7. Infants younger than 4 months of age are more susceptible to developing methemoglobinemia because the pH of their gut is normally higher than in older children and adults. The higher pH enhances the conversion of ingested nitrate to the more potent nitrite. The bacterial flora of a young infant's gut is also different from that found in older children and adults and might be more likely to convert ingested nitrate to nitrite. Gastroenteritis can increase in vivo transformation of nitrate to nitrite and systemic absorption of nitrite from the large intestine.

    A large proportion of hemoglobin in young infants is in the form of fetal hemoglobin. Fetal hemoglobin is more readily oxidized to methemoglobin (MHg) by nitrites than is adult hemoglobin. In addition, in infants, NADH-dependent methemoglobin reductase, the enzyme responsible for reduction of induced MHg back to normal hemoglobin, has only about half the activity it has in adults.

    The information for this answer comes from section Who Is At Risk?

  8. Laboratory tests useful for screening a patient with suspected methemoglobinemia include
    • examination of blood color with bedside “filter paper,”
    • arterial blood gases (ABGs) with co-oximetry,
    • MHg level,
    • complete blood counts (CBC) with peripheral blood smear,
    • serum-free hemoglobin, and
    • serum haptoglobin.

    The information for this answer comes from section What laboratory tests can assist with diagnosis of nitrate/nitrite toxicity?

  9. The most common cause of a poor response to methylene blue treatment is unrecognized G6PD deficiency.

    The information for this answer comes from section How Should Patients Exposed to Nitrates/Nitrites Be Treated and Managed?

  10. Treatment options for patients with G6PD deficiency might include exchange transfusion and/or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

    The information for this answer comes from section How Should Patients Exposed to Nitrates/Nitrites Be Treated and Managed?

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Contact CDC: 800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348

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